A basketball training institution in Wuhan suddenly stopped, and the company headquarters said it would send someone to handle the matter in Han. The lawyer reminded me to sign a formal contract when

A basketball training institution in Wuhan suddenly stopped, and the company headquarters said it would send someone to handle the matter in Han. The lawyer reminded me to sign a formal contract when

Motive Sports Door Closed Photography: Wu Han, a journalist of Chutian Metropolis Daily.

□ Chutian Metropolis Daily’s most eye-catching journalist Wu Han

Recently, a number of parents who signed up for classes in Wuhan Motive Sports Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Motive Sports") called the Jimu News Hotline of Chutian Metropolis Daily, saying that they had been informed by the coach and were told to suspend classes. The head of Wuhan Motive Sports Technology Co., Ltd. could not be found, and the door of the company was closed. After many contacts with journalists, Beijing Motive Sports Technology Co., Ltd. ("Motive Sports" headquarters) said that it would send people to Wuhan to handle related matters.

Parental complaints

After paying the money, the class was suddenly suspended.

"I received a sales call in May this year and took an experience class." Mr. Chi said that he received a sales call from Wuhan Motive Sports Technology Co., Ltd., and originally planned to give classes to his children. Later, he attended several free basketball experience classes at the training ground in Boyang Badminton Hall in Hongshan Sports Center. He felt that the effect was good and signed up.

Mr. Chi said that as required, he paid the fee in the "Motivation Sports" applet. Mr. Chi told Jimu journalist that when he signed up, the other party told him that there was a discount for signing up for more classes, so he bought 92 basketball classes and sent 12 classes, totaling 8542 yuan. Classes have been held every weekend since August. Sometimes the place of class will change, and it can be adjusted to the teaching place of motivational sports in other areas of Wuhan according to his needs. On September 9, Mr. Chi said that he was going to take his children to a basketball class on September 10, but he didn’t expect to receive a notice from the coach telling him that the company in Wuhan had a situation and could not attend the class.

From the screenshot provided by Mr. Chi, the reporter saw that the coach replied that after being informed by the Beijing headquarters, the Wuhan company was in a state of stagnation and was actively transferring courses, and everyone would be informed when classes resumed. At present, the coach has no way, is on the verge of leaving his job, and his salary has not been paid yet.

There are also a number of parents who took part in the training course in Motivational Sports and received the notice of suspension to call the Chutian Metropolis Daily’s extreme news hotline. Parents often report that they can’t contact Wuhan Motive Sports Technology Co., Ltd. and can’t find an explanation. According to the contact information provided by parents, Jimu journalist contacted a coach Huang who was in charge of teaching basketball class. Coach Huang told the reporter that he had been preparing for class normally, and suddenly he received a notice from a supervisor of Motivation Sports, telling him that he needed to suspend classes temporarily because of the operation of Wuhan Branch. He immediately contacted his parents and told them about it.

Coach Huang said that he signed a contract with Motive Sports in April last year, and it has been normal all the time, and no abnormal situation has been found. At present, there are more than 30 students in his basketball class. On September 8, he was also going to contact his parents to send the class time. As a result, some parents told him that he had received the notice of suspension. He then went to ask the motivation sports company, and the supervisor at that time replied that "the company may not do it, so he should not take classes again." Coach Huang said that he was also in arrears with his salary in August.

The reporter checked the "Motivational Sports" applet, which showed that classes were held at seven points in Wu Hanyou. The small program was developed by Beijing Motive Sports Technology Co., Ltd., and the introduction says that Motive Sports is a brand of sports training for young children, focusing on providing sports training services for young children aged 4-17, and serving 1 million+students and parents nationwide.

Site visit

Motivation The door of sports office is closed.

On September 12th, Jimu journalists came to Hongshan Sports Center and found Boyang Badminton Hall. A staff member at the front desk said that many parents had come to consult about motivational sports. Motivation Sports rented the venue for training, and classes were still normal during the summer vacation. There are still some shelves for motivation sports in the venue. At present, Motive Sports has been closed for a period of time, and the rent of the museum is in arrears. The museum can’t contact the relevant person in charge of Motive Sports. On September 11th, the police also came to investigate the matter. The staff advised parents to report to the police.

According to the registered office of Wuhan Motive Sports Technology Co., Ltd., the reporter went to Room 3305, 33rd floor, Wuhan Plaza, Jianghan District, Wuhan, and found the office of Wuhan Motive Sports. The reporter saw that the door was closed and locked. Through the glass door, he could see some tables and chairs inside, but he didn’t see the staff. There is a parent waiting at the entrance of the company’s office. The parent told the reporter that he has been to the office of Motivation Sports for three times, and the door is closed every time. The staff of two surrounding enterprises told reporters that Motivation Sports was closed for about a week, and some people had worked here before.

Subsequently, the reporter came to the property service office of Wuhan Plaza Building. A staff member of the department said that many parents had come to inquire about motivational sports. The staff member said that they could not get in touch with motivational sports either, and no one answered the phone. No staff member of motivational sports has been seen recently. Parents are advised to contact the Market Supervision Administration to reflect this matter.

Company response

The headquarters will send someone to Wuhan to deal with this matter.

According to the contact information provided by parents, Jimu journalist contacted a coach surnamed Yang, who told Jimu journalist that he was mainly responsible for docking the coaching team. According to the coach, according to his contact with the Beijing headquarters of Motivation, Wuhan has operational difficulties due to financial problems, and Beijing Motivation Sports Technology Co., Ltd. is coordinating this matter. The teaching point in Hongshan Sports Center was also suspended because of the financial problems of Wuhan Motive Sports, and the venue fee was not paid to the other party.

Coach Yang said that at the beginning of September this year, he received a notice that there was a problem in the operation of Wuhan Company. At present, the headquarters is also trying to solve it, find a third-party institution to accept the course and resume classes as soon as possible. At present, Beijing Motivation Sports Headquarters is responsible for negotiating this matter with other institutions. The reporter asked the parents about the refund, and coach Yang said that he needed to contact the customer service at the Beijing headquarters.

The reporter called official website of Beijing Motivation Sports Technology Co., Ltd. several times in a row, but no one answered. On September 12, Jimu journalist contacted Babaoshan, the market supervision administration of Shijingshan District, Beijing, and the staff of the institute replied that the institute had contacted Beijing Motive Sports Technology Co., Ltd., which said that there were staff members who went to Wuhan to deal with this matter.

On September 17, many parents said that they still could not contact the person in charge of Wuhan Motive Sports, and they would recover their losses through legal channels.

Gao Lei, a lawyer of Hubei Ronghecheng Law Firm, suggested that consumers can ask merchants to provide the courses they promised according to the factual contract concluded by both parties. If the merchant refuses to perform or fails to perform after being urged, the consumer may ask the merchant to refund the corresponding amount. Both parties can negotiate on this. If negotiation fails, they can bring a lawsuit to the court. In addition, consumers are also reminded that when purchasing courses, it is best to sign a formal contract with the merchants and ask for invoices in time after payment.


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