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Hot search on "children’s A stream just happens to be recruited by B stream"! The doctor urgently reminded …

  It’s winter.

  High incidence of respiratory infectious diseases in children

  At the end of this year and the beginning of this year

  Many children spend their time with a fever.

  The proportion of a stream has dropped.

  The number of patients with B-flow increased.

  Today, "children’s A stream just happened to recruit B stream"

  Boarded the first place in hot search

Hot search on "children's A stream just happens to be recruited by B stream"! The doctor urgently reminded ...

  At Hangzhou Children’s Hospital

  The reporter learned that the temperature has warmed up during this time.

  The virus is active.

  Hospital fever clinic maintains high operation.

  The average daily consultation volume exceeds 1000.

  "Most of them are respiratory diseases,

  Mainly stream A or stream B,

  There are also a few adenoviruses,

  And respiratory syncytial virus.

  And mycoplasma pneumoniae infection. "

  Zhaowei, deputy director of the outpatient department of Hangzhou Children’s Hospital, said

  The proportion of children recently diagnosed with swine flu

  From 30% to 20%

  However, B-stream has an obvious upward trend.

  From the original 2% to 15%

  "A lot of children have just the right front foot.

  The hind foot was infected with B-stream. "

Hot search on "children's A stream just happens to be recruited by B stream"! The doctor urgently reminded ...

  Source: Hangzhou Children’s Hospital

  According to CCTV news

  Recently, the reporter learned from Shanghai Children’s Hospital that

  The recent test results of outpatient and emergency patients in this hospital show that

  The total number of influenza patients has not changed much recently.

  But the number of patients with swine flu has decreased.

  B-stream patients are on the increase.

  According to Shanghai Children’s Hospital

  Recent test results of outpatients and emergency patients

  The flu in recent times

  There is no change in the total number of patients

  But in the proportion of influenza patients in outpatient and emergency departments,

  The proportion of B flow is less than 10% at the beginning of December.

  It has risen to more than 40% in recent days.

  There is little difference between stream A and stream B.

  The doctor advised not to test yourself at home.

  Zhaowei, deputy director of the outpatient department of Hangzhou Children’s Hospital, said that influenza B is the influenza caused by influenza B virus. It is characterized by acute onset, rapid change, chills and fever, and the body temperature may rise rapidly within a few hours to 24 hours, reaching 39℃~40℃ or even higher. It is also accompanied by other symptoms, such as headache, body aches, fatigue and loss of appetite. Respiratory symptoms are mild, but there will be symptoms, such as dry throat and sore throat, dry cough, and sometimes vomiting and diarrhea.

  The sick children are mainly concentrated in the school-age stage, and most of them are clustered infections. The children in the younger age are mainly infected by other family members because of the limited activity places.

  "There is little difference between the symptoms of A stream and B stream, so it is difficult to distinguish them according to clinical manifestations, and it is still necessary to cooperate with tests to diagnose them. It’s convenient to buy flu detection reagents now. Some parents worry that the hospital will take a long time to test their children at home, but the process of sample collection of some parents is not standardized, and there may be a’ false negative’ situation, thus delaying treatment. "zhaowei said," A stream and B stream have corresponding antiviral drugs. The earlier the treatment, the better the effect. It is still recommended to bring the children to the hospital for examination and make a diagnosis combined with blood routine. "

Hot search on "children's A stream just happens to be recruited by B stream"! The doctor urgently reminded ...

  Many parents are worried.

  How long can children go back to school after their fever has gone down?

  "It is not recommended to let children take drugs to prevent when students around them are infected with the flu."
Zhaowei pointed out that it is impossible to prevent the school staff from gathering, so they can’t take medicine all the time. They should give priority to self-defense by physical means and wear masks in closed spaces. Schools should remind all classes to ventilate and do a good job of disinfection. If the child has no obvious flu symptoms after 48 hours of flu fever, and the cough is not severe, wearing a mask can go back to school.

  There are two children in the family. When one of them is infected with B-stream, a relatively fixed family member should take care of the child as much as possible and pay attention to personal protection. When in close contact with the patient, a mask should be worn. Other family members should try their best to reduce contact with children with B-stream, especially uninfected children, and try their best to reduce contact with children. After direct contact with children, or after handling articles used by children and touching respiratory secretions, you should use detergents or disinfectants to disinfect your hands. Room ventilation is also very important.

  In view of the prevalence of respiratory infectious diseases, zhaowei reminded that clothes should be changed in time according to the weather changes, and the diet should pay attention to balanced nutrition, regular work and rest, not to be too tired, and enhance their own resistance. "If you are sick, you should be treated as early as possible, and try to make early diagnosis, early isolation and early treatment."

  This anti-flu medicine is on fire.

  Doctor’s urgent reminder

  As the flu season continues

  An anti-influenza drug called mabaloxavir.

  Appear frequently in the public eye

  Because it is convenient to take and takes effect quickly

  Become the first choice for many flu patients.

Hot search on "children's A stream just happens to be recruited by B stream"! The doctor urgently reminded ...

  Weng Weidong, chief physician, director of infectious diseases department of Zhejiang Tongde Hospital, introduced that mabaloxavir and oseltamivir are both drugs for treating influenza. Taking them within 48 hours after being infected with influenza virus can alleviate symptoms, shorten the course of disease and reduce the incidence of complications.

  Compared with the treatment scheme that oseltamivir needs to be taken twice a day for 5 days, mabaloxavir can control the disease only once during the treatment because of its long half-life of metabolites. "Many patients who favor mabaloxavir are also interested in its convenience."

  However, not everyone is suitable for Mabalojave. "oseltamivir has been on the market for a long time in China, with a large number of evidence-based medicine, relatively cheap price and better accessibility. If the patient is a child under 5 years old or a pregnant woman, we generally choose oseltamivir. In addition, people with severe liver and kidney dysfunction should use mabaloxavir with caution. " In Weng Weidong’s view, not everyone must eat it after getting the flu. "Don’t deify them."

  In view of the fact that some citizens have reported that it is difficult to buy mabaloxavir in online pharmacies, the reporter learned from several provincial hospitals that there is no shortage of drugs at present, and citizens do not need to worry about not using drugs. However, both mabaloxavir and oseltamivir are prescription drugs and should be used under the guidance of doctors and pharmacists. Self-medication is not recommended.

  Synthesis: Zhejiang News, Tide News, CCTV News, People’s Daily, etc.

[Editor in charge:


Taking photos, punching cards and shopping, they are here to celebrate the New Year holiday.

Changjiang Daily Great Wuhan Client December 31st (trainee reporter Li Yijun)On New Year’s Day holiday, there was a festive atmosphere on the streets of Wuhan. On the afternoon of December 31st, on the Happy platform of Jianghan Road, children played and interacted in front of cute cartoon devices. Young people bought their favorite drink packages together and took photos as a souvenir. The whole family either had dinner or shared the fun of the game.
The Happy platform of Jianghan Road welcomes tourists. Trainee reporter Li Yizhen photo
The lovely installation at the entrance of the Happy platform on Jianghan Road is called Jijilong, which takes the traditional Chinese dragon as the basic shape and pink as the main tone, symbolizing good luck and adding color to the festive atmosphere.
Special interactive activities attract tourists to stop and watch. Trainee reporter Li Yizhen photo
In addition, the Happy platform of Jianghan Road also brought a series of performances to the public: Wuhan Regan Noodles Band performed in full swing; Nowadays, popular Coser (role-playing character) interacts with tourists; Liu Xinxin, the well-known manager of Hanka, had a happy interaction with everyone on the spot. People waved their light sticks and experienced a hearty performance in an immersive way.
Tourists receive colored balloons and feel the festive atmosphere. Trainee reporter Li Yizhen photo
The snack street, which has always been popular, once again welcomes the enthusiasm of the citizens in this New Year’s holiday, shopping and shopping, and never stops. Regan Noodles in Cai Linji, bean skin in Laotongcheng, dumplings in Tan Yanji … Tourists experience authentic snacks in Wuhan and local online celebrity snacks in Jianghan Road on the Happy platform, and feel the excitement and prosperity of the city.
[Editor: Ding Ke]
For more exciting information, please download the "Great Wuhan" client in the application market. Please don’t reprint it without authorization. Welcome to provide news clues and pay them as soon as they are adopted. 24-hour reporting hotline: 027-5922222.The copyright of this article belongs to the original author. If it comes from the wrong source or infringes on your legitimate rights and interests, you can contact us through email, and we will deal with it in time. E-mail address: kin0207@126.com

The computer must be installed with three masterpieces of Steam games, each of which is a boutique!

Today, I recommend three excellent game masterpieces on Steam.

The first paragraph: Fury 2. A masterpiece of shooting game, this game has a good picture, this game is for decompression, throw away all the accurate marksmanship and tactical play, and just do it directly. The gameplay is really refreshing and full of shooting sense. Don’t miss the end of shooting games. It’s super fun.

Paragraph 2: Resident Evil 3 remastered version. The quality of the game itself is good, except for the short process, there are basically no shortcomings. The game screen is very good, the rhythm is very fast, and the atmosphere is also very good. Players who like horror games should not miss it. It is super fun.

The third paragraph: The Legend of Ninja Dragon Sword. One of the most interesting act games on the computer, with good screen, smooth movement and strong sense of attack, is very challenging. Players who like hardcore games should not miss it.

Today is the whole content of this video. See you next time. Bye.

Premier League: Tottenham 1-3 brentford, Liverpool 1-1 Aston Villa, Manchester United 1-0 Bournemouth, Arsenal 0-1 Nottingham Forest.

In the early morning of May 21, 2023, Beijing time, the penultimate round of the 2022-23 season of the Premier League began to compete. Six games were held last night and this morning. After some fierce competition, the teams finally achieved different results. Among them, Tottenham lost 1-3 at home to brentford, Crystal Palace drew 2-2 away to Fulham, Liverpool drew 1-1 at home to Aston Villa, Manchester United beat Bournemouth 1-0 away, Wolves drew 1-1 at home to Everton, and Arsenal lost 0-1 away to Nottingham Forest. These games are very exciting, and every team is trying their best to win. Although some teams performed well, some teams lost. In a word, this game has brought wonderful football feasts to the fans.

In the Premier League, Arsenal once led Manchester City by eight points, but many fans still think that Manchester City will win the championship, although they need to win two more games. In the last round, after Manchester City beat Everton, Guardiola gestured with the number 2, as if to say that they needed two more games to win the championship. Next, Arsenal’s performance was really disappointing. First of all, they were defeated by Brighton at home, and then in the away game against Nottingham Forest, they gave their opponents a chance to avoid relegation and let Manchester City win the championship ahead of time. In the 18th minute of the game, Odegard passed the ball back directly to White, which led the opponent to instigate a counterattack and finally scored. Then, Arsenal collapsed completely. Both Jesus and Saca tried to make a penalty, but the referee didn’t make a penalty. Finally, navas tried his best to save the ball in the last 20 seconds of the game, but Arsenal still suffered a two-game losing streak of 0-1 away.

Liverpool performed quite well in the last four stages. They won seven games in a row and were unbeaten in nine rounds, which once filled the fans with expectations. However, just like when they competed with Manchester City for the title, stability still seems to be their shortcoming. In today’s home game against Villa, although Liverpool once tried to catch up, they could only accept the result of a draw. In the 19th minute of the game, Liverpool made a mistake in defence. konate fouled Villa and gave him a penalty. Fortunately, Watkins’ attack missed the doorframe and Liverpool escaped. However, Liverpool’s defence didn’t learn from this mistake, and only seven minutes later, they had a loophole again. Villa made many crosses in the frontcourt, and finally Luis’ oblique cross found Ramz who was unguarded. He volleyed the goal and opened the scoring for Villa. Although Liverpool kept fighting back and had some chances in the subsequent games, they failed to score goals. Until the 89th minute of the game, Liverpool passed the ball to the right continuously, and Salah broke into the restricted area with the ball. He passed the ball to the goal with the instep of his left foot, and firmino, who came off the bench, successfully volleyed it and pulled back a city for Liverpool.

At the same time that Liverpool lost, Manchester United played against Bournemouth, who had no desire for anything, and scored in just eight minutes. Eriksson picked the ball accurately on the left side of the top of the restricted area, Bournemouth’s defence made a mistake, and Senesi picked the ball between them, which was like a gift for casemiro. Casemiro took the ball and easily swept it into the net. Manchester United controlled the game with a dream start of 1-0. Although Manchester United didn’t rewrite the score again, they kept it steady until the 83rd minute, Bournemouth quickly counterattacked, Moore got a good chance to go to the right side of the penalty area and tried to push the far corner, but Degea bravely saved the goal. Manchester United successfully held on to Bournemouth’s threatening attack and finally got the last laugh with a score of 1-0.

In terms of standings, Manchester City won the championship three rounds ahead of schedule, which is the third consecutive championship and the second dynasty in Premier League history since Ferguson coached Manchester United. They have won five championships in the past six years, which is enough to prove their dominance. In the competition for the fourth place, Manchester United beat Newcastle slightly, although the goal difference was still ranked fourth. Liverpool can’t beat Villa. Although firmino grabbed a point for Liverpool at the last minute, he kept his theoretical hope for the fourth place, but this hope seems very slim. Because Newcastle and Manchester United only need one more point, they can sit firmly in the top four. In terms of relegation, Everton was unable to beat Wolves, while Nottingham Forest succeeded in relegation ahead of schedule after defeating Arsenal. Now only Leicester City, Everton and Leeds United are competing for the last place to avoid relegation. Let’s wait and see.

In the top scorer list, Norwegian player Harland, who is only 20 years old, has done well, and has scored 36 goals so far, leading the top scorer list. And England player Kane is not to be outdone, followed by 28 goals. However, it is very difficult for Kane to catch up with Harland because Tottenham only have the last round left, but he still has a chance to break through the spectacular score of 30+ goals. It is worth mentioning that Salah failed to score today, so he can’t be the fourth player to score 20+ goals this season. Mitrovic, on the other hand, has tied Watkins’ goals after his two goals, and raised the threshold of the top ten shooters to 14 goals.

Thank you for reading. I hope you have some knowledge of the latest Premier League matches. Football matches are always full of fierce competition and unexpected results, which makes people fascinated by the charm of sports. We will continue to provide you with more reports on sports events, so stay tuned.

Guardiola: Arsenal are in an incredible state, but we are still competing.

Live on March 12 th, Manchester City 1-0 Crystal Palace, Manchester City coach Guardiola accepted an interview with Sky Sports.

Guardiola: "My experience is that it is very difficult for us to come here every time. When we came here, I always had a feeling that we played well, but we also had to think about the tenacity of our opponents. We are always fighting because we want to score more goals. They have’ weapons’, Zaha is there, Orlis, Ezer, and they have incredible threats. They have calm and outstanding offensive players, which is a matter of patience. They will delay time, so we must rush them. "

"Everything makes me satisfied, and we missed some opportunities to fight back. It’s not easy. They have six players defending in the penalty area, Harland has two guards and Gundogan has one guard. It’s a matter of patience. They are very tight on Harland. Alvarez is very important and we need him. We need him in midfield. He has some chances. Gundogan is an excellent player. He won the penalty and Harland did the rest. "

"After Cancelo left, we only had Walker and Gomez as full-backs. We had four central defenders, and the defense was very solid. All four of them are outstanding players, so we defended well. Of course, Arsenal are in an incredible state. We are still competing, Arsenal scored 50 points before. It was a typical winter game, a difficult game. We were there all the time, and then we won. Now we have to do everything, next Tuesday and Saturday, hoping to spend one of the best nights we have ever experienced at home, and we can do it again. "