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Apple iPhone 12 mini battery evaluation: discharge efficiency is far ahead

Apple introduced the iPhone 12 mini in October 2020. IPhone 12 mini is one of our high-end models (US$ 600-799). Despite its small size, it is equipped with a high-resolution Super Retina XDR screen and dual cameras. Our battery benchmark engineer recently tested the Apple iPhone 12 mini;; The following are the main conclusions of the test.

Main specifications:

Battery capacity: 2227 mAh

20W charger

Chipset: A14 Bionic

5.4- inch, 2340 x 1080 (476 ppi), 60 Hz OLED screen

Test storage/memory combination: 4 GB/128 GB

Support wireless charging (12W)

About DXOMARK battery test: This paper aims to highlight the most important test results. (For more details about our smartphone battery benchmark, please read our battery benchmark.


Thanks to excellent software optimization, battery discharge is extremely efficient.

Support wireless charging, comparable to wired charging.


Small capacitance (2227 mA), which seriously affects the battery life.

Although there is a 20W charger, the charging speed is slow.

IPhone 12 mini has an appropriate name, small overall size and small battery capacity, which is only 2227 mA. At the time of writing, it has the smallest capacitance in our entire battery database. However, although its capacity has a significant impact on battery life, it always scores 59, ahead of several other devices with larger batteries.

We compare the performance of iPhone 12 mini in several key categories with another high-end device, Google Pixel 5, and one plus 8T in our mid-to high-end models (400-599 USD). The battery capacity, chargers, screen types and resolutions, and processor specifications of all three devices are shown in the following table.

How long the battery can run continuously depends not only on the battery capacity, but also on other aspects such as mobile phone hardware and software. The battery life score of DXOMARK consists of three performance test scores: (1) indoor static, (2) outdoor movement, and (3) calibration mode. The score of each test item contains a series of comprehensive test results to measure the battery life in various real-life scenarios.

At the time of writing, the overall battery life score of Apple iPhone 12 mini is 41, which is very close to the last one in our database. Its battery capacity (2227 mA) is obviously different from that of Google Pixel 5(4080 mA) and one plus 8T (4500 mA), so it is difficult to compete with them.

However, it is worth noting that when the power of the iPhone 12 mini is displayed as 10%, the remaining power is indeed 10%, so the user will not suddenly reduce the remaining usage time because the power is about to run out. This is an advantage that many other mobile phones don’t have. )

Now let’s take a closer look at the performance of the mini battery in the endurance test.

The robot in faraday cage simulates a series of touch-screen actions of users, which we call "typical usage scenarios", including making phone calls and watching online videos, which often lasts for 16 hours, of which 4 hours are active and 8 hours are dormant. The robot repeats the same action every day until the battery power runs out.

Although there is a big gap in battery capacity, the iPhone 12 mini is not inferior to competing products, and its battery life is only four hours less than that of Google and One Plus. The following chart shows the performance of iPhone 12 mini and competing products in typical usage scenarios driven by robots:

When using a smart phone when moving outdoors, the battery life will be reduced because of additional "hidden" requirements, such as continuously transmitting signals to select a cellular network. DXOMARK battery experts take the mobile phone outdoors to perform a set of precisely preset activities, and each device follows the same three-hour moving route.

The outdoor mobile score of iPhone 12 mini is 51 points, which is consistent with the score of Pixel 5, but obviously lags behind the score of 61. According to the analysis of a single usage scenario, Yijia is far superior to Apple and Google’s devices in 3G calling, and Apple and Google are slightly close to Yijia in camera and GPS (Google is almost consistent with Yijia in the use of social media apps).

In order to complete this kind of test, the mobile phone will return to faraday cage, and our robot will repeat a set of specified activities (usage scenarios), such as games and streaming media. Starting from 80% power, all devices should be tested until they run out of at least 5% battery power.

If the iPhone 12 mini is not in the default automatic mode, but in the calibration mode (the screen brightness is 200 nits and the speaker volume is 60 decibels), it will not be comparable to the competing products and fall behind in all tests. However, it is worth noting that Apple claims that the mini can provide 10 hours of video streaming, and on average, the iPhone exceeds this number in calibration mode, with 13 hours of play online time in WiFi and 8 hours and 30 minutes in 4G.

The charging score of DXOMARK battery consists of two sub-scores: charging speed and fast charging. Full charge test to evaluate the reliability of battery icon; Evaluate how long it takes for the battery to charge from 0% to 80% and from 80% to 100%; At the same time, measure how long and how much power it takes for the battery to be fully charged from the icon display 100%. Under different power levels (20%, 40%, 60%, 80%), the fast charging test can measure the power received by the battery after five minutes of power connection.

The charging performance of iPhone 12 mini is slightly below average. In view of its small battery capacity and 20W charger, we expected the iPhone to charge faster. On the contrary, its charging performance is similar to that of Google Pixel 5 with 4080 mAh capacity and 18W charger.

Although it takes twice as long for the iPhone 12 mini to run out of power and charge to 80% (the former is close to 52 minutes and the latter is 25 minutes), the Apple device is better than Google, which takes 1 hour and 14 minutes to reach 80%. In addition, it takes longer for iPhone to display from 80% to 100% than Google and One Plus, and it takes longer to display from 100% to fully charge than I, but shorter than Google.

In terms of wireless charging, it takes 1 hour and 36 minutes for the iPhone 12 Mini to reach 80% at 12W (52 minutes for wired charging)-but it is not bad in a word.

The remaining power when the user charges the iPhone 12 mini will affect the endurance obtained after plugging in for 5 minutes. When connected to the power supply when the remaining 20%, the battery life of Apple devices is more than twice as long as when the remaining power is 80%. Although these results are similar to those of Google Pixel 5, after five minutes of charging, one plus 8T provides about twice the extra battery life as the other two devices.

The battery efficiency score of DXOMARK consists of two sub-scores, charging and discharging. The data used are from the typical usage scene test of robot, outdoor mobile test, charging evaluation and power measurement, and the battery capacity of equipment is also considered.

Although the measured battery life can’t compete with most devices with larger battery capacity, the battery life of the iPhone 12 mini is still good (here, it shows excellent discharge efficiency) if considering its small capacitance.

Although the charging efficiency of Apple iPhone 12 Mini is 68% higher than that of Google Pixel 5 (66%), it is far from one plus 8T (81%). Similarly, its low score here is also attributed to an unexpectedly inefficient charger.

Apple iPhone 12 mini has what our engineers call "amazing performance" in all discharge tests except 3G calls. In the default mode, it discharges only half the current of competing products, which proves that it is a well-designed smart phone and has obtained the highest score of this sub-attribute in our database so far.

Apple iPhone 12 mini is a well-designed smart phone with very effective software optimization, and its battery has become the leader in discharge efficiency in our database so far. However, compared with almost all other devices we have tested, its small battery capacity makes the battery life too short.

Cut 26 points, 8 boards and 7 assists! Harden basks in the sun after the game and wears it today: another day at work.

Live broadcast, February 15 th, today’s NBA regular season, the Clippers beat the Warriors 130-125 away.

After the game, Harden updated Twitter to take photos of today’s wear and wrote: "Another day at work # unique"

In this campaign, Harden played 40 minutes and 22 seconds in the whole game, made 7 of 12 shots, made 4 of 9 three-pointers, made 8 of 9 free throws and got 26 points, 8 boards, 7 assists and 1 blocked shot, with positive and negative values +13.

Everyone is searching.
The latest ranking of Harden’s scoring list Harden 4 and Lillard 6 compare Harden’s most handsome 10 pictures. Is Harden a point guard or a point guard Harden’s 6 th generation to evaluate Harden’s wearing.


Haha ma

Fortunately, Harden’s accurate scraps today are really terrible.

02-16 15:21




Aroda Maruo 0ed6f

Deng Ge is a responsible player, and his career is also very good.

02-16 15:18




Han Mingshan

Harden, today is my birthday, and I wish you good luck.

02-16 15:13




Hot and hard

Brother Deng still has oil, and I hope my dream can come true this year.

02-15 16:55




There is no more.

Do you want to catch the "last bus" of the countdown policy for the exit of new energy vehicles?

  Beijing, China, December 3 (Reporter Li Yang) According to the Notice on Financial Subsidy Policy for the Promotion and Application of New Energy Vehicles in 2022 issued by the Ministry of Finance and other four departments, the national subsidy policy for the purchase of new energy vehicles will be terminated on December 31 this year, after which the licensed vehicles will no longer be subsidized.

  At the time when the subsidy is only one month away, various car companies are also trying to hit the peak of sales or orders. Judging from the sales of new energy vehicles in November, many car companies have achieved new heights. What impact will the exit of the new energy state compensation have on the market? Are consumers going to catch the last bus of this policy?

  Recently, the most talked about by new energy car companies is: "You can still enjoy state subsidies if you place an order now."

  Indeed, for consumers, buying new energy vehicles (including pure electric, plug-in hybrid and extended range) before December 31 can enjoy subsidies ranging from 4,800 yuan to 12,600 yuan for bicycles. However, the purchase of new energy vehicles in 2023 will no longer enjoy the "state subsidy". Therefore, the countdown to "national compensation" has also become the killer of new energy car companies to grab orders.

  Sales of a new energy vehicle: There is still one month to go, which should be good for our sales. It is the last bus for consumers to subsidize and support new energy in this country, which should be a great benefit. We just try our best to keep communication and exchange with customers, and then convey this favorable policy to customers and promote it again.

  In fact, since October, many new energy car companies have introduced a series of measures to encourage consumers to buy cars years ago, such as locking single subsidies, price increase reminders, and time-limited insured prices. It is basically a foregone conclusion that consumers will spend more on new energy vehicles after the subsidy is cancelled. Many consumers intend to buy a new energy vehicle before the subsidy policy ends.

  Consumer 1: I learned from the news that the purchase subsidy for new energy will end on December 31st this year. Considering that the current oil price is rising, the electricity consumption of new energy vehicles is cheap and environmentally friendly, I want to take the time to buy one at the 4S shop before the end of the policy welfare.

  Consumer 2: I originally thought that I would change it next year, but the sales in the past two days have always reminded me that the car repair is running out. I won’t hurry up and buy it this year. I don’t know what will happen next year. According to the current subsidy amount, I can save more than 10,000 yuan before the end of the year.

  At the end of November, BYD officially announced the price increase for the third time during the year. Recently, enterprises and brands including GAC Ai ‘an, Geely, Tucki, Wenjie and Euler have successively announced the price increase or introduced the policy of "time-limited price protection". After the withdrawal of the "state subsidy", will the price of new energy vehicles "rise" next year? This is a problem that many consumers are concerned about.

  According to Zhang Xiang, dean of the New Energy Automobile Technology Research Institute of Jiangxi New Energy Technology Vocational College, not all car companies will follow BYD to raise prices, and car companies will adjust prices according to the market supply and demand relationship of products.

  Zhang Xiang analyzed: "From the market performance, BYD cars are particularly popular in the market now. Many consumers are willing to pay a deposit for six months, but other brands are not necessarily like BYD. At present, we have observed that only a few top brands in the market adopt the strategy of following, and most car companies have not followed. The price is mainly adjusted by the relationship between supply and demand. Some niche brands and brands with poor sales can’t raise prices even if they lose money selling cars. As soon as the price increases, their market competitiveness will be reduced, and it will be more difficult to sell. Sales will decline. "

  Zhang Xiang said that the consumption habits of domestic consumers for new energy vehicles have been developed. After the "national subsidy" promoted for 13 years stops at the end of this year, new energy vehicle enterprises will enter the stage of survival of the fittest.

  "We have too many brands now, and it is difficult for enterprises to achieve economies of scale. For second-tier and third-tier brands, if its annual sales volume is less than 10,000 vehicles, the withdrawal of this subsidy will increase the operating costs of its enterprises, and the sales cost can be said to be worse. Especially for some brands at the end, after the subsidy retreats, big brands dare to raise prices and have the confidence to raise prices, but small brands dare not raise prices, which aggravates their losses and shortens the time node when these brands are called bankruptcy or withdrawal. " Zhang Xiang said.

  Regarding whether it is necessary for consumers to catch up with this wave of subsidy preferential policies, Zhang Xiang believes that there is a demand for cars in the short term. Now the replacement of new energy vehicles is very fast. If there is no car purchase plan within half a year, it can wait.

  "If you want to buy a car at the end of the year or before the Spring Festival, I suggest catching the last chance. Now the subsidy for the highest new energy vehicles is still relatively large. If the consumer is not in a hurry to use the car, he can wait and see. Although there will be no subsidy of more than 10,000 yuan next year, this car has more functions and more advanced technology. Now the new energy car is like a mobile phone. If you buy it half a year later, its technical level and platform will be a higher level. It is recommended that consumers make a plan from their own car purchase time. " Zhang Xiang said.

Tied with Manchester United’s former goalkeeper Schmeichel, Edersen became the second goalkeeper to win the Premier League title five times.

Live on May 21st, after Arsenal lost this round, Manchester City won the Premier League title ahead of schedule.

This is the fifth time that Manchester City goalkeeper Edersen has won the Premier League title in his career. He also tied the former goalkeeper Schumacher of Manchester United and became the only two goalkeepers in history who can win the Premier League title five times.

(Chenpi is not orange)

Chasing the light | Feel the scenery with running, and add a touch of green to "Suhe Half Horse"

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Chasing the light | Feel the scenery with running, and add a touch of green to "Suhe Half Horse"

"The first time I ran half a horse on the Suzhou River, the track was so beautiful!"

Liu Min, a female special guest.

Cross the finish line in 1 hour, 13 minutes and 19 seconds.

Become the champion of the women’s team in this competition.

But compared with the bright results that I ran out of.

Liu Min’s greatest feeling is the beautiful scenery on both sides of the track.

At 7 o’clock on April 22,

The morning sun shines on Jin Hui.

The 2023 Shanghai Suzhou River Half Marathon, which was held for the first time, started with the gun fired.

There are 4,000 participants in the competition.

Different from other events, it mainly uses municipal roads to plan the track.

The track of the first "Suhe Half Horse" was two thirds.

Located along the Suzhou River.

Mary crossed the finish line first.

Won the championship in 1 hour, 03 minutes and 46 seconds.

Liu Min became the first in the women’s group.

The race completion rate reached 98.78%

"Leave the best resources to the people"

A hundred years ago, Suzhou Riverside was the birthplace of modern national industry.

With the opening of Suzhou waterfront at the end of 2020,

"Semi-Masuhe" has become the golden business card of Putuo District in Shanghai.

A "semi-Masuhe" vitality show belt that is livable, suitable for business, suitable for travel and suitable for music was born.

The wind blows thousands of trees and waters.

"Semi-Masuhe" 18 Bay

Penetration of space along Suzhou Creek

Let both sides of the beautiful river turn into cultural and sports venues for citizens.

Ran past Shanghai Textile Museum and Gu Zhenghong Memorial Hall …

Human landscape and natural landscape complement each other.

A brand-new track

Connected in series along the Suzhou River, the "mother river" in Shanghai.

Ruins of industrial civilization sites

And modern creative buildings.

Thick industrial civilization, colorful mass life and pleasant ecological base.

Many runners are intoxicated and linger.

Liu Min said: "Especially when running through the half Masuhe Park.

I can’t help looking around.

I almost forgot that I was here to compete.

I’m going to visit the park after running. "

Feel the city scenery with running.

It is a unique experience of marathon.

Shanghai has focused on people’s needs in recent years.

Reasonable arrangement of production, living and ecological space

Let the city become a paradise where people can live and work.

It also brings more surprises to marathon runners around the world.

In Putuo District, Shanghai, the venue of this "Su River Half Horse"

The 21km coastline of Putuo section of Suzhou Creek has been fully connected in recent years.

We are building a world-class waterfront on this basis.

21 kilometers is close to the distance of a half marathon.

This has also become the origin of "Su River Half Horse"

Feel the city scenery with running.

It is becoming a new expectation for more runners.

On the same day, Daning Functional Zone 2023 Shanghai Jing ‘an Women’s Half Marathon fired the gun and started.

Players cross the international film and television circle around the "DreamWorks" in the central city of Shanghai.

Passing Lingshi Road, which is known as the "Cosmic E-sports Center"

Passing through commercial landmarks such as Daning Music Square …

"Both sides of the Pujiang River are already running resorts.

More good places are still emerging.

Where to run?

Now it is a happy worry. "

Runner Jia Li said.

In the future, a series of mass sports events

It will also focus on the "semi-Masu River"

Paddle boards, frisbees, football, drones …

Colorful series of mass sports events of "about fighting Su River"

Will last from April to December.

Reporter: Wu Zhendong, Xu Dongyuan, Fang Zhe, Xin Mengchen

Reporter: Liu Yang

Editor: Ji Jiadong, Zheng Zhi