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How to build a beautiful China in the next five years? Listen to what the Minister of Ecology and Environment said at the press conference of the State Council Office.

Beijing, July 27 (Reporter Jing Wong) On the morning of July 27, the State Council Press Office held a series of news conferences on the theme of "Opening by Authorities", and invited Minister of Ecology and Environment Huang Runqiu to introduce the situation of "strengthening ecological environmental protection and comprehensively promoting the construction of beautiful China" and answer reporters’ questions.

Huang Runqiu introduced at the meeting that, after a lapse of five years, the National Ecological Environment Protection Conference was held in July this year, which was another important milestone in the field of ecological civilization construction.

Huang Runqiu pointed out that the next five years will be an important period for the construction of beautiful China.

The State Council Office held a series of press conferences on the theme of "Opening the Authority Department" to introduce the situation of "strengthening ecological environmental protection and comprehensively promoting the construction of beautiful China" (photo by Jing Wong, a reporter from the Central Broadcasting Network)

"4561" opens a new milestone in the construction of ecological civilization

In May 2018, the CPC Central Committee held a national ecological environmental protection conference. From July 17 to 18 this year, after a lapse of five years, the national ecological environmental protection conference was held again. Huang Runqiu said that this is another important milestone in the field of ecological civilization construction, which can be summarized by "4561": "4" is "four major changes", "5" is "five major relationships", "6" is "six major tasks" and "1" is "a major requirement".

Huang Runqiu introduced that the "four major changes" are a comprehensive summary of the remarkable achievements made in the construction of ecological civilization in the new era. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, China’s ecological civilization construction has achieved a major transformation from key rectification to systematic governance, from passive response to active action, from global environmental governance participants to leaders, from practical exploration to scientific theory guidance, and has made great achievements, which has also become a remarkable symbol of historic achievements and changes in the cause of the party and the state in the new era.

"Five Major Relationships" indicates that the Party’s understanding of the regularity of ecological civilization construction has been further deepened and developed. Huang Runqiu said, in the new stage, new situation and new tasks, in order to continuously promote the construction of ecological civilization, we must properly handle the five relationships: high-quality development and high-level protection, key attack and coordinated governance, natural restoration and artificial restoration, external constraints and endogenous motivation, and "double carbon" commitment and independent action.

The "six major tasks" are the overall strategic deployment for the construction of ecological civilization and beautiful China. Huang Runqiu pointed out that the next five years will be a crucial period for the construction of beautiful China. It is necessary to continue to fight the tough battle of pollution prevention and control, accelerate the green and low-carbon transformation of development mode, strive to enhance the diversity, stability and sustainability of the ecosystem, actively and steadily promote carbon neutrality in peak carbon dioxide emissions, keep the safety bottom line for the construction of beautiful China, and improve the security system for the construction of beautiful China.

Huang Runqiu introduced that these "six major tasks" are major strategic arrangements made to implement the Party’s 20 major strategic arrangements and aim at the goal of building a beautiful China in the next five years and by 2035.

"A major requirement" is to emphasize upholding and strengthening the Party’s overall leadership over the construction of ecological civilization. "Past practice shows that the party’s leadership is the fundamental guarantee for the ecological environment protection and ecological civilization construction to make great progress. Facing the new situation, new problems and new challenges of ecological civilization construction on the new journey, we must continue to strengthen the party’s overall leadership over ecological civilization construction and resolutely shoulder the political responsibility of ecological environmental protection. " Huang Runqiu said.

Data map: Wenzhou, Zhejiang, the special protection area for the restoration of blue bay in Ximen Island, Yandang Town, Yueqing City.

In the next five years, we will promote the global coverage of beautiful China construction according to local conditions and steps.

At present, "Beautiful China" is a hot word with high frequency. At present, how to effectively promote the good construction experience in various places and take more measures to make the rivers and mountains of Wan Li in the motherland more colorful has attracted the attention of all sectors of society.

At the press conference held by the State Council today (27th), Huang Runqiu said that the next five years will be an important period for the construction of beautiful China. The Ministry of Ecology and Environment will make great efforts to create beautiful blue sky, beautiful rivers and lakes, beautiful bays and beautiful mountains and rivers, speed up the construction of beautiful China pioneer areas, beautiful provinces, this beautiful city and beautiful countryside, promote the construction of beautiful China in a step-by-step manner according to local conditions, create a vivid picture of building and sharing beautiful China, and draw an updated picture of beautiful China.

Huang Runqiu said that in terms of research and deployment, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment should strengthen strategic planning and top-level design, continue to study the index system for the construction of beautiful China, anchor the goal of basically building beautiful China by 2035, and study the phased strategic arrangement, which is the overall path for the "14th Five-Year Plan", the "10th Five-Year Plan" to be continuously consolidated, and the "16th Five-Year Plan" to be comprehensively improved.

In the aspect of typical promotion, we should emphasize "beauty" as the core orientation, organically combine the systematic solution of ecological environment problems with meeting the people’s needs for a beautiful ecological environment and promoting the realization of the value of ecological products, and publicize and promote good experiences, good practices and good cases from all over the world with the guidance of realizing beautiful rivers and lakes with "clear water and green shores and shallow fish" and beautiful bays with "clean water and clean beaches, fish gulls gathering together and harmonious people".

In terms of local practice, we have issued special guidance on promoting the construction of beautiful China, and Zhejiang, Fujian, Shandong, Guangdong, Jiangsu, Sichuan, Hebei and other provinces have made efforts to explore the practical model of the construction of beautiful China. For example, Fujian put forward a five-beauty system of "this beautiful city-beautiful countryside-beautiful rivers and lakes-beautiful bay-beautiful countryside"; Sichuan regards beautiful space and culture as important contents. Cities such as Hangzhou, Shenzhen and Qingdao have put forward more ambitious requirements and targets for the construction of this beautiful city.

Data map: Southeast Guizhou, the rural ecological environment is excellent, and irises are flying.

Four aspects of work promote high-quality development and high-level protection

Huang Runqiu also mentioned "five major relationships", that is, "handling high-quality development and high-level protection". Huang Runqiu said, first of all, high-level protection is an important support for high-quality development, and it is also the proper meaning. Leaving the development of environmental protection is not in line with the new development concept, let alone high quality.

Secondly, high-level protection can ensure the high-quality development and keep the bottom line by means of ecological environment zoning control and environmental impact assessment. Furthermore, high-level protection can promote the transformation and upgrading of industrial structure, energy structure and transportation structure through the synergy of pollution reduction and carbon reduction and the improvement of environmental standards, thus forcing high-quality development.

On the other hand, the achievements of high-quality development can promote the construction of eco-environmental protection projects and the development of environmental protection industries by increasing financial input, developing green finance, ecological compensation mechanisms and other policy tools, thus contributing to high-level protection.

Huang Runqiu also introduced four tasks carried out by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment in promoting high-quality development and high-level protection in recent years.

The first is to strengthen the prevention of the source of ecological environment.The Ministry of Ecology and Environment has comprehensively promoted the zoning control of the ecological environment, and about 40,000 environmental control units have been designated throughout the country, thus setting a clear bottom line and drawing a border for high-quality development. By the end of last year, about 300 million tons of backward and surplus steel, 400 million tons of cement and 150 million weight boxes of flat glass had been eliminated nationwide.

The second is to promote the synergy of pollution reduction and carbon reduction.The Ministry of Ecology and Environment strengthens the coordinated management of environmental quality improvement and carbon emission, and promotes the implementation of structural emission reduction. The number of coal-fired boilers and kilns nationwide has been reduced from nearly 500,000 to less than 100,000 at present, reducing the use of coal by more than 400 million tons. In the northern region, about 37 million rural loose coal households have been treated, reducing the consumption of loose coal by more than 70 million tons. 1.03 billion kilowatts of coal-fired power units have completed ultra-low emission transformation, and 680 million tons of steel production capacity has completed or is completing ultra-low emission transformation. More than 30 million old and high-emission motor vehicles were eliminated.

The third is to implement major ecological and environmental protection projects.Vigorously promote the construction of environmental infrastructure, carry out innovative pilot projects of eco-environment oriented project development (EOD), and vigorously develop eco-environmental protection industries. In 2022, the operating income of the national environmental protection industry reached 2.22 trillion yuan, which has become an important force in the green economy. We have promoted the treatment of urban black and odorous water bodies, restored urban water ecosystems, and basically eliminated black and odorous water bodies in cities at prefecture level and above, which not only improved the ecological environment, but also improved the quality of cities and achieved high-quality development.

The fourth is to build a green development highland.The Ministry of Ecology and Environment has further promoted the coordinated development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, the development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt and other major strategic ecological environmental protection work in national regions, improved and optimized the regional joint prevention and control mechanism, and formed a good pattern of joint protection and joint governance. We deepened the establishment of ecological civilization demonstration, named six batches of 468 ecological civilization demonstration zones and 187 "Lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets" practice and innovation bases, and guided all localities to actively explore new ways of green, low-carbon and high-quality development.

Look, the wonders of Huashan Mountain! The exclusive beauty you can’t miss ~

It is majestic and majestic, it is steep and straight, and it is also the mountain. The beauty of Huashan is varied. It also has many unique scenery that can’t be missed. Let’s go and have a look!
Junxiu mountain range
Of the five mountains, Xiyue is famous for its risks. Huashan Mountain rises from the Weihe Plain, like a huge stone that has been chiseled by a knife on all sides. The mountain is majestic, with towering peaks, facing the Yellow River in front and the Qinling Mountains in the back.
For thousands of years, Huashan has always been famous for its dangers, and it is known as the "first mountain in the world". There are strange peaks and rocks all over the mountain, and the scenery of the whole mountain has the majestic beauty of standing and rugged rocks.
Black dragon Ridge, whose ridge is like a dragon’s ridge, is vast and green, winding and circling, with deep valleys on both sides and steep potential. According to legend, when Han Yu came here after traveling to the mountain, he was in pain because he was afraid that he could not go down the mountain. He threw a book down the mountain to say goodbye to his family, leaving an anecdote of "the place where Han retreated to throw a book".
Qixianshan road
Huashan’s climbing road is winding and there are cliffs everywhere. Before the opening of Zhishui Huashan Road, there was only a very steep road leading to the mountain in Huashan. People often used the saying "There was only one road in Huashan since ancient times" to describe its danger.
For climbers, the first intimate contact is the mountain road with both strange and dangerous Huashan Mountain. All the way, you must go through many dangerous roads before you can enjoy the risks of Huashan, so the road to Mount Huashan is famous from ancient times to the present. Third, the kite facing the air turns over, which is even more dangerous in Huashan Road. When the climber passes by, he has to turn his body around like an eagle kite to get through. I believe that his wonderful work will make you amazed.
The infinite scenery of Huashan is in the word "strange danger". Simply looking at the scenery can’t appreciate the essence of Huashan. Only by personally crossing this road, climbing the mountain on foot, walking through all the dangerous roads, and then standing on the top, will there be a sense of stepping on your feet and being heroic.
Pictographic peak
Huashan Mountain is winding and steep, and there are many dangerous cliffs and roads, and the grotesque peaks have formed their own pictographic postures after years of carving by nature.
Huashan Mountain has five peaks: the east, the west, the south, the north and the middle. The main peaks are the south peak "Wild Goose", the east peak "Chaoyang" and the west peak "Lotus". The three peaks stand tall, and they are called "three peaks outside the sky".
Huayue Xianzhang is a "giant palm" created by nature, which is fantastic and spectacular, ranking first among the "eight scenic spots in Guanzhong".
The whole Xifeng is a natural boulder, facing the sky in the north, with steep cliffs like knives and saws, and the east and west sides like lotus flowers, so it is also called "Lotus Peak", and it is also the place where legendary stories such as "Saving Mother by Cutting Mountain" and "Lotus Lantern" take place.
Mountain stream Yuntai
The flat land in the dangerous peak often highlights the danger of the mountain and the strength of the scenery. The flat Yuntai is dotted in the treacherous mountain road, which is round and round, exquisite and complicated.
The summit of Yuntai Mountain is flat, and the famous story of "outsmarting Huashan Mountain" happened on Yuntai Mountain. The chess pavilion on the platform of Dongfeng is a lonely pavilion, facing the air on three sides, and there is a feeling of being physically and mentally open and the world is long when you board here.
When the clouds rise and the fog rises, it is like a fairy island on the sea, flickering, making people want to go home by the wind and get high. Climbers can look up from the Yuntai platform and enjoy the beautiful mountain scenery in their leisure time.
Cultural monuments
Huashan is one of the cradles of Chinese culture. According to the research of Zhang Taiyan, a famous scholar in Qing Dynasty, "China" and "Huaxia" are both named after Huashan. There are many ancient buildings on the mountain, and temples, pavilions, statues and stone carvings can be seen everywhere. Whenever the clouds are misty, temples and pavilions are dotted with peaks and valleys of the mountain, which makes climbers feel like they are in a fairyland.
Since the Sui and Tang Dynasties, Li Bai, Du Fu and other literati have recited more than a thousand poems, inscriptions and travel notes of Huashan Mountain, and carved as many as a thousand rocks. Huashan Mountain is also a Taoist resort, the "fourth cave" of Taoism. There are 72 semi-suspended caves and more than 20 Taoist temples in the mountain, among which Yuquanyuan, host institute and Zhenyue Palace are listed as national key Taoist temples.
A generation of martial arts master, Mr. Jin Yong, felt the immortal spirit and aura of Huashan Mountain, and even more admired the wonders of Huashan Mountain, so he chose the highest level of martial arts novels to be held at the top of Huashan Mountain, that is, "Huashan on Sword".
After reading it, will everyone sigh: Huashan is a strange adventure, but it is not just a danger! Then, you must not miss these exclusive scenery of Huashan!
Source: Huashan Scenic Area

What is the solution to the abnormal sound of golf brakes?


Solution to abnormal sound of golf brake;

1. If it’s screaming, first check whether the brake pads are running out (the alarm disc sounds). If it’s a new disc, check whether there are any foreign objects caught between the brake disc and the disc.

2. If it is muffled, it is mostly a problem with the brake caliper, such as the wear of the movable pin and the falling off of the spring piece;

3, if it is filar silk called more problems, calipers, brake discs, brake pads may have problems. In case of abnormal brake sound, it is recommended to go to the repair shop for inspection and treatment in time for driving safety. Golf is a classic hatchback small family car launched by FAW-Volkswagen. In terms of body size, its length, width and height are 4199mm, 1786mm and 1479mm respectively, and its wheelbase is 2578 mm.

4. It is recommended to go to 4S for inspection and solve it for you free of charge. Possible situation and treatment: If it is screaming, the first thing to check is that the brake pads are almost used up (the alarm sounds). If it is new, check whether there is any foreign matter between the brake disc and the brake disc.

NBA schedule

Note 1This schedule is Beijing time.
Note 2: CCTV-5 refers to the sports channel of CCTV, which is broadcast live every Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday; Local stations include Shanghai, Beijing, Guangdong, Inner Mongolia, Jiangxi, Xinjiang, Hubei, Shandong, Heilongjiang, Guangxi, etc. Among them, Heilongjiang broadcasts live every Monday, Thursday and Sunday, Guangxi broadcasts live every Sunday, and other local stations broadcast live every Thursday and Sunday.
Note 3: The live broadcasts of some local stations may be different from those of other local stations.
Note 4: The changes of live broadcast of local TV stations are subject to the TV station’s forecast.

73 minutes to kill, 2-3! China women’s football team was defeated in the top four at the age of 22, with a goal and a 1-0 reversal.

Basketball and badminton, a unique media for fans.

Just after winning the Golden Globe Award, Zhang Linyan, a 22-year-old talented international of China women’s football team, became the top star of the Swiss women’s super team. This is also the first Golden Globe Award for China women’s football players studying abroad, which is of great significance. However, winning the prize is not Zhang Linyan’s ultimate goal, because at present, the Cao Meng women’s football team is going through the championship elimination tournament. Zhang Linyan scored one goal in each of the quarter-finals and led the team to the semi-finals, against the Zurich women’s football team, which scored 44 points in the regular season, ranking second, 6 points ahead of the Cao Meng women’s football team.

Due to the strong strength of the opponent, Cao Meng Women’s Football Team sent all the main players in this game. Zhang Linyan wore No.18 and continued to serve as the front waist. Zurich women’s football team used the 451 formation, and the away game was still relatively conservative, so the defense was stable first. Although Cao Meng used the 433 attack formation, it was still mainly defensive after the opening, especially for the blocking of two flanks, which left Zurich women’s football team at a loss.

In the 13th minute, Cao Meng women’s football team won a free kick and Rachel scored a goal. After losing the ball, the Zurich women’s football team launched a massive attack, and the Cao Meng women’s football team had a solid defense, but there was a loophole in the half-time injury stoppage. Laura seized the opportunity to help the Zurich women’s football team equalize the score, and the two sides returned to the lounge 1-1.

In the 61st minute, Sailana helped Zurich women’s football team overtake the score and lead 2-1. At this point, Zhang Linyan stood out and scored a long-range goal in the 68th minute to equalize the score. However, only five minutes later, Sailana scored twice and finished the lore. In the end, Zurich women’s football team beat Cao Meng women’s football team 3-2.

Because it is the first leg of the semi-final, Zurich women’s football team has the first chance, and the second leg is the home court, so it has the promotion opportunity. The next last stand of Cao Meng women’s football team means elimination, so it is necessary to win, and Zhang Linyan has also been cornered. In addition to winning the game, she has to strive for more goal difference, which shows that the game is more difficult. However, as a Golden Globe winner, Zhang Linyan needs to face more and greater challenges, which is also her trip to Europe.