标签归档 苏州晚上必去的地方

Cadres walk into the live broadcast room to promote products to help increase income (a new observation of cadres’ state)

Lu Hongping is broadcasting live in strawberry greenhouse. Photo by Han Xichen

Video screenshot of Gao Shilong’s live broadcast with goods. Information picture

Arjun (left) is bringing goods live. Information picture

  Editor’s note: The sudden epidemic situation has a great impact on the sales and circulation of agricultural products. In order to help overcome poverty and increase the income of fellow villagers, party member cadres in some places walked into the live broadcast room, or tried to introduce them on the spot, or used their talents to drain, trying to open up sales in the form of live broadcast with goods. What is the effect of the live broadcast of cadres with goods? In the long run, can a sustainable mechanism be formed, and what aspects need to be improved? This edition approaches the cadres who live broadcast with goods, pays attention to their thoughts and deeds, and talks about their wishes and hopes.

  "Friends, this is the blueberry I picked today. It tastes crisp and sweet and has high nutrition. Hurry to buy it in buy buy!" At 8 o’clock on the evening of March 25th, Lu Hongping, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of Yanghe Town, jiaozhou city City, Shandong Province, munched on locally produced blueberries and interacted enthusiastically with netizens in the live broadcast room. At the bottom of the screen, the constant influx of netizens likes, sends flowers and leaves messages … … The sales of blueberries also went up, selling more than 500 kilograms that day.

  In order to alleviate the unsalable agricultural products caused by the epidemic, party member cadres from many places across the country joined forces with e-commerce and short video platforms to walk into the live broadcast room to help fellow villagers bring goods. Lu Hongping is one of them. However, unlike professional anchors, live broadcast is just a way for cadres to help get rid of poverty and serve the masses.

  Why did you walk into the live broadcast room?

  Products are unsalable, people are anxious, and cadres are worried. I look forward to bringing goods online to open up the situation.

  The day before the first webcast, Gao Shilong, the "anchor", stayed up almost all night. As the first secretary of Dabeishan Village, Longquan Town, Jingyu County, Jilin Province, the slow sales of local products in the village made him anxious to get angry in recent days.

  Talking about the original intention of doing live broadcast, Gao Shilong said frankly that he was "dissatisfied": "I saw some anchors carrying goods, and thousands of goods were robbed in a few seconds. I also want to try and bring goods to everyone."

  Someone once advised him to find a professional anchor, who is experienced and knows marketing, and the effect is not bad. However, most of the agricultural products in Dabeishan Village have low added value and short circulation cycle, so it is not worthwhile to pay for the anchor and calculate the economic account. What about the villagers’ live broadcast? Many people are too old to play live broadcast software. After much consideration, Gao Shilong decided to make his own venture. "Short videos and live broadcasts have entered thousands of households. If you can’t keep up with the rhythm, the goods will not sell well."

  Compared with Gao Shilong, who touched the net for the first time and crossed the river by feeling the stones, Arjun, the county magistrate of Henan Mongolian Autonomous County in Qinghai Province, is now a complete "online celebrity Talent". In a live broadcast at the beginning of the year, he, three cadres from other counties and five net reds brought goods worth 12 million yuan in five hours.

  Henan Mongolian Autonomous County, located at the junction of the three provinces, is rich in Hequ horses, Xueduo yaks and Euler sheep, and has a good foundation in animal husbandry. However, traffic congestion has caused "the smell of wine is also afraid of the depth of the alley." "Our products are not well-known and lack sales channels." Arjun is in a hurry.

  Two years ago, at a promotion meeting in the eastern coastal areas, an e-commerce company gave him advice to consider using short videos that are on the air. Arjun counted the account: it is too wasteful to take money to find a professional team soon after our county got rid of poverty; Show yourself, and worry that you will be considered "showing off".

  Thinking about it, Arjun chose to appear between being criticized and finding a market. Putting on a Mongolian costume and pointing to a flock of yaks behind him, Arjun shouted to the camera: "If you want to be good and thin, you should often eat more yak meat." Once this short video was launched, the click rate exceeded 30 million. Arjun was surprised and delighted.

  Now, from short video to live broadcast, Arjun calmly eats and chats with the screen, and introduces the customs and tourist attractions of Henan County to the netizens in the live broadcast room, which is handy and humorous.

  "Leading cadres need to do things rigorously and master new tools. I think it is also practical to bring goods live." Arjun said frankly that it is inevitable that there will be various voices on the Internet for the live broadcast of cadres, but only by daring to try can there be a way out. Every product sold is the best help for the masses.

  How to do it in the studio?

  Various forms, product fidelity, cadre endorsement, sales increased, but the sales model needs to be improved.

  On March 8, Gao Shilong, who first tested the live broadcast of water with goods, sold goods worth 7,000 yuan in four hours. This achievement is not outstanding on the internet, but the villagers are very satisfied. Previously, most of the time, the villagers in Dabeishan Village were squatting on the side of the road with a basket of mountain products, and they couldn’t sell much in a day.

  In the live broadcast room, he sincerely said: "Authentic, true story, really affordable, the promised nutritional content is not up to standard, and I will pay you an extra 20,000 yuan out of my own pocket." This self-confidence stems from his understanding of local agricultural products. Since he became the first secretary in the village, he has strictly controlled every link in building factories, grasping quality and shaping brands. Gao Shilong said: "For a few hours online, you have to work hard offline, and the quality must be guaranteed."

  In the past two years, e-commerce has developed rapidly, and live broadcasts have continued to be popular, but problems such as product fraud and difficulties in safeguarding rights have been constant. It is often the anchor who talks nonsense, but the products that consumers get are not satisfactory.

  "I bought his things for the first time, but thinking about the county magistrate’s endorsement should not be fake." Ms. Liu, who placed an order to buy Xueduo dried yak meat, bluntly said that the cadres in the live broadcast room are all real-name certifications, and consumers are more assured.

  Others came out of curiosity. On weekdays, cadres who are sitting in danger and doing things seriously walk into the live broadcast room. Can they put down their airs? Can you understand the online language?

  Jin Hongfeng, the branch secretary of Zhongping Village, Baicaogou Town, Wangqing County, Jilin Province, who has participated in the live broadcast for more than a year, summed up his "secret": singing in seven points and selling goods in three points. In the live broadcast room, he sang the famous Korean song "Red Sun Shines on the Frontier", and he also replied to the barrage sent by netizens. "In addition to selling goods, the live broadcast should also be able to have ‘ Emotional interaction ’ Can’t all be dry product introductions. "

  Because of his height of 2.04 meters, netizens call him "Golden Big Man". Netizens like it and have a high reputation. Jin Hongfeng simply named the local rice and spicy cabbage with this name. The highly personalized image creation has been praised and welcomed by netizens. Last month, a netizen from Heilongjiang came to the village and bought 2000 Jin of spicy cabbage in one breath.

  When cadres walked into the live broadcast room, they gained something and found problems. Lu Hongping, who walked out of the live broadcast room, found that the sales of blueberries declined in the days when the live broadcast was not available, and some netizens could not even find a sales link. The same trouble happened to Arjun. "Some netizens reported that the dried yak meat package was too big, and some people said that it was delivered too slowly." The link to the shopping yellow car in the Jin Hongfeng live page has not been added yet, and consumers have to jump several times if they want to place an order.

  From production and packaging to warehousing and logistics to distribution and after-sales, live delivery is a systematic project involving many links, not just a few hours in the live broadcast room. In this regard, some experts believe that the arrival of cadres can attract traffic; However, brand, word of mouth, efficiency, distribution, after-sales, etc., all need more professional design.

  Where is the prospect of bringing goods?

  Cultivate talents, make characteristics and strict standards, extend the industrial chain and make good use of resource endowment.

  In March of this year, more than 100 county mayors participated in the live broadcast of goods on major online platforms. For a time, the transformation of cadres into anchors was hotly debated by the society. However, there are also many netizens who believe that we should be wary of going through the motions and not turning the live broadcast into a "catwalk".

  "The live broadcast of cadres, the greater effort is actually outside the live broadcast room." Xin Feng, director of the Third Division of the Organization Department of Jilin Provincial Party Committee, said that it is normal to have challenges or even problems when you first come into contact with the live broadcast. The key is to regard the exposed problems as the driving force for improvement.

  In order to solve the problems of low brand and different live broadcast forms, the Organization Department of Jilin Provincial Party Committee initiated the establishment of the "First Secretary Association of Jilin Province" on the basis of preliminary investigation, deeply explored the live broadcast talents among the first secretaries in the village, and invested in the construction of live broadcast rooms, registered the only official account, and used a unified logo to try to change the situation of going it alone.

  "Since you can only be a part-time anchor, you must create more high-quality full-time anchors." Lu Hongping recently set his sights on the young people in the village, and planned to set up a delivery team to make the live delivery sustainable and normal.

  With the anchor, product quality and service experience should also be kept up in time. Arjun said that a bad review will almost make the newly accumulated word-of-mouth go down the drain. To have the confidence to shoot your chest in the live broadcast room, you must have excellent products and quality services.

  In the past, Arjun mostly only sold local dried yak meat, which only needed rough processing. However, there are more and more similar products. How to embody the characteristics, bring forth the new and extend the industrial chain, one problem after another. Arjun collects feedback from netizens during each live broadcast. "We produce what the market needs." Yak chops and special yogurts were put on the line one by one, and meat, milk, skin, hair and bone were processed into products in all directions, which made good use of local resource endowments and revitalized them.

  Grassroots cadres are working hard, and a number of powerful measures have been introduced one after another. Smooth circulation channels, promote accurate docking of production and marketing, and improve the market operation and scheduling mechanism are all helping the special anchors in front of the camera. (Reporter Xu Leipeng, Feng Jiang, Pan Junqiang and Li Jiading)

  People’s Daily (11th edition, April 2, 2020)

The first large-scale public art project in Changsha, METALOOP "Mixing", was grandly opened.

       Changsha IFS joins hands with Xingcheng to perceive the infinite cycle of art.

  On May 15th, 2022, the opening ceremony of METALOOP, Changsha’s first large-scale public art project, was successfully launched in Changsha IFS, further highlighting the city card of Changsha as the world’s new media art capital, and refreshing the public’s common understanding of media art once again.

  At the opening ceremony, Guo Runkui, deputy director of the Propaganda Department of Changsha Municipal Committee, secretary and director of the Party Committee of Changsha Municipal Bureau of Culture, Tourism, Radio, Film and Television, and representatives of eight joint units were invited to the scene to witness the launch of Changsha’s first large-scale public art project. On the day of the ceremony, the Art and Technology Summit Forum of "Society, Technology and Art in the Meta-Universe Era" was launched simultaneously. Dong Bingfeng, the artistic director and curator of METALOOP "Mixing" project, and six artists and scholars from the art, academic, science and technology industries all over the country conducted cross-border talks between contemporary art and public space.

  Dialogue with Urban Symbiosis | Changsha IFS explores new fields of art and technology

  On May 15th, METALOOP, Changsha’s first large-scale public art project, was successfully launched in Changsha IFS, under the guidance of Changsha Municipal Bureau of Culture, Tourism, Radio and Television, sponsored by Changsha IFS and planned by KUStudio, and jointly sponsored by four local museums and cultural organizations and four well-known enterprises and technology companies. Guo Runkui, deputy director of the Propaganda Department of Changsha Municipal Committee, secretary of the Party Committee and director of Changsha Municipal Bureau of Culture, Tourism, Radio, Film and Television, was invited to attend and delivered a speech, saying: "This 2022 Changsha Public Art Plan, through the most active and cutting-edge forms of art at present, discussed issues such as technological change and artistic practice in the era of the meta-universe, and promoted the city to implement the strategy of accelerating digital development and building a digital China, and the sustainable and all-round development of scientific and technological innovation. Show the world an international new aesthetic city image of culture, art and technology. Dong Bingfeng, artistic director and curator of METALOOP "Mixing" project, also sent congratulations on the online form and wished the ceremony a complete success. At the same time, Idy Tsang, Director of Promotion and Marketing Department of Changsha IFS, ying wang, Director of Service and Outreach of Changsha IFS Sub-tenant, and METALOOP "mixed".Project planner Peng Xinxin, co-founder and general manager of Xidi Zhijia Ma Wei, National Hybrid Rice Engineering Technology Research Center and Deputy Director of Hunan Hybrid Rice Research Center Office Rowling, Director of Changsha Museum Information Center Pu Yinghui, Deputy Director of Changsha Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection Center Zhu Peng, Deputy Director of Public Service Department of Longping Rice Museum Zhang Jingyi, Executive Director of Xie Zilong Image Art Museum Lu Ni, Zhang Xianming, vice president of Yuanda Technology Group and general manager of Yuanda Core Digital Technology Co., Ltd., Huang Liting, founder of P8 Planet, and Tang AirAsia, administrative assistant manager of Niygelo Hotel in Changsha, came to the scene to present their prospects and expectations for this art project.

  Dialogue Art Integration | Changsha IFS opens a new mode of commercial public space

  Changsha public art project METALOOP "mixing" is a dialogue between art and the city, but also between art and the public. In this art project, Changsha IFS invited 2 groups of well-known curators and 11 groups of domestic and international artists and groups to exhibit 3 groups of art projects, bringing art into commercial space and creating a multi-dimensional shopping experience for consumers. After the opening ceremony, the professional guided tour of the specially invited commentator on the spot further narrowed the distance between the public and art, and deeply felt the story and charm behind the works of art.

  West atrium of Changsha IFS LG2: Hu Jieming-the world’s first exhibition of large-scale public image installation "Image Palace"

  Hu Jieming is one of the pioneer artists of digital media and video devices in China. His artistic creation stops at the alternation of time, space-time, history and memory, which puts the public in an uncertain time and space in the past, thus arousing personal memory. Inspired by 5,000 images of Changsha’s real scenes, cityscape and daily life, the artist Hu Jieming created a large-scale public image installation "Image Palace", which is the world’s exclusive combination of virtual and reality. This is the largest image installation creation by Hu Jieming in the past five years. The new media sound and painting installation in the center of the palace was created by Edward Xu, which dynamically showed the temporal and spatial characteristics of Changsha’s ancient and modern changes, which is undoubtedly the best integration of local humanistic characteristics and modern high technology. During the tour, the public gradually discovered the familiar image of Changsha city, which triggered a heated discussion about the city memory.

  Outside the imaging device, an artificial intelligence driving experience game — The "Meta-Mine" intelligent cockpit has attracted great attention from the public and participated in the experience. Through the precise digital creation of "Image Palace", the game imitates the actual scene of Sidi’s intelligent driving in the mine to the greatest extent and cooperates with the automatic driving algorithm based on artificial intelligence technology. In these two cockpits, the public can travel through the image time and space through "driving games", control the self-driving mine card model to shuttle and mine in the virtual digital art installation, observe the Image Palace from different angles, and experience the local culture of the city.

  Changsha IFS Full Electronic Screen: SHIMMER- LED Big Screen International New Media Art Exhibition "Endless Dreams"

  Exhibition time: during the exhibition period
  10: 00/12: 00/14: 00/16: 00/18: 00/20: 00 for 20 minutes.

  The public video art exhibition "Endless Dreams" will be displayed in Changsha IFS Southwest Square, Northwest Square, Huangxing Road, L5 West Atrium and L7 Sculpture Garden by using the most forward-looking public LED electronic screen exhibition method. Disnovation.org (France), Joey Holder (UK), Saemundur Thor Helgason (Iceland), Kim Laughton (UK), nabbteeri (Finland), Lu Minglong (UK), Shi Ruini, Wang Jingxin and Xinyi Wang are nine groups of well-known domestic and international artists and groups. Presented in three story chapters: the dream of farmers, the dream of artists and the dream of drivers, the relationship among human beings, machines and sociality is re-conceived in a poetic way, which responds to the transformation towards the post-human era. At the tour site, the public took the lead in viewing three groups of works of art by Changsha IFS L5, and stopped to watch this new exhibition mode and expressed strong interest.

  Changsha IFS L7 Art Gallery: Lu Yang-Pioneer Artists’ New Works in Global Exhibition DOKU:HELLO WORLD

      Lu Yang, one of the artists participating in the theme exhibition of the 59th Venice Biennale in 2022, is also the winner of the 2022 "Artist of the Year" published by Deutsche Bank, and this time introduces his latest multimedia works.DOKU:HELLO WORLDDebut at Changsha IFS. Born for love and peace, DOKU is an inspiration creator who integrates multi-culture and spans art categories. Through guided tours, the public can see the integration of dynamic capture and 3D scanning technology, dance and music art in DOKU, and feel the infinite possibilities of artistic creation in the digital age together.

  Dialogue with "Metauniverse" Urban Forum | Changsha IFS opens a new prospect of digital art

On the afternoon of May 15th, the Art and Technology Summit Forum on "Society, Technology and Art in the Metauniverse Era" was held across the border. The forum was divided into two parts: round-table dialogue and cross-border dialogue, and was hosted by Dong Bingfeng, artistic director and curator of the METALOOP "Mixing" project of Changsha Public Art Plan. Keynote speech invited to Beijing? Hu Yong, Professor of School of Journalism and Communication, Nanjing? Lan Jiang, a professor of philosophy, and Huang Sunquan, a professor of China Academy of Fine Arts, gave a professional interpretation of "Society, Technology and Art in the Meta-Universe Era". The round-table dialogue invited Lu Ni, executive director of Xie Zilong Image Art Museum, Ma Wei, co-founder and general manager of Xidi Zhijia, and Hu Jieming, an exhibiting artist, to have a tripartite cross-border dialogue.

      Keynote speech: "This may be the first time in this century, and we may invent a brand-new aesthetics. That is to restart the imagination and invent new aesthetics. But to realize this expectation, someone must take the reins from the technical experts. "

      Keynote speech: "Things in the metauniverse are not passive, but can participate in the existence of the subject of the metauniverse to a certain extent. In this sense, the imitation law between people will inevitably expand to the imitation law between things."

       Keynote speech: "The metauniverse may not be very advanced in technology in the past decade, but it provides infinite imagination and possibilities. We should find ways to regenerate ourselves from our own life experiences and those gaps."

       Roundtable dialogue: "Art is personal and shared. Each of us is a small universe, and art fills the aesthetics of the public everywhere. "

      Roundtable dialogue: "Yuankuang is a sub-brand of Xidi Zhijia in the field of mine automatic driving. The goal is to build a mine operation mode with equipment intelligence and online remote cooperation similar to Metauniverse based on technologies such as automatic driving, artificial intelligence, Metauniverse and 5G."

         Roundtable dialogue: "Space is the place where we live. The spatial dimensions we face are multiple, and we can change space, expand space and create space. "

       At the Art and Technology Summit Forum of "Society, Technology and Art in the Meta-Universe Era", seven guests tried to explore the more possibilities of "we" for technological innovation, artistic innovation and space sharing from the concept of "Meta-Universe" in many fields such as society, science, art and public space.

  Dialogue with Underground Kilometers | Limiting the Courtesy of High-end Minerals and Perceiving the Beauty of "Treasures"

  Changsha IFS and Xidi Zhijia started cross-border cooperation to mine rich ores with the highest metal content in China, and customized exclusive ore certificates and digital certificates. Each ore has a unique corresponding number in the world, creating a limited number of high-end ore courtesy.

  Breaking, Awakening and Rebuilding | Building a Public Art Platform with Changsha as the Subject

  On November 1, 2017, UNESCO released the list of global "Creative City Networks" in Paris, and Changsha was selected as the "Media Art Capital" in the world, becoming the first China city to receive this honor. Changsha has thus entered an important stage of brand-new cultural industry innovation and development. In the future, Changsha will implement the 14th Five-Year Plan and the strategy of "Three Highs and Four Innovations", implement the plan of "accelerating digital development and building a digital China" and the strategy of scientific and technological innovation, sustainable and all-round development, deepen the image of "World Media and Art Capital", and show the world an international new aesthetic city with taste, style, connotation, temperament and value, and an international artistic and cultural innovation city.

      If the most important presentation space of traditional art is the museum, then today, with the rapid development of globalization, more and more urban public spaces and cultural and commercial complexes are actively promoting and constructing "art — The benign interaction of public relations and an open network of future thought experiments. Undoubtedly, Changsha IFS initiated the "2022 Changsha Public Art Plan METALOOP‘ Mix ’ " For Changsha and its surrounding areas, an important case of promoting the development and renewal of urban culture with artistic creativity is being established.

  More activity information

  About 2022 Changsha Public Art Plan METALOOP "Mixing"

  -Changsha IFS

  Exhibition: Image Palace


  Unremitting dreams

  Time: from now until June 30th, 2022.

  Opening hours: 10: 00 & ndash; ten o’clock pm

  Address: No.188 Jiefang West Road, Furong District, Changsha, Hunan.

  -Niygro Hotel Changsha

  Exhibition: "Modern Lighthouse" Shenglong City Image Exhibition

  Time: from now until June 20th, 2022.

  Opening hours: open all day.

  Exhibition: Cloud Painting Appreciation? Dream in a Dream "Fang Shibiao Sky Suite Art Space"

  Time: from April 22nd, 2022.

  Opening hours: 10: 00 & ndash; six o’clock pm

  Address: Changsha IFS T1, No.188 Jiefang West Road, Furong District, Changsha, Hunan Province

  - Yuanda Xinjian digital technology

  Exhibition: 70 Island /70 DAO

  Time: permanent exhibition throughout the year (the exhibition content is updated regularly)

  Opening hours: 08: 00 every Monday to Friday & ndash; six o’clock pm

  Address: Yuanda City, No.3 Yuanda Road, Changsha County, Changsha, Hunan Province

  - changsha museum

  Exhibition: "Xiang Jiang Bei Qu — Changsha Ancient History and Culture Exhibition "

  Time: permanent exhibition throughout the year

  Opening hours: 09: 00 every Tuesday to Sunday & ndash; five o’clock pm

  Address: Southwest of the intersection of Xiangjiang North Road and Qifeng Road, Kaifu District, Changsha, Hunan (Changsha Binjiang Cultural Park)

  - Changsha intangible cultural heritage museum

  Exhibition: Xiang SHOW— Xiangxiu Life Aesthetics Exhibition "

  Time: from now until June 20th, 2022.

  Opening hours: every Tuesday to Sunday at 09: 30 & ndash; five o’clock pm

  Address: Juzizhou Scenic Management Zone, Yuelu District, Changsha City, Hunan Province (formerly Juzhou Inn)

  -Sidi Zhijia

  Exhibition: "Hideki Driving Exhibition"

  Time: permanent exhibition throughout the year

  Opening hours: every Monday to Friday from 10: 00 to 18: 00.

  Address: A3-A4, Hunan Inspection and Testing Characteristic Industrial Park, No.336 Xueshi Road, Yuelu District, Changsha, Hunan.

  - Longping rice museum

  Exhibition: Permanent Exhibition of Rice Culture 2022

  Time: permanent exhibition throughout the year

  Opening hours: 09: 00 & ndash; five o’clock pm

  Address: Renmin East Road, Furong District, Changsha, Hunan

  - P8 planet

  Exhibition: Soft Space-A Unit Exhibition of the Curator Plan Phase I

  Time: June 4-July 31, 2022

  Opening hours: every Thursday to Sunday at 10: 00 & ndash; six o’clock pm

  Address: P8 Planet, Yuanda City, No.1 Yuanda Third Road, Changsha County, Changsha City, Hunan Province

    About Changsha IFS interactive experience

    -The Founding Fathers of the Arts Light up the Medal for Redemption.

  Time: April 30-June 30, 2022

  Combine the function of Changsha IFS small program medal, start the Art Founders program, and there are many surprises and gifts waiting for you to discover.

  Top wave player medal — Scan the code in the LG2 "Meta-Mine" intelligent cockpit and participate in the "driving game" to light it up;

  Frontier Art Coffee Medal — Scan the QR code of the Live Art Founders Project in L7 Art Gallery to light it up.

  Art Pioneer Medal — Use indoor mixed real-life navigation iGO to find treasure in the interactive screen of LG2 "Image Palace", L7 Art Gallery and L7 Sculpture Garden.

Apple’s incoming AI mobile phone "iPhone moment" is coming?

When mobile phone manufacturers rushed to add more AI, 2024 was called "the first year of mobile AI". However, Apple, which has always been regarded as the pioneer of smart phones, has been slow to act. Recently, Apple announced that it would abandon the car-making project, and it is turning to the field of generative AI in an all-round way, and news related to AI mobile phones is constantly coming out. For Apple, in the face of declining sales and market, price reduction is the competition for the stock market, while AI is the preemption of the incremental market.

beijing business today

Introducing external large model

According to foreign media reports quoted people familiar with the matter on Monday, Apple and Google are actively negotiating, hoping that Google’s generative artificial intelligence model Gemini will support some new functions of iPhone software this year. In addition, the source also revealed that Apple recently discussed with OpenAI and considered using the GPT model.

It is reported that Apple is preparing new functions based on its self-developed artificial intelligence model for the upcoming iOS 18, but these are all concentrated on devices, not through the cloud. Therefore, Apple is also looking for some partners to support generative artificial intelligence functions, including the ability to create images and write articles based on simple tips.

After giving up the car-making project, Apple is currently facing tremendous pressure in the field of artificial intelligence. Compared with competitors Microsoft and Google, Apple has been slow to introduce generative artificial intelligence, and Google and Microsoft are already integrating artificial intelligence into their products. Last month, Apple CEO Tim Cook said that the company planned to disclose more about its plans to put generative artificial intelligence into use later this year, adding that the company was making "significant" investments in this field.

The cooperation negotiations that broke out this time may mean that Apple’s efforts in artificial intelligence are not as far as some people hope. Therefore, people familiar with the matter said that Apple’s move to find partners may be wise. If the negotiations are successful, Apple will gain new functions in generative artificial intelligence, and Gemini will gain a key advantage in having billions of potential users.

At the same time, it also means that the two companies will "kiss each other." According to the agreement reached between Google and Apple, Google pays Apple billions of dollars every year, making its search engine the default option for Safari web browsers on iPhone and other devices. It is worth mentioning that in view of the huge scale of both parties, the potential agreement may lead to further antitrust review of the two companies.

Apple’s process related to AI mobile phones has always attracted much attention. In 2023, many media reported that Apple was developing a big model Ajax. In January 2024, some developers found Siri’s code related to OpenAI and ChatGPT in the developer preview version of Apple’s operating system iOS 17.4. The code shows that Apple is developing a new version of Siri supported by a big model. This has triggered speculation in the industry about iOS 18 that has not yet been launched. Many people think that iOS 18 will deeply integrate generative AI technology and redo iOS built-in applications with AI, especially Siri.

Save sales

For Apple, AI mobile phone is a brand-new and huge market. Since entering the China market in 1993, Apple has always been regarded as the representative of high-end mobile phones. In the era of smart phones, Nokia, the "tears of the times", was eliminated; There are many domestic flip phones whose names can’t be remembered. It seems that only Apple will never fail. However, 30 years later, this situation has undergone a subtle change.

Recently, the report released by Furui Group said that in 2023, the sales volume of Apple mobile phones in China dropped slightly by 3%, and the sales volume in the first week of 2024 plummeted by 30% compared with the same period in 2023. The report also predicts that the sales of Apple’s mobile phones in China may show a double-digit decline in 2024 in the face of multiple attacks from China brands such as Huawei and Xiaomi. Subsequently, Apple reported that China’s revenue dropped by 13%.

In order to cope with the weak demand in the smart phone market, Apple China official website recently launched a rare promotion campaign to reduce the price of its iPhone 15 series products by 500 yuan, including the most expensive iPhone 15 Pro Max.

Major General Ding, an industry observer, told the beijing business today that the price reduction of Apple official website showed that the sales of iPhone 15 series were less than expected before, and there was pressure to clear inventory at the end of the year. Under the multiple pressures of the high-end local brands in China, represented by Huawei, and the launch and sale of Samsung’s flagship new machine Galaxy S24 series, Apple needs to release the old inventory as soon as possible and lay the foundation for the new machine sales in 2024.

In Major General Ding’s view, Apple’s strategic adjustment is relatively slow. In terms of imaging technology, it has been overtaken by the head brand of the Android camp, but it is slow in folding screens and AI models, resulting in the gradual loss of users.

Canalys analyzed that in the past two years, thanks to the steady demand of the high-end smart market, Apple iPhone has shown tenacious vitality. However, the re-emergence of Huawei in Chinese mainland and local competition will pose a challenge to Apple’s sustained growth when the demand for high-end mobile phones in other major markets such as North America and Europe tends to be stable. "In the new year, Apple must seek new market growth points and ecosystem advantages to revitalize the iPhone business." Canalys wrote in the report.

Samsung Galaxy S24 series mobile phones are regarded as a strong proof that AI affects sales. According to official data, the sales volume of Galaxy S24 series has exceeded 1 million units in 28 days after it was launched in South Korea, which has set a new record for the sales volume of Samsung S series mobile phones to exceed one million units, which is three weeks faster than that of the previous Galaxy S23 series.

Coincidentally, although Samsung released its own Gauss model in November 2023, the Galaxy S24 series uses Google’s Gemini, and the China version uses Baidu’s ERNIE Bot. At present, the main AI functions of Galaxy S24 series include two-way real-time translation during call and creative image editing.

How far is AI iPhone?

After the explosion of ChatGPT last year, Huang Renxun, CEO of NVIDIA, put forward that "the iPhone time of AI is coming", indicating that the AI industry has reached a point like the revolutionary subversion brought to the mobile phone industry when the iPhone was born.

Today, AI’s real iPhone may be coming. However, many people think that we still have a long way to go with the veritable AI mobile phone. According to some insiders, no matter whether the big model is self-developed or open, the products that have been labeled with AI mobile phones are nothing more than image processing, search and other functions, which are far from the real intelligent form.

Gartner, a research organization, pointed out that AI mobile phones should be equipped with corresponding hardware and software functions, which can realize seamless integration and efficient execution of AI driving functions and applications on mobile phones; These phones can run basic or fine-tuned AI models locally and generate new derivative versions of content, strategies, designs and methods. In other words, only when AIGC actually runs on the terminal can AI be considered as landing on the mobile phone.

Zhang Xiaorong, dean of the Institute of Deep Science and Technology, believes that in terms of value potential, AI is expected to refresh the business model of the mobile phone industry and even reconstruct the previous pattern. But at the present stage, the strategic awareness of mobile phone manufacturers is far ahead of technology and ecology. Building momentum around the concept may boost sales in the short term, but the vision is not equal to reality after all.

Zhang Xiaorong mentioned that it should also be noted that while AI mobile phones enhance the sense of experience, they will also cause users’ anxiety about data and personal privacy. At present, users who have doubts about App snooping data can also use different Apps to distinguish them, and avoid privacy leakage by not letting an app get too much data. Assuming that the AI ? ? mobile phone can get through all the apps, users naturally cannot avoid it.

At this level, the AI ? ? phone has not yet ushered in its iPhone moment, but obviously, it is worth waiting for.

Source: beijing business today reporter Zhao Tianshu

Process Editor: U022

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"Changsha Nightlife" exposed a new notice. Zhou Dongyu sent Ahu、Yue a good friend card.

1905 movie network news Producer, Zhao Xiaoshi, screenwriter and director, starring,,, Wu Haochen, Bai Yufan, Zhou Siyu, Wu Jun, Luo Gang, specially starred, and friendship starred in the film released the "One Night in Changsha" notice.

The preview aims at the ordinary people living in Changsha, taking an invitation for a night tour as a guide, and all the joys and sorrows that happened in the sleepless night are laid out. Love, affection and friendship complement each other in the night, making people really feel that behind the heat of Changsha nightlife is the temperature of human feelings. In the preview, LAY’s talk show about Hunan flavor was released for the first time, which was impressive. In addition, the preview also exposed the joining of Zhou Dongyu and Ahu、Yue for the first time. The two seemed to be in "breakup negotiations". As soon as Zhou Dongyu appeared, he sent Ahu、Yue a good friend card, which made the audience curious about their story with Changsha. The film will be released nationwide on April 28th, showing the infinite charm of Changsha, a city in online celebrity.

Zhou Dongyu Ahu、Yue surprises to join the breakup scene.

LAY talks about the last talk show.

How can I spend a beautiful night in Changsha? I believe that the preview of "Changsha Nightlife" and "One Night in Changsha" can give a vivid and vivid answer. YIN FANG and Zhang Jingyi performed Changsha native Yazi and Mei Tuo. They met by chance and made a night trip to Changsha. Sophie Su and Wu Haochen became masters of food stalls in the middle of the night, and the food was busy. The phrase "four-handed butter, less spicy and packed away" vividly reflected the hot atmosphere in the store; Good brothers Bai Yufan and Zhou Siyu overlook the night view of the city on the Ferris wheel after work, and can’t help but sigh, "It’s really nice to see the city at such a high place for the first time"; The talk show actor played by LAY revealed his heart to the audience and bluntly said that this was his last talk show; Zhou Dongyu and Ahu、Yue starred in a couple who are about to break up. They are having a long talk in the middle of the night to start a confession. "I will never meet someone as good as you are to me again" … … The preview shows the multiple ways of opening in Changsha at night. The flashing neon, the bustling crowd and the smell of fireworks from food stalls contain infinite possibilities of life.

It is worth mentioning that this is LAY’s first appearance as a talk show actor, and the intimate interaction with the audience in the preview makes people more curious about his complete performance in the feature film. Zhou Dongyu and Ahu、Yue surprise to join and play a couple, and the break-up scene is exposed for the first time in the preview. Zhou Dongyu launched a "Good Man Card" for Ahu、Yue, which filled the aesthetic atmosphere of BE as soon as he appeared. Ahu、Yue’s acting as the true color of Hunan Yazi also made the content of "Xiang" in the film climb again.

"Their last night is also every night in Changsha."

The night in the city wraps up life and resonates with people.

If Changsha is the leading role of the film, then the ordinary little people living in Changsha are the well-deserved protagonists of the film. The preview can be said to show the gathering and parting, love and sorrow of ordinary people in Changsha at night. The last cup of milk tea, the last meeting, the last talk show, and the last powder making … … The important nodes that belong to their lives have been witnessed one by one under the night in Changsha. "The last time" means that the past is closed, and it also symbolizes that the new hope for the future is about to open. In ordinary days, it is through all kinds of unforgettable "last time" that they can walk out of a unique life. As the trailer says, "Their last night is also every night in Changsha, and life comes and goes, and every night is always new." In this way, all kinds of life go through the long night in Changsha to reach the heart, meeting, parting, laughing, sadness, staying and leaving … … All left an indelible mark on the "last night".

As a native of Hunan, YIN FANG, Zhang Jingyi, LAY and Ahu、Yue were deeply impressed by their true colors in the preview. In the previous interview, when asked about the most impressive Changsha dialect, Zhang Jingyi once mentioned her line "You want it" in the film. In the preview, her performance showed the fierceness and frankness of Changsha Meituo. LAY, who plays a talk show actor, said that he likes watching jokes in Changsha dialect very much. In his eyes, Changsha is a hospitable and warm place.

The film "Changsha Nightlife" is produced by Chen Kexin and Zhao Xiaoshi, written and directed by Zhang Ji, starring YIN FANG, Zhang Jingyi, Sophie Su, Wu Haochen, Bai Yufan, Zhou Siyu, Wu Jun and Luo Gang, with LAY as the special star and Zhou Dongyu and Wang Lixin as the friendly stars. It will be released nationwide during the May Day holiday on April 28th.

Su Hui: Promoting the spiritual harmony of compatriots in promoting cross-strait non-governmental exchanges

  A press conference for leaders of the Central Committee of the Democratic Party and the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce was held in the Golden Hall of the Great Hall of the People at 3pm on March 6th. Wan Exiang, Ding Zhongli, Hao Mingjin, Cai Dafeng, Chen Zhu, Wan Gang, Wu Weihua, Su Hui and Gao Yunlong, Chairman of the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce were invited to answer questions.

  The following is a live record:

  Su Hui:

  Unswervingly inherit and carry forward the glorious tradition of Taiwan Province compatriots’ patriotism and love for their hometown, and make unremitting efforts for the peaceful reunification of the motherland and the realization of the Chinese dream of great rejuvenation. Every member of the Taiwan Alliance is full of homesickness in his heart, and every member of the Taiwan Alliance is also filled with feelings of home and country melted in his blood. This is the consistent initial intention and mission of the Taiwan Alliance since its establishment 71 years ago.

  Last December, the 10th National Congress of the Taiwan Democratic Self-government League elected me as the chairman of the Central Committee of the Taiwan Alliance. I felt both glorious and honored, and I felt the great responsibility on my shoulders. I will take the baton of history, lead all the allies to actively participate in the great practice of Socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, and jointly write a brilliant chapter in the cause of multi-party cooperation.

  Looking back at history, since its establishment in 1947, the Taiwan Alliance has always adhered to the leadership of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and firmly followed the road of Socialism with Chinese characteristics. From the publication of the Letter to Taiwan Province Compatriots in Hong Kong’s Huashang Daily in May 1948, publicly responding to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China’s "May 1 slogan", to actively participating in the preparation of the new CPPCC, participating in the formulation of the Common Program of the China People’s Political Consultative Conference, and then participating in the election of the Central People’s Government, we witnessed the birth of the new China. It can be said that Taiwan Province people’s long love for the country and their ambition to serve the country are engraved in the glorious history of new China with practical actions.

  Since the beginning of the new era, Taiwan Alliance has highlighted the characteristics of "Taiwan", earnestly performed the functions of participating parties, and made our due contribution to the construction of Socialism with Chinese characteristics. In this new era, we should still firmly grasp the overall situation of national work and the development of cross-strait relations, select the topics of the times from a broad perspective, refine our insights in in-depth research, promote the spiritual harmony of compatriots in promoting cross-strait non-governmental exchanges, and make unremitting efforts to promote the peaceful development of the two sides of the strait and realize the peaceful reunification of the motherland.

  Thanks to the friends in the press for their concern for the Taiwan Alliance, and also thanks to the media friends from the island for their concern for the Taiwan Alliance. I hope that through you, I will extend my most sincere greetings and heartfelt wishes to my hometown folks. Thank you.

Create culture and cultivate the future.

Source: Xinhuanet

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, April 2 nd: Building culture and cultivating the future

-thinking behind baseball’s "out of the circle"

Xinhua News Agency reporter Wu Junkuan

At the end of 2020, a documentary film with baseball as the theme "Great! Teenager has made this slightly "niche" sport in China a success.

A juvenile baseball team composed of left-behind children has realized the change of life situation through sports. Their inspirational stories of swinging against the wind and challenging their fate not only won the film the Best Documentary Feature Film Award at the FIRST Youth Film Exhibition, but also made many people really know baseball for the first time through the big screen, and then became interested in it.

Behind this successful "out-of-the-loop" case is the accumulation of countless China baseball players who have devoted themselves to popularizing popular projects. The title of the film represents the "great" and "juvenile" of the project culture, and also outlines the key words for the future development of baseball in China.

You may not know the rules of the baseball game, but you have seen the scene of this sport in Japanese comics or film and television works. At worst, I have seen baseball caps and players struggling to swing their bats. Baseball caps and bats can be said to be the most basic cultural labels of this sport.

Culture comes first and popularization lags behind, which is the present situation of baseball in most parts of China. It may seem awkward to many people, but in the eyes of Qi Dong, managing director of Major League Baseball (MLB) in China, this "upside down" is just an opportunity for baseball development.

"It is true that baseball is not as popular as some other sports now, but I don’t think it is a minority project. Because many people know baseball, but the sport itself has not been popularized. What we have to do is to unite all the forces that can be United and constantly transmit the content and culture of baseball. " Qi Dong said in an interview recently.

According to Qi Dong, in recent years, one of MLB’s main tasks in China is to continuously build project culture and influence through "going out of the circle" and "breaking the wall". In addition to participating as a strategic partner in the movie "Great! In addition to Teenagers, MLB China also successfully tried to break the wall last year, and cooperated with the popular IP "Under One Man" to form a "alien baseball team" in the second yuan and released a publicity video. It is precisely because of these attempts that I have tasted the sweetness. MLB China’s copyright cooperation, which began in the 2021 season, moved from Tencent Sports to Tencent Video, and joined hands with Oriental Pearl New Media under Shanghai Wenguang, which took a fancy to the entertainment attributes of the two partners.

In 2020, MLB China launched the original studio, and the total broadcast volume of original content exceeded 100 million. More original content authors will be supported in 2021. Children like baseball short video player and Xu Jiacheng, who has nearly 50,000 fans, have been shortlisted for the Creative Talent Camp and will receive support from content materials and funds.

Attracting the attention of teenagers as much as possible is the meaning of this series of questions of "going out of the circle" and "breaking the wall"

Coincidentally, the Chinese Baseball Association also saw the importance of building a project culture. Last year, the China Baseball Association, as a guiding unit, joined hands with People’s Baseball to launch a large-scale documentary "Baseball in China-A Guide to Faith" to tell the baseball story of China people.

In addition, the China Baseball Association also held an online interactive activity of "Baseball Network Talent Show" during the epidemic period, which showed the technical charm and cultural connotation of baseball in the form of social media challenges that young people loved. Not long ago, the China Baseball Association set up a committee for elite athletes to give full play to the power of role models and attract more young people’s attention.

It has become the consensus of China baseball people from all walks of life to create a baseball culture and help popularize the project.

The development of sports cannot be separated from the support of the participants. Two years ago, MLB released the White Paper on Baseball Population in China in 2019, which showed that by 2019, the overall size of baseball population in China was about 41 million, with 21 million active people. Among the active people, people who participate in sports account for 40.0%.

Whether a sport can enter the campus and approach teenagers determines whether there will be more and more participants. After the project temporarily left the Olympic Games in 2008, the China Baseball Association began to devote more energy to popularization and promotion, focusing on strengthening youth training and promoting the project into the campus, and achieved remarkable results.

In recent years, youth baseball has developed rapidly. With the construction of U-series tournament system as a lever, the youth competitions of U10, U12, U15, U18 and other age groups have expanded from the national championship to the national championship and the national open, and the scale of participation has tripled, with nearly 700 teams participating each year.

According to the plan of China Baseball Association, the development of youth baseball in the next five years will build a multi-channel and multi-form baseball talent training mechanism based on campus, build more traditional schools and youth sports clubs, let more young students participate in baseball, and consolidate the talent base for baseball development. In the Medium-and Long-Term Development Plan of China Baseball Industry (Draft for Comment), a specific goal is set-to strive to reach 3,000 schools to carry out baseball by 2025.

In November, 2020, the China Baseball Association also reached a cooperation with MLB on the project of baseball public welfare class entering the campus. At present, the project has landed in primary and secondary schools in Wuxi, Shanghai, Beijing and other places. The two sides will work together to bring baseball public welfare classes to more parts of the country, jointly promote the popularization of baseball campuses, and organize a wealth of event exchange activities on this basis, so that children can enhance their fun through competitions and continue to grow and progress.

Qi Dong said that four to six cities have been arranged for baseball public welfare classes to enter the campus this year. "Our goal is to hope that more and more children will feel the fun and charm of baseball at the physical education class."

"The main purpose of this project is to let more children know at least what baseball is, how to run, jump and throw it, how to know that it is a team sport, how to use their brains, how to be resourceful and so on through physical education class. These all allow children to exercise, both physically and mentally. " Qi Dong said, "If all primary schools in the country have baseball in physical education class, then baseball will be really popular in China, and the development of baseball in the future will be very broad."

The computer must be installed with three masterpieces of Steam games, each of which is a boutique!

Today, I recommend three excellent game masterpieces on Steam.

The first paragraph: Fury 2. A masterpiece of shooting game, this game has a good picture, this game is for decompression, throw away all the accurate marksmanship and tactical play, and just do it directly. The gameplay is really refreshing and full of shooting sense. Don’t miss the end of shooting games. It’s super fun.

Paragraph 2: Resident Evil 3 remastered version. The quality of the game itself is good, except for the short process, there are basically no shortcomings. The game screen is very good, the rhythm is very fast, and the atmosphere is also very good. Players who like horror games should not miss it. It is super fun.

The third paragraph: The Legend of Ninja Dragon Sword. One of the most interesting act games on the computer, with good screen, smooth movement and strong sense of attack, is very challenging. Players who like hardcore games should not miss it.

Today is the whole content of this video. See you next time. Bye.

186 million dollars in 3 years! Why did the Lakers renew Davis’ contract in advance with a super maximum salary?

Anthony davis signed a three-year, $186 million contract with the Lakers. After reaching this contract, Davis’ contract will expire in the summer of 2028, with a total value of more than $270 million. The average annual renewal contract is $62 million, which is the highest in NBA history, higher than Jaylen Brown’s new contract, which is $304 million in five years and $60.8 million in an average year. If Davis keeps playing 60 games every season, his average salary will exceed $1 million during the renewal period.

Why did the Lakers renew Davis’ contract in advance?

In the regular season of 2022-23, Davis averaged 34 minutes per game, scoring 25.9 points, 12.5 rebounds, 2.6 assists, 1.1 steals and 2.0 blocks.

The record of averaging 25 points, 10 rebounds and 2 blocks in a single season is the third player in the history of the Lakers to achieve this achievement, second only to Shaq O ‘Neal and Tiangou Jabbar.

Davis has averaged 24.6 points, 10.1 rebounds and 2.1 blocks per game since his Lakers career. He has a championship and two All-Stars, and has the best lineup and the best defensive lineup.

Pelinka, the general manager of the Lakers, thinks that Davis is the best player in the Lakers, an incredible captain and leader, and the main reason why the Lakers can win the championship in 2020. At the same time, in order to make the team enter the Western Conference finals last season, he is willing to continue playing with a foot injury. Therefore, Pelinka naturally hopes that Davis can stay with the Lakers.

As a two-way business alliance, if one side of the team fails to provide a suitable offer for contract renewal, the players with outstanding performance may naturally jump out of the contract to exert pressure, and it may be even more difficult to renew the contract without paying the maximum salary in advance. And considering that James is 39 years old, Davis’ early contract renewal can cover the rest of James’ career. In addition, Davis will consider his own injuries, and the benefits of renewing the contract in advance definitely outweigh the disadvantages.

So naturally Davis can renew his contract in advance during the offseason.

After renewing Davis’ contract in advance, the Lakers’ transactions since the offseason are as follows: renewing Davis’ contract in advance, renewing Russell’s contract, eight village bases and Reeves’ contract, and signing Vincent, Prince, Reddish and Hayes. During the offseason, we don’t make drastic changes to the team’s personnel list, keep the Western Conference lineup, win practical players, and make the lineup more reasonable.

The operation of the Lakers in the offseason is really commendable. To what extent do you think the Lakers’ record will be next season? Did you win the championship, win the Western Conference, have a second tour, have a first tour, or failed to enter the playoffs?

Peninsula Sports Ligue 1: A leader in the golden age, De Braune has won the championship five times in his career in Manchester City.

"We will take it as our competitor," klopp told BBC Sports. "I’m not so spoiled. We have qualified for the Europa League, which is incredible in all these teams around us. It was really difficult, and we did it, which is good.

"For such a long time, we didn’t even hear the voice of the Champions League. That’s how far we are. The Europa League is absolutely fine. Let’s see what we can do.

Jacob Ramsey gave Villa the lead in the first half and they were able to stop the host for most of the game.

The reason of C Ronaldo’s bleak evening scene: mistaking the platform for ability

C Ronaldo has gone far away to the desert, so that the hot sunshine in the desert can cure the injury and pain of the defeated plum ball king!

At the age of c, he has gone to the desert, and his competitive career has been finalized.

Although there is a lot of wealth, it seems to be happy! But its heart is painful!

As we all know, Ronaldo is aloof and arrogant, and I am the only one!

I take the super plum ball king as my responsibility all my life, and pursue honor, glory and data all my life.

C Ronaldo has been a technical career for more than ten years, and his money has been free and his wealth has been satisfactory; It cares more about face, scenery and honor.

During C Ronaldo’s career, during his years in Real Madrid, he won four Golden Globes and four Champions League games, which strengthened his confidence and courage, boasted himself the first, second and third place in the world, was extremely inflated and self-mad.

C Ronaldo’s greatest misfortune is to regard the platform as an ability! It is the real Madrid platform and personal efforts that have made its real Madrid years dazzling!

C Ronaldo left Real Madrid, moved to Juventus and Manchester United, accomplished nothing, and never won the Golden Globe Award, Sir, or the Champions League again! 16 lang in the Champions League every year! Its juventus years are incomplete!

C Ronaldo’s national team was ruined, and fans said that it was lying in the European Cup. Although it was exaggerated, it was not groundless!

C Ronaldo’s World Cup achievement is hands-free, which is a stain on his life! Causing 10 zeros in the World Cup to be bleak. Single-core team leader has the best score in the top 16.

After the dark years after Real Madrid, nothing was achieved after the World Cup.

C Luo Fang understands that it is the Real Madrid platform and Lafayette that have made its brilliant Real Madrid era. I mistook the Real Madrid platform for my ability, woke up like a dream, and wanted to return to Real Madrid and relive the beauty. But the vicissitudes of life, powerless, was rejected by Real Madrid! I have to go to Saudi Arabia to waste the rest of my life!

Life is like this, when you miss the opportunity, it may be a lifetime of regret and regret!