标签归档 杭州桑拿洗浴论坛

The local little seafood concentrated on landing and attracted a large number of citizens to "grab the fresh"

Cast three large nets a day and a night.

Harvesting tens of thousands of Jin octopus,

Qi Xin, a dozen fishermen, joined forces

Catch thousands of pounds of oyster shrimp,

There are many boats.

Catch a lot of small fish and shrimp ashore,

Give the citizens a small holiday "the first fresh" …

On the first day of the Qingming small holiday,

The reporter is in Laoshan District

Shazikou National Center Fishing Port and Nanjiang Wharf

And Qigou, Aoshan Bay, Jimo District,

Taking advantage of the small holiday,

Fishermen go fishing at sea,

For citizens and tourists

Brought back a wave of "spring fresh".

The fisherman said,

All kinds of ashore this season

There are more and more varieties in little seafood.

And many of them are cheap.

A delicious seasonal seafood variety.

All kinds of seafood just caught ashore.

"The name of these seafood is’ Long Octopus’, which is a variety of Eight Zones. This boat has fully harvested more than 12,000 kilograms." This morning, at Shazikou Fishing Port, with a large fishing boat docked, more than a dozen fishermen began to perform their duties and were busy unloading octopus to the shore.

Fishing boats catch a lot of octopus.

Mr. Jiang, a fisherman, said that they went out to sea in the early hours of the morning. After a day and a night of fishing, they cast three nets and harvested a lot of octopus. Today, they landed at Shazikou early in the morning, and about 12,000 kilograms of octopus were transported to major markets for sale that day.

According to fishermen’s custom, it is a good time for fishermen to go fishing around Qingming every year. With the rise of water temperature in offshore waters, a large number of fish begin to swim to offshore waters. At this time, most fishermen will go fishing. Therefore, April is the time when a large number of local little seafood people come ashore, so citizens can indulge in seafood during the Qingming holiday.

Freshly landed oyster shrimp.

At the Nanjiang Wharf in Laoshan District, the reporter saw that the fishing boats that went out to sea had landed, shrimp and tiger, eight belts, and? ? ? ? Fish, yellow drum fish, blackhead fish, eel scales, crabs … Although the number of little seafood brought back is small, it is rich and fresh, and many citizens rushed to the dock to buy it.

Many seafood are sold on the dock as soon as they land.

In addition, the reporter visited Gangdong Wharf in Laoshan District and Qigou Wharf in Jimo District, and found that many local small fishing boats landed in little seafood. After several hours of offshore operation, each boat can bring back dozens of pounds of different varieties of little seafood on average, attracting a large number of citizens to "grab the fresh".

Many citizens rushed to the dock to buy seafood.

According to the fishermen in Qigou Village, because these two days are small tides, there is no big fishing news in the offshore area, so a large number of fishing boats will only fish in the offshore area and will not run too far. During the Qingming small holiday, there will be fishing news off the coast of Qingdao. At this time, there will be big ships fishing in relatively distant waters. At that time, a large number of little seafood will land, and the citizens will be able to have a seafood addiction before the fishing moratorium.

Source | Qingdao Morning Post reporter Kang Xiaohuan

Academic Exchange Conference on Huangdi Culture: Six "firsts" about Huangdi Sacrifice

In order to deeply explore the values in history and culture, the Qingming Festival Huangdi Ceremony in Xuanyuan will be held in the Hundred Days of 1898. In 2018, the Qingming "Huangdi Culture Academic Exchange Conference" was held in Xi ‘an People’s Building from April 2 to 6. Scholars and professors from Tsinghua University, Nanjing University, Northwest University, Taiwan Province University of Politics, Taiwan Fu Jen Catholic University and other institutions discussed the origin of Huangdi culture and Chinese civilization in Chinese history.
Huangdi Mausoleum Oriental IC Data Map
Since the death of the Yellow Emperor, the Chinese nation has started offering sacrifices to the Yellow Emperor. Sima Qian’s Records of the Yellow Emperor’s Biography records that "the Yellow Emperor collapsed and was buried in Qiaoshan", which is the Huangdi Mausoleum in Qiaoshan, huangling county, Shaanxi today. According to the records in Historical Records, "Liu Che, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, led 180,000 troops to levy a return from the North, sacrificed the Yellow Emperor to Qiaoshan, prayed for Sendai, and left Jiabai behind", the sacrificial activities of the Huangdi Mausoleum have been recorded for more than 2,000 years.
huangdi mausoleum
Six "firsts" offered by the Yellow Emperor in history
"Regarding the Yellow Emperor’s sacrifice, it can be said with certainty that the imperial court has a history of at least 2,000 years in the Yellow Emperor’s mausoleum, while the history of sacrificing the Yellow Emperor is much longer. There are several firsts in history, which need to be mentioned. "Zhang Maoze, vice president of the Yellow Emperor Research Association in Xuanyuan, Shaanxi Province, put forward six firsts on the sacrifice of the Yellow Emperor at the exchange meeting.
First, the first sacrifice to the Yellow Emperor was a public sacrifice of the imperial court, which happened after the death of the Yellow Emperor, about 5,000 years ago. Zuo Che, the minister of the Yellow Emperor, "cut the wood into the image of the Yellow Emperor, and the handsome princes worshipped it" ("Bamboo Annals").
Second, offering sacrifices to the Yellow Emperor became a court system, which was 4,000 years ago at the time of Shun. "On the Lu Language of Mandarin" says: "Therefore, there is Yu’s funeral (sound emperor, offering sacrifices) to the Yellow Emperor, whose ancestors were Zhuan Xu, and whose suburbs were Yao and Zong Shun. Xia Houshi was the ancestor of the Yellow Emperor and Zhuan Xu, and he lived in the suburbs. " You Yu is Shun and his descendants; Sacrificing the Yellow Emperor is the ancestor worship and system.
Third, the emperor who attended or presided over the ceremony of offering sacrifices to the Yellow Emperor for the first time was Zhou Muwang of the Western Zhou Dynasty, nearly 3,000 years ago. According to the biography of Mu Tianzi, Zhou Muwang "rose to the hill of Kunlun Mountain to see the palace of the Yellow Emperor, and was buried in Fenglong to serve as a reminder to future generations".
Fourthly, the earliest temple dedicated to the Yellow Emperor was built in the fourth year of King Wei Lie of Zhou Dynasty (422 years ago, more than 2,400 years ago), and Qin Linggong "served as a place to worship emperors and heaven and earth in ancient times, and offered sacrifices to the Yellow Emperor" (Book of Closing Zen in Historical Records).
Fifth, the first public sacrifice of the Mausoleum of the Yellow Emperor was presided over by the emperor, which was in the first year of Emperor Wudi’s Yuanfeng (the first 110 years), more than 2000 years ago. Sima Qian’s Historical Records of Filial Piety and the Book of Enchanting Zen both recorded that Emperor Wu "patrolled the northern part of Shuofang, mustered more than 100,000 soldiers, and also offered sacrifices to the Yellow Emperor’s Tomb and Bridge Mountain", which is the earliest record of the royal sacrifice to the Yellow Emperor’s Mausoleum. This set a precedent for later offering sacrifices to the Yellow Emperor in the Mausoleum of the Yellow Emperor, that is, the public sacrifice of the Mausoleum of the Yellow Emperor. In the Eastern Han Dynasty, Emperor Guangwu, Ming Di and Emperor Zhang all recorded sacrifices to the Yellow Emperor.
Sixth, the setting of the Mausoleum and Temple of the Yellow Emperor, the materials that can be seen at present, dates back to the seventh year of Tang Daizong Dali (772), more than 1,200 years ago. The imperial court set up officials to manage the mausoleum and temple of the Yellow Emperor, and sent officials to sacrifice to the Yellow Emperor on time, which became a system. It can be seen that the sacrifice to the Yellow Emperor, as well as the public sacrifice to the Yellow Emperor by local governors and even by the central court in the Mausoleum of the Yellow Emperor, has a long history and a long tradition.
huangdi mausoleum
Zhang Maoze believes that the public sacrifice to the Mausoleum of the Yellow Emperor by Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty marks the maturity of the worship of the Yellow Emperor and the finalization of the ritual of the Yellow Emperor. The great development and stereotype of the worship of the Yellow Emperor was mainly in the Western Han Dynasty. "This is a profound historical background. During the Warring States period, the theory of Huang Lao, which advocated the integration of various schools, rose, and the Yellow Emperor was respected by some intellectuals. The Han dynasty ruled the world with filial piety, and ancestor worship developed greatly, which was in line with its basic national policy. The study of Huang Lao dominated for half a century in the early Han Dynasty, and it was natural that the status of the Yellow Emperor was promoted. According to the theory of "five virtues begin at the end", the Han Dynasty should be the master of Tude, and if the color is still yellow, the Yellow Emperor will be taken seriously, which is in line with the "destiny" and the worship of the five emperors in the early Han Dynasty, one of which is the worship of the Yellow Emperor; Huangdi Neijing, a famous medical and pharmaceutical work under the guise of Huangdi, appeared. In terms of national policy, in order to maintain the multi-ethnic unified empire, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty began to consciously build a spiritual home for all ethnic groups: first, he respected Confucianism alone and advocated Confucian classics; The second is to promote the construction of the Three Cardinal Principles and Five Permanent Ethics (loyalty to the monarch and filial piety are the core); The third is to implement the etiquette of respecting Tao. Hosting and participating in the Huangdi Mausoleum’s public sacrifice by himself should also be regarded as one of his important activities in building a national spiritual home. "
In the Xuanyuan Temple at the foot of Qiaoshan Mountain, 46 ancient monuments are neatly displayed in the stele gallery on the west side. "Six years of Jiayou in Northern Song Dynasty", "Six years of Jin Mingchang" and "Two years of Thai" … Of the 46 ancient monuments, 36 are "imperial messages". The so-called imperial edict is a eulogy personally issued by the emperor, representing a national sacrifice. Most of the sacrifices made by the emperors to the Mausoleum of the Yellow Emperor in previous dynasties were made by the emperors’ commissioners, and every time, the sacrificial words, sacrificial dates, names and quantities of the sacrifices, and the names of the chief priests and accompanying officials should be engraved on the stone tablets.
In the fourth year of Hongwu (AD 1371), Zhu Yuanzhang, the Ming Emperor, personally wrote a eulogy and sent officials to the Huangdi Mausoleum in Qiaoshan, huangling county. This eulogy is the earliest one in the literature of offering sacrifices to the Huangdi. At the same time, Zhu Yuanzhang stipulated that the Huangdi Mausoleum Temple in Qiaoshan was a sacred place for sacrifice, and three years was a big sacrifice. In the Ming and Qing dynasties, when the emperor ascended the throne, national celebrations, quelling unrest, and the queen mother’s birthday, ancestors were also sacrificed at Qiaoshan.
Inscriptions in Huangdi Mausoleum
What should we discuss the Yellow Emperor culture in the new era?
Ren Dayuan, executive vice president of the Chinese Yanhuang Culture Research Association, said that it is very meaningful to enhance the historical development of the whole Chinese nation by seeking roots from the Huangdi Mausoleum.
"China people value’ virtue’, and the ancestor worship activities of the Huangdi Mausoleum are carefully pursued to cultivate virtue. The cultivation of’ virtue’ can not be formed through one or two ancestor worship activities, but is a long-term process, so virtue is endless. It is a solemn ceremony to offer sacrifices to ancestors at the Mausoleum of the Yellow Emperor. Through this form, people’s awareness of pursuing the future cautiously is enhanced, and the whole people are encouraged to promote and respect virtue. In addition, it is very important to explore the significance of Huangdi culture and Huangdi spirit through the ancestor worship activities of Huangdi Mausoleum. It is very important for human beings to be separated from nature. The word culture itself has creative factors. Only after people appear can there be culture. "
Mr. Fei Xiaotong, the second president of the late Chinese Yanhuang Culture Research Association, once proposed that the formation of the Chinese nation is called pluralism. "Pluralistic unity is not a simple war between Han people and human-god. The wars between early tribes were not all Han people, but also other nationalities, so the pluralistic unity of the Chinese nation actually began in the era of Yan Huang," Ren Dayuan suggested, and the era of the Yellow Emperor was the era of great integration of the Chinese nation.
Ren Dayuan pointed out that there were actually no words in the Yanhuang era, but the ideas of Yandi and Huangdi preceded the words. For example, when the Yellow Emperor fights Chiyou, how can he fight? How to fight? Strategically and tactically, it must have its own set of ideas, but we can’t find this idea at all now, and we can’t find it in the future. Because there is no record carrier, our descendants can only summarize and summarize to find the thought of the Yellow Emperor. In the study of the Yellow Emperor culture, the use of information must be screened, which is the real study.
As a pioneer of Chinese civilization, how did Huangdi’s achievements depend on a family team supporting his career and a work operation team?
Su Feng, vice president of Shaanxi Xuanyuan Huangdi Research Association, put forward a point of view on the grass-roots civilization of Xuanyuan Huangdi: it is a work operation team composed of 184 family members and ministers. According to their respective specialties, they are assigned different posts, play their respective roles and carry out various tasks.
"During the Yellow Emperor period, there were aristocratic teams, political power teams, attendants teams, cultural teams, medical teams, teachers teams, and scientific and technological teams. The Yellow Emperor led these teams with his intelligence and wisdom, and together they managed the country in an orderly way. Since then, the blood relationship and cultural community of the Chinese nation have been gradually consolidated. With the assistance of so many auxiliary ministers, the Yellow Emperor ended the ancient war, unified the Chinese tribes and established the first country with a common owner in China. "
Su Feng further introduced: "In the Yellow Emperor’s work operation team, each team has representative figures, such as Feng Hou, Li Mu and Ling Lun in the regime team, Fang Ming, Chang Xian and Ma Sihuang in the attendants team, Cang Xie, Li Shou and xi he in the cultural team, Qi Bo, Lei Gong and Wu Peng in the medical team, Rong Chengzi, Bo Gao and Feng Ju in the teachers team, and in the science and technology team. It is a great pioneer of China’s traditional culture. It is precisely because of the existence of these elite figures that the Yellow Emperor’s team innovation, cohesion spirit and Kaiyuan and Wangdao thinking are interpreted. "
Since 1980, the Yellow Emperor Sacrifice has formed a system of Qingming public sacrifice and Chongyang folk sacrifice. Every year, the Qingming public sacrifice ceremony is attended by tens of thousands of party and state leaders and representatives of Chinese people at home and abroad.
Mr. Fang Guanghua, a scholar of Huangdi culture, said: "Huangdi is an important pioneer of Chinese orthodoxy and governance, and the sacrifice of Huangdi reflects the continuity and long history of orthodoxy and governance. Today’s sacrifice of Huangdi Mausoleum is the highest memorial of the contemporary Chinese nation."

Saturday’s SMG basketball strong file: the storm strives to rebound, and Mercury impacts the winning streak.

Saturday 301 Women’s Basketball Team Seattle Storm VS Phoenix Mercury 2023-08-06 10:00

On the visiting team’s Seattle storm:

Storm is in a very depressed state this season. At present, it ranks first from the bottom in the Western Conference with 6 wins and 20 losses. At present, the team is averaging 78.2 points and losing 84.8 points. The offensive and defensive ends are quite collapsed, with a net loss of 6.6 points per game. Storm relies heavily on Lloyd, the core scoring champion, this season. At present, Lloyd has played 24 games, averaging 24.6 points per game, and her three-point outside shooting rate is as high as 40.3%. However, Lloyd’s personal data can only help her keep the league scoring champion. As for the team’s record, she is still seriously behind, so she can only ensure more wins and avoid the position of vice squad leader. In the last round of the league, Storm had been a guest in the East for revenge and fanaticism after losing 10 games in a row. Lloyd led a team to welcome the long-lost 2-game winning streak, but Lloyd then scored 31 points against Pegasus and sat in front of Seattle’s house. Finally, Storm defeated his opponent 65-76 at home, and Storm missed the 3-game winning streak.

The home team Phoenix Mercury:

Mercury has been in a serious decline this season. At present, it ranks second from the bottom in the Western Conference with 7 wins and 19 losses. At present, the team is averaging 76.6 points and 83.4 points per game. The offensive and defensive ends are very collapsed. At present, the team is losing 6.8 points per game. In the new season, it was impossible to play at a normal level when Grena returned to the team. Mercury recently ushered in Dorothy’s return. As a result, the core center Grena fell down because of mental health problems. Fortunately, the team just won the dream of revenge 91-71 at home, and the team avoided a five-game losing streak. The legendary scoring champion Dorothy, 41, scored 42 points in this game. In this game, Mercury continues to sit in Phoenix, and they hope to continue to revenge and repel the storm. After all, the storm’s previous two home and away encounters were all victories to shoot down Mercury. In this game, Dorothy still needs to strive for a complete victory to help the team revenge.

Historical record: In the last 6 matches, Mercury won 4 games and lost 2 games.

Howard: Harden is a younger Kobe. I could have stayed with the Lakers longer.


Dwight Howard, whose name was once a big MAC in the NBA, was a common rival of Yao Ming and Kobe Bryant. However, time flies and Howard’s career has experienced ups and downs. Recently, he talked about James Harden in a program and evaluated his cooperation with Kobe.

Howard said that he regards James Harden as a younger Kobe Bryant. Although he didn’t mean to disrespect James, at that time he felt that his combination with James could become a new OK combination. He believes that cooperation with James will be better than cooperation with Kobe. If he can carefully consider his decision without emotion, he will probably stay with the Lakers.

Recalling the 2012-13 season, Howard and Kobe only cooperated for one season, and then they had an open conflict. Howard accused Kobe of being a "bully", while Kobe retorted that Howard was not tough enough. In the offseason in 2013, Howard chose to join the Rockets and became a teammate with James Harden.

However, the cooperation between Howard and Harden did not achieve much success. Although Harden gradually played the level of a historical offensive player, Howard began to decline seriously from the Lakers period. His personal level and reputation plummeted, and he finally joined the Eagle in 2016 and began his wandering career.

Last season, Howard moved to Taiwan Province League in China, trying to find himself. However, although he used to be the top center in NBA, the passage of time and his own changes have made the world of Warcraft in the inside thread a memory.

For Howard, his career is full of regrets and possibilities. If he can get better cooperation with Kobe Bryant and Harden respectively, or be more stable during the Lakers period, his career may be different. However, the reality is cruel, and now Howard needs to face his own decline and new challenges.

Nevertheless, Howard’s experience is still instructive to many fans. His career tells us that even in the face of difficulties and challenges, we need to stick to our beliefs and try to find ways to cooperate with others in order to succeed. Although Howard’s career can no longer be brilliant, his story is still worth remembering and thinking about.

The five-year average salary is 23.43 million. Stay in Maka? Anji wishful thinking is divided into two steps: 5 for 1 and then accumulating the first round of signing.

Laurie Markkanen was the fastest-growing player in the 22-23 season, averaging 34.4 minutes and getting 25.6 points, 8.6 rebounds and 1.9 assists, with a shooting percentage of 49.9% and a three-point shooting percentage of 39.1%. He became the top striker in the East and was selected into the All-Star team. Markkanen ushered in the highlight of his career at the age of 25, and he will continue to lead the Finnish men’s basketball team to the World Cup this summer.

Marca’s performance in the European Championship last summer was unparalleled, averaging 27.9 points, 8.1 rebounds and 2.4 assists. His shooting percentage was 54.2%, his shooting percentage from three-pointers was 40.5% and his shooting percentage from free throws was 90.6%. At that time, the whole world said that Marca’s future was bound to be boundless, and as a result, he really broke out in the Jazz.

On July 27th, NBA reporter Michael Schmidt reported that the Jazz may negotiate with Markkanen to renew the contract in advance this summer. He can sign a contract with a maximum of 81.9 million yuan for five years, including 17.25 million yuan in 23-24 season and 18.04 million yuan in 24-25 season (only 6 million yuan is guaranteed, and it will be fully guaranteed on draft night), making a total of 117.19 million dollars for five years, with an average salary of only 23.43 million dollars.

Many Japanese companies such as Softbank and Hitachi restrict the use of ChatGPT to prevent leaks.

According to media reports, Japanese companies such as Softbank and Hitachi have begun to restrict the use of interactive artificial intelligence services such as ChatGPT in commercial operations due to concerns about information leakage and other problems.

Softbank used ChatGPT and other commercial applications to warn employees last month: "Don’t enter company identity information or confidential data." Although Softbank has issued guidelines for using cloud services such as interactive artificial intelligence, these rules have been repeatedly emphasized in view of the recent increasing attention paid to chat bots. Softbank plans to formulate rules that stipulate which businesses can use this technology and which applications can be used.

In addition to Softbank, Hitachi will consider formulating new ethical rules to regulate the use of interactive artificial intelligence and whether the data is used correctly. The company plans to improve the manual of artificial intelligence formulated in 2021.

At present, Mizuho Financial Group, Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group and sumitomo mitsui banking corporation have banned the use of ChatGPT and other services in their operations. Mizuho’s restrictions will prevent employees from accessing the website from their work terminals, with the purpose of "preventing important information such as customers and financial transactions from being leaked due to improper use by employees". NEC, an IT company, also prohibits employees from using ChatGPT.

You must watch this game tonight! Live broadcast on the big platform! The results of the first two games bode well for Guoqing.

At 18: 00 this evening, Beijing time, China U20 will compete with South Korean U20 for a semi-final spot in the U20 Asian Cup, which is actually a qualification for the World Youth Championship. You know, the last World Youth Championship that the National Youth Team participated in dates back to the 2005 World Youth Championship in the Netherlands, so the impact of the China team on the World Youth Championship tonight is particularly worthy of the attention of China fans. In other words, China fans must watch this game!

Tonight’s game, the time is also very suitable, fans can eat rice while watching the game. Aiqiyi, Migu, Know the Ball Emperor and other platforms all have live broadcast signals, which brings convenience for fans to watch the ball. Fans can watch the live broadcast on the computer or mobile phone screen (screen TV is also acceptable) and wave the flag and shout for the China teenager! CCTV didn’t broadcast the men’s U20 football match live, but broadcast the women’s U20 football match live, which from another angle can also stimulate China teenagers to fight hard tonight!

Unlike the World Cup, the World Youth Championship is not the top team in the world, but it is very strong. For example, Argentina won the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 championship last year, and its youth team (namely Argentina U20) was eliminated in the World Youth Championship in South America. Argentina is the second-ranked team in the world! By the same token, the strength of the Korean national team is obviously higher than that of the China national team, but the level of its U20 team may not be much higher than that of China. Therefore, the China boy must have confidence tonight.

It is particularly worth mentioning that in the two quarterfinals of the U20 Asian Cup last night, Iraq beat Iran 1-0 at the last moment of the game. Four hours later, Uzbekistan, the host country, also beat Australia in the penalty shootout and got the second ticket to the top four. You know, the Iranian and Australian national teams are frequent visitors to the World Cup, while the Iraqi national team is less powerful, and the Uzbek national team has never made it to the World Cup. Therefore, the results of the first two games are also an encouragement to China U20, which seems to indicate that China can also eliminate the South Korean team tonight.

Think about how China U20 beat Saudi Arabia 2-0 in the group stage, and the boys will know how to play tonight. The South Korean team has always despised the China team in football. If they still have this inertia tonight and make the mistake of underestimating the enemy, the chances of the China teenager will be even greater. Argentina underestimates its enemy and can lose to Saudi Arabia in the World Cup. If South Korea underestimates its enemy, it is of course reasonable to lose to China! Come on, Guoqing! Come on, China boys!

Refuse to make the same mistake as Ronaldo! Messi or "forced" to renew his contract with Paris: 3 reasons for rushing to the Champions League+America’s Cup

On March 11th, Beijing time, according to Ole newspaper, Messi has decided to renew his contract with Grand Paris and continue to play for the French giants next season. So, why is Mei Qiu Wang willing to stay?

Messi’s contract with Greater Paris expired this summer, and the two sides started contract renewal negotiations after the World Cup, but they were once deadlocked. However, according to the Argentine media, he has only negotiated with Grand Paris at present, and Dali is also the only club that offers Messi, so the two sides are expected to continue to work together.

"The only quotation" reminds people of Cristiano Ronaldo. Last summer, Cristiano Ronaldo wanted to leave Manchester United, and Mendes looked around for a big family, but he was repeatedly rejected. No Champions League team was willing to make an offer for him. Until the break with Manchester United last November, Cristiano Ronaldo’s situation was the same, and he could only leave Europe and go far to Saudi Arabia.

For Messi, it seems that no other team wants him. With his age and high salary, the Premier League may not be able to adapt. Serie A and Bundesliga can’t afford it. In La Liga, the only way is to return to Barcelona, but laporta is only speculating and has not made an offer.

However, unlike Cristiano Ronaldo, Messi has at least not fallen out with the club, so he can choose to stay in Paris and continue to play in the five major leagues in Europe. This is the first point.

Secondly, Messi still hopes to play in the Champions League and win the fifth Champions League title to tie the historical record maintained by Cristiano Ronaldo and Real Madrid. The last time he won the championship, it was already in 2015. This is the biggest regret left by Mei Qiuwang’s career, and he will try his best to complete it before leaving Europe.

Although Greater Paris has stopped in the top 16 for two consecutive seasons, Qataris are reluctant to let Mbappé go, and Neymar, who has a longer contract, may stay. If we continue to introduce reinforcements and strengthen the lineup this summer, it will undoubtedly be an important stage for the Champions League, and at least the French champion will be guaranteed, won’t it?

Third, Messi also hopes to participate in the 2024 America’s Cup and strive to lead Argentina to successfully defend its title. Cristiano Ronaldo has become a substitute in the World Cup, and his position and importance in the Portuguese national team have declined. The Five Shield Corps has changed its coach, so he can go to Saudi Arabia to "self-destruct" after winning the 2016 European Cup.

Messi is different. He is still the number one core in Argentina. Without him, the strength of the Pampas Eagle will be greatly reduced, and Scalogni will be there. Therefore, in the last competition of the national team’s career, we must go all out, and only by staying in Europe and staying in the giants can we maintain our current excellent state.

Therefore, in the absence of other better options, Messi is likely to be "forced" to renew his contract with Greater Paris, play at the Prince Park Stadium for at least another year, and then follow Cristiano Ronaldo and go to the United States, Saudi Arabia or other places to support the elderly.