标签归档 南京夜生活桑拿论坛

Lin Qingxia’s biography recounts three relationships. She once fell in love with Qin and Han Dynasties but denied committing suicide

  Stills of Lin Qingxia in "Outside the Window". (Data map)

  This biography of Qingxia was written by a Japanese film critic, Akiko Tieya, who spent nearly a decade following her and her close friends. Qingxia took a stills photo of "Outside the Window" at the age of 17 as the cover. Her stunning beauty made her the best actress in Qiong Yao’s pen. She filmed "I am a cloud" with Qin Han and Qin Xianglin. Both in and out of the play are triangles. Qingxia and Qin Han fell in love for 20 years, and finally because Qin Han was married, the two could not be together. In 1979, she fled the United States due to her bitter love and frustration. It was rumored that she took an overdose of sleeping pills in the hotel where she stayed. Qingxia said: "There is no such thing. It is true that she was very depressed and depressed at that time, but she did not think about suicide. She just wanted a good night’s sleep. But those days were very painful, very painful! "

  Talking about cosmetic surgery, I am most afraid of surgery

  As for Qin and Han, Qingxia does not explicitly mention the name in the book, but only "we" instead; while Qin Xianglin, who was engaged to her for four years and eventually broke up, still admires the other party’s humor. As for her current husband, Xing Huoyuan, she said: "It is fate for me to meet the right person at the right time and at the right age. We can say that when one person is attentive, we can make both of us happy." She was once described by Jackie Chan as "a leopard trapped in a cage". She loved to explore when she was young and found happiness after marriage, just like a leopard out of a cage. Mentioning the most regrettable thing, she said that when she won the Golden Horse Queen with "Rolling Red Dust", she was very sorry that she did not bring the writer Sanmao to the stage together, because Sanmao committed suicide soon after.

  Qingxia rarely talks about plastic surgery rumors, indicating that she will never have plastic surgery. Zhang Shuping also speaks for her, pointing out that Qingxia is most afraid of surgery, and even wears the ear hole after marriage. She also supports Qingxia’s figure when she collaborates on "Love to Kill". However, Qingxia did not respond to the publication of the new book, nor would she return to the stage, only saying that reading this book is like reading someone else’s story.

Editor in charge: Li Dan

A "Strong Dialogue" between Human Wisdom and Artificial Intelligence —— CCTV’s science and technology challenge program "Wit is Extraordinary" will appear at the end of August.

Program recording site

  Cctv news(Reporter Liu Chunyan) Who is the "three-point king" with higher shooting percentage, Jeremy Lin, the superstar of the National Professional Basketball League, and the robotic arm controlled by sensors through the identification system? Can a drone equipped with a "brain" escape the smash of badminton player Bao Chunlai? In the first original scientific challenge program focusing on artificial intelligence in China, "Wit Beyond Man", a "strong dialogue" between human intelligence and artificial intelligence will be staged here, and the whole society will witness these processes and find the answer.

  The combination of science and art: four highlights

  On August 2nd, a news conference was held at the recording site of the phenomenal artificial intelligence program "Wit Beyond Man" co-sponsored by CCTV and China Academy of Sciences (hereinafter referred to as CAS) and jointly produced by CCTV Comprehensive Channel and Changjiang Culture. This is by far the largest TV science popularization project involving the most extensive AI field and the largest number of researchers. It will be premiered in the prime time of CCTV-1 at the end of August.

  "Smart" aims to awaken people’s scientific curiosity through experiential interaction, show the future with artificial intelligence scientific and technological achievements, explore the boundary between human and AI capabilities, and explore the possibility of the relationship between them.

  It changes the cold posture of popular science programs, combines the rigor and interest of science, and focuses on "four highlights": science and big coffee help each other, "the strongest human" all debut, AI’s unique tricks, and original dance beauty. Combine "four characteristics": scientific, rigorous, interesting and authoritative.

  Zhang Guofei, deputy director of CCTV’s comprehensive channel, said in his speech: "Science is serious, and art is romantic and imaginative. It is our dream to try to open the channel between science and art and combine them to make the world better."

Wit witness group

Wit witness group

  Create two camps of "Wit Witness" and "the strongest human"

  The program also strives to build two camps, namely "Wit Witness Group" and "the strongest human". "Wit Witness Group" integrates various perspectives from the scientific, media and social circles. At present, the team members include scientists such as Yao Qizhi, Zhang Jianwei and Xu Ying, a researcher of Beidou navigation system of Chinese Academy of Sciences, as well as Ke Jie, the youngest four-time champion in the history of Go in the world, a nine-stage Go player who has had a man-machine battle with AlphaGo, CCTV host Sa Beining and film actor Jiang Yiyan, etc. Everyone will ask questions from their own perspective based on their own experience and understanding.

  At the press conference, members of Wit Witness Group told their stories about science and technology.

  Zhang Jianwei, an academician of Hamburg Academy of Sciences and director of the Cognitive Center of Shenzhen Advanced Institute of Chinese Academy of Sciences, said: "With the development of artificial intelligence, we have achieved breakthroughs in game and recognition of artificial intelligence by using big data, but the distance of artificial intelligence in the physical world plus sensing and decision-making still has a long way to go. Through this program form, people can realize the development prospects of artificial intelligence and how far the combination of the physical world is."

  Xu Ying, a researcher of Beidou Navigation System of Chinese Academy of Sciences, said that he came to the program hoping to see the reconciliation between "the strongest human being" and the strongest wisdom, and hoped to spread the seeds of artificial intelligence to more people and cultivate more teams with three generations.

  Jiang Yiyan, a film and television actress, said that the public has a lot of thirst and questions about science and technology, and she asked them with these questions. "Robots appeared for the first time in the sci-fi movie Metropolis, and with the development of science and technology, the technology in many movies has been gradually realized. I also hope that the progress of science and technology will gradually bring changes and influences to life, so that more people can be freed from mechanized labor and feel more subtle emotions."

  Sa Beining, the host of CCTV, said that the witness group could ask questions from its own perspective. For example, the shooting robot arm misses every shot, and Jiang Yiyan asks: How about the robot arm hitting nobody? Asking questions from people in different fields can open more windows and let people see the difference between today and the future.

  In the program, the "strongest human" team, which consists of Jeremy Lin, the superstar of the National Professional Basketball League, Bao Chunlai, the national badminton player, Zhao Zhongxiang, the host of CCTV, and Lin Yu, the chief simulation portrait expert of Shandong Provincial Public Security Department, will challenge artificial intelligence.

  Bao Chunlai was very excited in the confrontation with the drone to play badminton. "In the past, in the training competition, the opponents were all people. This time it was a machine, and it felt very enjoyable. In my impression, artificial intelligence exists in TV and movies, and it can be very close to life. "

  Special idea: the audience floating in the air

Stage scene map

Stage scene map

  Creativity and content have achieved a "strong alliance", but how to show it?

  When people walk into the recording scene, they will find that the design and construction of dancing beauty such as the suspended audience seats in "Wit Beyond Man" presents a strong sense of science and technology and the future.

  The 11 "spaceships" on the recording site can accommodate 506 spectators. "Just now, in the audience, some people said that they had come to see how the audience got on. We used coercion wire to hang it, and the audience recorded it for two or three hours from the ladder. " General director Chen Qiyi said.

  The audience boarded the "spaceship" and had to fasten their seat belts after sitting firmly. Many people think they have entered the House of Representatives of Star Wars Rico Lausanne.

  The robotic arm held up the four corners of the ground to form a pyramid, and the cool opening made the host Gao Bo shout: "This is the coolest opening since I hosted my career! I seem to be from Mars. "

  "From the beauty design to the reality, the restoration degree of this beauty effect has reached 100%, which is better than we expected." Chen Qiyi, the general director, said: "In the past, we all had to learn from and copy from foreign countries, and there was little originality. Can China people make original programs? I think there is! This program is our answer, and I hope this stage can become the iconic symbol of "Wit". "

  As a popular science program focusing on artificial intelligence, "Wit Beyond Man" aims to become an accelerator in the innovation relay race, popularize scientific knowledge, spread scientific spirit, encourage innovation and entrepreneurship, improve the scientific literacy of the whole people, release the innovative wisdom of the whole people, and stimulate the innovative power of the whole people.

  It is reported that the program will end with an AI Festival, and CCTV and China Academy of Sciences will jointly award the "Wit Pioneer" award. All artificial intelligence projects that win in the program will have the opportunity to win the annual award.

NBA schedule

Note 1This schedule is Beijing time.
Note 2: CCTV-5 refers to the sports channel of CCTV, which is broadcast live every Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday; Local stations include Shanghai, Beijing, Guangdong, Inner Mongolia, Jiangxi, Xinjiang, Hubei, Shandong, Heilongjiang, Guangxi, etc. Among them, Heilongjiang broadcasts live every Monday, Thursday and Sunday, Guangxi broadcasts live every Sunday, and other local stations broadcast live every Thursday and Sunday.
Note 3: The live broadcasts of some local stations may be different from those of other local stations.
Note 4: The changes of live broadcast of local TV stations are subject to the TV station’s forecast.