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Xu I’s life is only for that "China star"

Open the vast book of our country’s aerospace industry, "Dongfanghong No. 1", as the first monument in the history of our country’s aerospace, has been expressed and paid tribute in different forms by countless literati and writers.

Here, we see the group portraits of Chinese astronauts who are self-reliant, understand the firm belief in serving the country through science in difficult times, and thus remember the names of a group of patriotic scientists such as Qian Xuesen, Ren Xinmin, Sun Jiadong, and Qi Fa Qi.

Don’t forget to dig wells. For any cause or any project, the role of the founder, paving stone and lookout is undoubtedly the most important, and it is also easy to be forgotten by future generations. They need to have extraordinary wisdom, firm belief and a strong heart. In the initial stage of the development of our country’s first artificial satellite, there were two people who were close and far away from us. Speaking of near, because the launch of Dongfanghong No. 1 was less than 50 years ago, and we have a lot of information to consult and learn; speaking of far, they have long since left us.

They are all the pioneers and founders of our country’s space technology – Zhao Jiuzhang and Qian Ji.

One day at the end of July, under the recollection of Mr. Hu Qizheng, an 84-year-old member of the overall team of the Dongfanghong-1 satellite, the passionate years that had passed with Zhao Jiuzhang and Qian Ji were once again awakened.

The birthplace of Chinese satellite development –

No.1 West Garden Playground

At the behest of Chairperson Mao, "We also want to develop artificial earth satellites," in 1959, after graduating from the electrical engineering department of Tsinghua University, Hu Qizheng, 24, was assigned to a "mysterious unit" – Group 581, which was responsible for formulating satellite plans and organizing and coordinating satellite and rocket sounding operations. At No. 1 Xiyuan Playground, he met Qian Ji, the head of the office of Group 581, for the first time.

At that time, Qian Ji was actually the person in charge of the overall satellite technology. The first time they met, Qian Ji, who had few words and deep eyes, expressed three meanings to Hu Qizheng: first, welcome, second, pay attention to confidentiality, and third, we are engaged in space exploration, and we will do things in the future. Hu Qizheng was very excited when he heard it, and from then on, he started his aerospace career, and Qian Ji was also regarded by him as the leader of his aerospace career.

No. 1, Xiyuan Playground, a courtyard borrowed by the Chinese Academy of Sciences from Zhongzhi Xiyuan organs around 1954. According to Wu Zhicheng, Secretary of the Party Committee of the Institute of Space Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (then in charge of the management of the 581 scientific research program), it was overgrown with weeds and simple conditions, but it was the birthplace of our country’s space industry: the proposal for the establishment of a national satellite project in our country was drafted here; the idea of our country’s first satellite was brewed and born here; the pre-research of the satellite was launched here; the meteorological rocket detection test was started here…

There is a three-story gray brick building on the north-south side of the hospital, which is used as a research laboratory. Then dozens of bungalows were built one after another, including administrative office rooms, machining workshops, glass workshops, equipment warehouses, garages, etc. Early developers also converted a dry toilet in the northwest corner into an environmental simulation laboratory. To make vacuum instruments, they also built their own earth gas generator, which is used for blowing glass and sealing vacuum tubes.

At that time, following the scientific policy of diligence and frugality, everything was simple. The eight research groups working here were fully engaged in rocket sounding research and satellite pre-research preparations.

At the beginning of the formation of the 581 group, Zhao Jiuzhang, Qian Ji, Yang Jiachi and his party went to the Soviet Union to observe the satellites with great interest, but they only took a look at the appearance of the satellites from a distance, let alone cooperation and technical assistance. Without learning the ability of satellite development, it inspired the fighting spirit of scientists: If you don’t let it learn, we will do it ourselves! It is proud that our country has developed the satellite business completely by self-reliance from scratch.

After investigating the industrial base at home and abroad, combined with the economic conditions and scientific research conditions of our country at that time, scientists in our country suggested that "the current satellite launch is not commensurate with national strength, and the space technology research mission should be adjusted." The 581 group then made adjustments and focused its research on sounding rockets.

In 1960, Chairperson Mao Zedong visited a sounding rocket

From 1959 to 1965, the research entities led by Zhao Jiuzhang, Wei Yiqing, and Qian Ji worked actively, and worked closely with the Shanghai Electromechanical Design Institute led by Yang Nansheng and Wang Xiji. From 1960 to 1965, more than 20 T7 and T7A sounding rockets were launched and tested, and meteorological data below 60 kilometers were obtained. Ionospheric, biological and other projects were tested. These have laid a certain technical foundation for satellite development.

From 1960 to 1962, China’s aerospace industry was a "difficult and progressive three-year period". It was difficult because the people of the whole country were facing the same problem: not having enough to eat. The astronauts were no exception. Qian Ji and Hu Qizheng had to spare two catties of food for their comrades who ate a lot. Zhao Jiuzhang and Qian ****** puffy legs due to malnutrition.

More difficult than not having enough to eat and no clothes to wear is the resistance at work, no clue. I have never done a satellite, and no one has done a satellite. Qian Ji said, don’t be afraid, we will do it ourselves. He led everyone to look up the literature, bit by bit, from scratch.

After studying, they found that compared with the Soviet Union, the literature reference value of the United States is better. But everyone’s English level is very limited, what should I do? So Mr. Qin Xinling and the English-speaking technicians took the initiative to teach you professional English.

When it comes to learning English and reading literature, Qian Ji is a famous English expert. Although he has no overseas study experience, he loves to learn and is eager to read literature. He has a special habit of making his own reading cards while studying. In his lifetime, he made nearly 20,000 reading cards, forming a huge and precious database. In the era without computers, these cards were the greatest intellectual support. Hu Qizheng fondly recalled: "Qian Ji taught us how to read books and how to read literature."

Qian Ji at work

At No. 1 Xiyuan Playground, although the days were hard, everyone was very motivated. Every night, the leaders came to urge the young people to turn off the lights and go back to rest early. Qian Ji always encouraged everyone: There must be a goal in life, otherwise there is no meaning in living. Under the leadership of Zhao Jiuzhang and Qian Ji, everyone basically figured out the composition, function and key technologies of the satellite, and figured out the way of satellite development in our country. "Application as traction" has become the guiding ideology of satellite research and development in our country.

1965 –

Our country restarts satellite development plan

In October 1964, Zhao Jiuzhang and Qian Ji visited Base 20 (now Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center) at the invitation of the National Defense Science and Technology Commission. After this visit, one night in early November 1964, Qian Xuesen came to Zhao Jiuzhang’s office. When Qian Xuesen met, he asked, "What is the impression of going to the base?" Zhao Jiuzhang said, "The harvest is very large, and the missile development progress is so fast, which is really unexpected." Zhao Jiuzhang believes that in another four or five years, the launch vehicle of about 100 kilograms of satellites may be developed, and the satellite development is also certain to be completed. Now the key is that the satellite development must be approved by the state.

Zhao Jiuzhang urgently felt that he should write a report to the central government to express the necessity and possibility of developing satellites. In January 1965, Qian Xuesen wrote to Nie Rongzhen, arguing that the conditions were now in place to consider the satellite issue.

Previously, the developers of No. 1 in Xiyuan Playground have been renamed from Group 581 to the Second Department of Geophysics. They have formed a professional satellite development team, and Qian Ji, deputy director of the Second Department, is the general technical director of the satellite. Satellite development in our country has thus embarked on the road of professional development.

In order to submit the report to the central government as soon as possible, the Academy of Sciences instructed a general team composed of He Zhenghua, Pan Houren, and Hu Qizheng, directly led by Qian Ji, to write the "Ten-year plan for the development of our country’s satellite industry" and the "Proposal for the development of our country’s artificial satellite work". Two reports, the plan was finally submitted to the central government by the Chinese Academy of Sciences. In August 1965, Zhang Jinfu, then the secretary of the Chinese Academy of Sciences Party Group, reported at the 13th meeting of the Central Special Committee and received a reply: Pass, execute! Since then, the satellite development project has been officially established, and the Chinese Academy of Sciences has listed this as the No. 1 task in 1965, code-named "651".

Musical installation of "The East is Red" with Chairperson Mao’s badge

From October 20 to November 30, 1965, the Science Hall of Beijing Friendship Hotel held our country’s first satellite demonstration. The meeting was chaired by Pei Lisheng, vice president of the Academy of Sciences, and there were more than 120 representatives. The experts fully discussed and reached consensus on many issues. The meeting lasted for 42 days.

The conference produced four documents on the overall plan, the main body plan, the vehicle plan, and the ground system plan for our country’s first satellite, and also prepared 27 special materials with a total of about 150,000 words. During the conference, Premier Zhou invited the delegates to the small auditorium of the Great Hall of the People to watch the performance of the party. This conference is very important in the history of aerospace in our country, and it clarified the idea of "a game of chess across the country" to build satellites.

During the meeting, Premier Zhou took the initiative to ask Qian Ji’s name when listening to the report, and said with a smile: "Your surname is Qian too! It seems that satellites are not short of money."

The Prime Minister’s words were a pun. There was Qian Xuesen in missiles, Qian Xuesen in atomic bombs, and Qian Ji in satellites now, so there was really no shortage of money. Another layer of meaning was that satellites cost a lot of money, just like atomic bombs and missiles. The Prime Minister asked Qian Ji how much it would cost, but Qian Ji did not answer, because there was no calculation in the preparation of satellite plans and demonstrations. The state wants to approve the satellite project, I don’t know how much it will cost, how to make a budget, and what to do with the approval procedures? This made the scientist surnamed Qian start to worry about money.

Hu Qizheng is still deeply impressed by this experience. Because of the work relationship, he and his colleagues have been fortunate to work with great scientists such as Zhao Jiuzhang, Yang Jiachi, Chen Fangyun, and Qian Ji. The academic aura and peace in life of great scientists, the indifference to fame and fortune, and the democratic and practical work style of great scientists have allowed the young Hu Qizheng to witness the "master style". He confessed that he was fortunate to benefit for a lifetime.

"Cultural Revolution" –

Satellite development is moving forward amidst difficulties

Scientists really wanted to put the first man-made satellite in the sky before the National Day in 1969. It was a great honor to release the first satellite 20 years after the founding of New China. According to everyone’s preparations at that time, there was no problem at all, but it was not realized.

Because the "Cultural Revolution" is here.

During the day and night, the barbaric and frenzied criticism and struggle ravaged the scientific researchers physically and mentally. Zhang Jinfu was seized from power, the party group of the Chinese Academy of Sciences collapsed, the grass-roots party organizations were paralyzed, and No. 1 Xiyuan Playground became the hardest hit area. Some were injured, some were killed in combat. Zhao Jiuzhang was persecuted to death in October 1968. In such a chaotic situation, comrades who can work are still working.

After Zhao Jiuzhang passed away, Qian Ji was also affected. After "stepping aside", he worked like an ordinary technician, but remained silent as always. Seeing the persecution of scientists who were once respected by people, everyone felt deeply helpless. The development of satellites is advancing slowly in difficult situations.

The staff is conducting Dongfanghong-1 satellite docking

Dongfanghong No.1 engine hoisting test

At the end of 1967, the country began to plan the establishment of a space technology research institute, and the office location was also moved from Xiyuan Playground No. 1 and Zhongguancun to Baishiqiao. Sun Jiadong was appointed as the general manager of Dongfanghong No. 1 when he was in danger. He brought more than 10 business backbones to integrate the engineering experience of missile development into satellite engineering. In that stormy era, everyone defied all difficulties and pushed the development of Dongfanghong No. 1 satellite forward steadily.

On April 24, 1970, the Dongfanghong-1 satellite spewed out, and the world was excited. The two founders who actively promoted the development of the satellite: Zhao Jiuzhang and Qian Ji, one was already wronged and could not witness this moment with his own eyes; the other could only look up silently from the open space of Baishi Bridge in Beijing. In the face of cheers and applause, without them, in that era, they would have been low to the dust.

People who like to watch the Dongfanghong-1 satellite fly overhead

Fast forward to 1999. On September 18 of this year, on the occasion of celebrating the 50th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the Party Central Committee, the State Council, and the Central Military Commission decided to commend 23 scientific and technological experts who had made outstanding contributions to the development of "two bombs and one star" that year, and awarded Yu Min, Wang Daheng, Wang Xiji, Zhu Guangya, Sun Jiadong, Ren Xinmin, Wu Ziliang, Chen Fangyun, Chen Nengkuan, Yang Jiachi, Zhou Guangzhao, Qian Xuesen, Tu Shoue, Huang Weilu, Cheng Kaijia, and Peng Huanwu the "Two Bombs and One Star Merit Medal", and posthumously awarded Wang Fanchang, Deng Jiaxian, Zhao Jiuzhang, Yao Tongbin, Qian Ji, Qian Sanqiang, and Guo Yonghuai the "Two Bombs and One Star Merit Medal" (the above rankings are based on surname strokes Order).

More than 60 years have passed, and few people walking in Xiyuan Playground A-1 now know that so many big scientists have come out from here to brew our country’s satellite research and development business. That period of time has become history. But our country’s satellite business has developed from "Dongfanghong No. 1" to bright stars, adding more light to the rising China.

September 4, 2019 "China Aerospace News" third edition

The pictures in this version are the information pictures of this newspaper.

Text/China Aerospace News reporter, Huang Xi

Editors/He Ximei, Zhang Xiaofan, Hao Chenxi (Interns)

Producer/Xu Bin

How to build a beautiful China in the next five years? Listen to what the Minister of Ecology and Environment said at the press conference of the State Council Office.

Beijing, July 27 (Reporter Jing Wong) On the morning of July 27, the State Council Press Office held a series of news conferences on the theme of "Opening by Authorities", and invited Minister of Ecology and Environment Huang Runqiu to introduce the situation of "strengthening ecological environmental protection and comprehensively promoting the construction of beautiful China" and answer reporters’ questions.

Huang Runqiu introduced at the meeting that, after a lapse of five years, the National Ecological Environment Protection Conference was held in July this year, which was another important milestone in the field of ecological civilization construction.

Huang Runqiu pointed out that the next five years will be an important period for the construction of beautiful China.

The State Council Office held a series of press conferences on the theme of "Opening the Authority Department" to introduce the situation of "strengthening ecological environmental protection and comprehensively promoting the construction of beautiful China" (photo by Jing Wong, a reporter from the Central Broadcasting Network)

"4561" opens a new milestone in the construction of ecological civilization

In May 2018, the CPC Central Committee held a national ecological environmental protection conference. From July 17 to 18 this year, after a lapse of five years, the national ecological environmental protection conference was held again. Huang Runqiu said that this is another important milestone in the field of ecological civilization construction, which can be summarized by "4561": "4" is "four major changes", "5" is "five major relationships", "6" is "six major tasks" and "1" is "a major requirement".

Huang Runqiu introduced that the "four major changes" are a comprehensive summary of the remarkable achievements made in the construction of ecological civilization in the new era. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, China’s ecological civilization construction has achieved a major transformation from key rectification to systematic governance, from passive response to active action, from global environmental governance participants to leaders, from practical exploration to scientific theory guidance, and has made great achievements, which has also become a remarkable symbol of historic achievements and changes in the cause of the party and the state in the new era.

"Five Major Relationships" indicates that the Party’s understanding of the regularity of ecological civilization construction has been further deepened and developed. Huang Runqiu said, in the new stage, new situation and new tasks, in order to continuously promote the construction of ecological civilization, we must properly handle the five relationships: high-quality development and high-level protection, key attack and coordinated governance, natural restoration and artificial restoration, external constraints and endogenous motivation, and "double carbon" commitment and independent action.

The "six major tasks" are the overall strategic deployment for the construction of ecological civilization and beautiful China. Huang Runqiu pointed out that the next five years will be a crucial period for the construction of beautiful China. It is necessary to continue to fight the tough battle of pollution prevention and control, accelerate the green and low-carbon transformation of development mode, strive to enhance the diversity, stability and sustainability of the ecosystem, actively and steadily promote carbon neutrality in peak carbon dioxide emissions, keep the safety bottom line for the construction of beautiful China, and improve the security system for the construction of beautiful China.

Huang Runqiu introduced that these "six major tasks" are major strategic arrangements made to implement the Party’s 20 major strategic arrangements and aim at the goal of building a beautiful China in the next five years and by 2035.

"A major requirement" is to emphasize upholding and strengthening the Party’s overall leadership over the construction of ecological civilization. "Past practice shows that the party’s leadership is the fundamental guarantee for the ecological environment protection and ecological civilization construction to make great progress. Facing the new situation, new problems and new challenges of ecological civilization construction on the new journey, we must continue to strengthen the party’s overall leadership over ecological civilization construction and resolutely shoulder the political responsibility of ecological environmental protection. " Huang Runqiu said.

Data map: Wenzhou, Zhejiang, the special protection area for the restoration of blue bay in Ximen Island, Yandang Town, Yueqing City.

In the next five years, we will promote the global coverage of beautiful China construction according to local conditions and steps.

At present, "Beautiful China" is a hot word with high frequency. At present, how to effectively promote the good construction experience in various places and take more measures to make the rivers and mountains of Wan Li in the motherland more colorful has attracted the attention of all sectors of society.

At the press conference held by the State Council today (27th), Huang Runqiu said that the next five years will be an important period for the construction of beautiful China. The Ministry of Ecology and Environment will make great efforts to create beautiful blue sky, beautiful rivers and lakes, beautiful bays and beautiful mountains and rivers, speed up the construction of beautiful China pioneer areas, beautiful provinces, this beautiful city and beautiful countryside, promote the construction of beautiful China in a step-by-step manner according to local conditions, create a vivid picture of building and sharing beautiful China, and draw an updated picture of beautiful China.

Huang Runqiu said that in terms of research and deployment, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment should strengthen strategic planning and top-level design, continue to study the index system for the construction of beautiful China, anchor the goal of basically building beautiful China by 2035, and study the phased strategic arrangement, which is the overall path for the "14th Five-Year Plan", the "10th Five-Year Plan" to be continuously consolidated, and the "16th Five-Year Plan" to be comprehensively improved.

In the aspect of typical promotion, we should emphasize "beauty" as the core orientation, organically combine the systematic solution of ecological environment problems with meeting the people’s needs for a beautiful ecological environment and promoting the realization of the value of ecological products, and publicize and promote good experiences, good practices and good cases from all over the world with the guidance of realizing beautiful rivers and lakes with "clear water and green shores and shallow fish" and beautiful bays with "clean water and clean beaches, fish gulls gathering together and harmonious people".

In terms of local practice, we have issued special guidance on promoting the construction of beautiful China, and Zhejiang, Fujian, Shandong, Guangdong, Jiangsu, Sichuan, Hebei and other provinces have made efforts to explore the practical model of the construction of beautiful China. For example, Fujian put forward a five-beauty system of "this beautiful city-beautiful countryside-beautiful rivers and lakes-beautiful bay-beautiful countryside"; Sichuan regards beautiful space and culture as important contents. Cities such as Hangzhou, Shenzhen and Qingdao have put forward more ambitious requirements and targets for the construction of this beautiful city.

Data map: Southeast Guizhou, the rural ecological environment is excellent, and irises are flying.

Four aspects of work promote high-quality development and high-level protection

Huang Runqiu also mentioned "five major relationships", that is, "handling high-quality development and high-level protection". Huang Runqiu said, first of all, high-level protection is an important support for high-quality development, and it is also the proper meaning. Leaving the development of environmental protection is not in line with the new development concept, let alone high quality.

Secondly, high-level protection can ensure the high-quality development and keep the bottom line by means of ecological environment zoning control and environmental impact assessment. Furthermore, high-level protection can promote the transformation and upgrading of industrial structure, energy structure and transportation structure through the synergy of pollution reduction and carbon reduction and the improvement of environmental standards, thus forcing high-quality development.

On the other hand, the achievements of high-quality development can promote the construction of eco-environmental protection projects and the development of environmental protection industries by increasing financial input, developing green finance, ecological compensation mechanisms and other policy tools, thus contributing to high-level protection.

Huang Runqiu also introduced four tasks carried out by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment in promoting high-quality development and high-level protection in recent years.

The first is to strengthen the prevention of the source of ecological environment.The Ministry of Ecology and Environment has comprehensively promoted the zoning control of the ecological environment, and about 40,000 environmental control units have been designated throughout the country, thus setting a clear bottom line and drawing a border for high-quality development. By the end of last year, about 300 million tons of backward and surplus steel, 400 million tons of cement and 150 million weight boxes of flat glass had been eliminated nationwide.

The second is to promote the synergy of pollution reduction and carbon reduction.The Ministry of Ecology and Environment strengthens the coordinated management of environmental quality improvement and carbon emission, and promotes the implementation of structural emission reduction. The number of coal-fired boilers and kilns nationwide has been reduced from nearly 500,000 to less than 100,000 at present, reducing the use of coal by more than 400 million tons. In the northern region, about 37 million rural loose coal households have been treated, reducing the consumption of loose coal by more than 70 million tons. 1.03 billion kilowatts of coal-fired power units have completed ultra-low emission transformation, and 680 million tons of steel production capacity has completed or is completing ultra-low emission transformation. More than 30 million old and high-emission motor vehicles were eliminated.

The third is to implement major ecological and environmental protection projects.Vigorously promote the construction of environmental infrastructure, carry out innovative pilot projects of eco-environment oriented project development (EOD), and vigorously develop eco-environmental protection industries. In 2022, the operating income of the national environmental protection industry reached 2.22 trillion yuan, which has become an important force in the green economy. We have promoted the treatment of urban black and odorous water bodies, restored urban water ecosystems, and basically eliminated black and odorous water bodies in cities at prefecture level and above, which not only improved the ecological environment, but also improved the quality of cities and achieved high-quality development.

The fourth is to build a green development highland.The Ministry of Ecology and Environment has further promoted the coordinated development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, the development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt and other major strategic ecological environmental protection work in national regions, improved and optimized the regional joint prevention and control mechanism, and formed a good pattern of joint protection and joint governance. We deepened the establishment of ecological civilization demonstration, named six batches of 468 ecological civilization demonstration zones and 187 "Lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets" practice and innovation bases, and guided all localities to actively explore new ways of green, low-carbon and high-quality development.

"Changsha Nightlife" exposed a new notice. Zhou Dongyu sent Ahu、Yue a good friend card.

1905 movie network news Producer, Zhao Xiaoshi, screenwriter and director, starring,,, Wu Haochen, Bai Yufan, Zhou Siyu, Wu Jun, Luo Gang, specially starred, and friendship starred in the film released the "One Night in Changsha" notice.

The preview aims at the ordinary people living in Changsha, taking an invitation for a night tour as a guide, and all the joys and sorrows that happened in the sleepless night are laid out. Love, affection and friendship complement each other in the night, making people really feel that behind the heat of Changsha nightlife is the temperature of human feelings. In the preview, LAY’s talk show about Hunan flavor was released for the first time, which was impressive. In addition, the preview also exposed the joining of Zhou Dongyu and Ahu、Yue for the first time. The two seemed to be in "breakup negotiations". As soon as Zhou Dongyu appeared, he sent Ahu、Yue a good friend card, which made the audience curious about their story with Changsha. The film will be released nationwide on April 28th, showing the infinite charm of Changsha, a city in online celebrity.

Zhou Dongyu Ahu、Yue surprises to join the breakup scene.

LAY talks about the last talk show.

How can I spend a beautiful night in Changsha? I believe that the preview of "Changsha Nightlife" and "One Night in Changsha" can give a vivid and vivid answer. YIN FANG and Zhang Jingyi performed Changsha native Yazi and Mei Tuo. They met by chance and made a night trip to Changsha. Sophie Su and Wu Haochen became masters of food stalls in the middle of the night, and the food was busy. The phrase "four-handed butter, less spicy and packed away" vividly reflected the hot atmosphere in the store; Good brothers Bai Yufan and Zhou Siyu overlook the night view of the city on the Ferris wheel after work, and can’t help but sigh, "It’s really nice to see the city at such a high place for the first time"; The talk show actor played by LAY revealed his heart to the audience and bluntly said that this was his last talk show; Zhou Dongyu and Ahu、Yue starred in a couple who are about to break up. They are having a long talk in the middle of the night to start a confession. "I will never meet someone as good as you are to me again" … … The preview shows the multiple ways of opening in Changsha at night. The flashing neon, the bustling crowd and the smell of fireworks from food stalls contain infinite possibilities of life.

It is worth mentioning that this is LAY’s first appearance as a talk show actor, and the intimate interaction with the audience in the preview makes people more curious about his complete performance in the feature film. Zhou Dongyu and Ahu、Yue surprise to join and play a couple, and the break-up scene is exposed for the first time in the preview. Zhou Dongyu launched a "Good Man Card" for Ahu、Yue, which filled the aesthetic atmosphere of BE as soon as he appeared. Ahu、Yue’s acting as the true color of Hunan Yazi also made the content of "Xiang" in the film climb again.

"Their last night is also every night in Changsha."

The night in the city wraps up life and resonates with people.

If Changsha is the leading role of the film, then the ordinary little people living in Changsha are the well-deserved protagonists of the film. The preview can be said to show the gathering and parting, love and sorrow of ordinary people in Changsha at night. The last cup of milk tea, the last meeting, the last talk show, and the last powder making … … The important nodes that belong to their lives have been witnessed one by one under the night in Changsha. "The last time" means that the past is closed, and it also symbolizes that the new hope for the future is about to open. In ordinary days, it is through all kinds of unforgettable "last time" that they can walk out of a unique life. As the trailer says, "Their last night is also every night in Changsha, and life comes and goes, and every night is always new." In this way, all kinds of life go through the long night in Changsha to reach the heart, meeting, parting, laughing, sadness, staying and leaving … … All left an indelible mark on the "last night".

As a native of Hunan, YIN FANG, Zhang Jingyi, LAY and Ahu、Yue were deeply impressed by their true colors in the preview. In the previous interview, when asked about the most impressive Changsha dialect, Zhang Jingyi once mentioned her line "You want it" in the film. In the preview, her performance showed the fierceness and frankness of Changsha Meituo. LAY, who plays a talk show actor, said that he likes watching jokes in Changsha dialect very much. In his eyes, Changsha is a hospitable and warm place.

The film "Changsha Nightlife" is produced by Chen Kexin and Zhao Xiaoshi, written and directed by Zhang Ji, starring YIN FANG, Zhang Jingyi, Sophie Su, Wu Haochen, Bai Yufan, Zhou Siyu, Wu Jun and Luo Gang, with LAY as the special star and Zhou Dongyu and Wang Lixin as the friendly stars. It will be released nationwide during the May Day holiday on April 28th.

Academic Exchange Conference on Huangdi Culture: Six "firsts" about Huangdi Sacrifice

In order to deeply explore the values in history and culture, the Qingming Festival Huangdi Ceremony in Xuanyuan will be held in the Hundred Days of 1898. In 2018, the Qingming "Huangdi Culture Academic Exchange Conference" was held in Xi ‘an People’s Building from April 2 to 6. Scholars and professors from Tsinghua University, Nanjing University, Northwest University, Taiwan Province University of Politics, Taiwan Fu Jen Catholic University and other institutions discussed the origin of Huangdi culture and Chinese civilization in Chinese history.
Huangdi Mausoleum Oriental IC Data Map
Since the death of the Yellow Emperor, the Chinese nation has started offering sacrifices to the Yellow Emperor. Sima Qian’s Records of the Yellow Emperor’s Biography records that "the Yellow Emperor collapsed and was buried in Qiaoshan", which is the Huangdi Mausoleum in Qiaoshan, huangling county, Shaanxi today. According to the records in Historical Records, "Liu Che, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, led 180,000 troops to levy a return from the North, sacrificed the Yellow Emperor to Qiaoshan, prayed for Sendai, and left Jiabai behind", the sacrificial activities of the Huangdi Mausoleum have been recorded for more than 2,000 years.
huangdi mausoleum
Six "firsts" offered by the Yellow Emperor in history
"Regarding the Yellow Emperor’s sacrifice, it can be said with certainty that the imperial court has a history of at least 2,000 years in the Yellow Emperor’s mausoleum, while the history of sacrificing the Yellow Emperor is much longer. There are several firsts in history, which need to be mentioned. "Zhang Maoze, vice president of the Yellow Emperor Research Association in Xuanyuan, Shaanxi Province, put forward six firsts on the sacrifice of the Yellow Emperor at the exchange meeting.
First, the first sacrifice to the Yellow Emperor was a public sacrifice of the imperial court, which happened after the death of the Yellow Emperor, about 5,000 years ago. Zuo Che, the minister of the Yellow Emperor, "cut the wood into the image of the Yellow Emperor, and the handsome princes worshipped it" ("Bamboo Annals").
Second, offering sacrifices to the Yellow Emperor became a court system, which was 4,000 years ago at the time of Shun. "On the Lu Language of Mandarin" says: "Therefore, there is Yu’s funeral (sound emperor, offering sacrifices) to the Yellow Emperor, whose ancestors were Zhuan Xu, and whose suburbs were Yao and Zong Shun. Xia Houshi was the ancestor of the Yellow Emperor and Zhuan Xu, and he lived in the suburbs. " You Yu is Shun and his descendants; Sacrificing the Yellow Emperor is the ancestor worship and system.
Third, the emperor who attended or presided over the ceremony of offering sacrifices to the Yellow Emperor for the first time was Zhou Muwang of the Western Zhou Dynasty, nearly 3,000 years ago. According to the biography of Mu Tianzi, Zhou Muwang "rose to the hill of Kunlun Mountain to see the palace of the Yellow Emperor, and was buried in Fenglong to serve as a reminder to future generations".
Fourthly, the earliest temple dedicated to the Yellow Emperor was built in the fourth year of King Wei Lie of Zhou Dynasty (422 years ago, more than 2,400 years ago), and Qin Linggong "served as a place to worship emperors and heaven and earth in ancient times, and offered sacrifices to the Yellow Emperor" (Book of Closing Zen in Historical Records).
Fifth, the first public sacrifice of the Mausoleum of the Yellow Emperor was presided over by the emperor, which was in the first year of Emperor Wudi’s Yuanfeng (the first 110 years), more than 2000 years ago. Sima Qian’s Historical Records of Filial Piety and the Book of Enchanting Zen both recorded that Emperor Wu "patrolled the northern part of Shuofang, mustered more than 100,000 soldiers, and also offered sacrifices to the Yellow Emperor’s Tomb and Bridge Mountain", which is the earliest record of the royal sacrifice to the Yellow Emperor’s Mausoleum. This set a precedent for later offering sacrifices to the Yellow Emperor in the Mausoleum of the Yellow Emperor, that is, the public sacrifice of the Mausoleum of the Yellow Emperor. In the Eastern Han Dynasty, Emperor Guangwu, Ming Di and Emperor Zhang all recorded sacrifices to the Yellow Emperor.
Sixth, the setting of the Mausoleum and Temple of the Yellow Emperor, the materials that can be seen at present, dates back to the seventh year of Tang Daizong Dali (772), more than 1,200 years ago. The imperial court set up officials to manage the mausoleum and temple of the Yellow Emperor, and sent officials to sacrifice to the Yellow Emperor on time, which became a system. It can be seen that the sacrifice to the Yellow Emperor, as well as the public sacrifice to the Yellow Emperor by local governors and even by the central court in the Mausoleum of the Yellow Emperor, has a long history and a long tradition.
huangdi mausoleum
Zhang Maoze believes that the public sacrifice to the Mausoleum of the Yellow Emperor by Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty marks the maturity of the worship of the Yellow Emperor and the finalization of the ritual of the Yellow Emperor. The great development and stereotype of the worship of the Yellow Emperor was mainly in the Western Han Dynasty. "This is a profound historical background. During the Warring States period, the theory of Huang Lao, which advocated the integration of various schools, rose, and the Yellow Emperor was respected by some intellectuals. The Han dynasty ruled the world with filial piety, and ancestor worship developed greatly, which was in line with its basic national policy. The study of Huang Lao dominated for half a century in the early Han Dynasty, and it was natural that the status of the Yellow Emperor was promoted. According to the theory of "five virtues begin at the end", the Han Dynasty should be the master of Tude, and if the color is still yellow, the Yellow Emperor will be taken seriously, which is in line with the "destiny" and the worship of the five emperors in the early Han Dynasty, one of which is the worship of the Yellow Emperor; Huangdi Neijing, a famous medical and pharmaceutical work under the guise of Huangdi, appeared. In terms of national policy, in order to maintain the multi-ethnic unified empire, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty began to consciously build a spiritual home for all ethnic groups: first, he respected Confucianism alone and advocated Confucian classics; The second is to promote the construction of the Three Cardinal Principles and Five Permanent Ethics (loyalty to the monarch and filial piety are the core); The third is to implement the etiquette of respecting Tao. Hosting and participating in the Huangdi Mausoleum’s public sacrifice by himself should also be regarded as one of his important activities in building a national spiritual home. "
In the Xuanyuan Temple at the foot of Qiaoshan Mountain, 46 ancient monuments are neatly displayed in the stele gallery on the west side. "Six years of Jiayou in Northern Song Dynasty", "Six years of Jin Mingchang" and "Two years of Thai" … Of the 46 ancient monuments, 36 are "imperial messages". The so-called imperial edict is a eulogy personally issued by the emperor, representing a national sacrifice. Most of the sacrifices made by the emperors to the Mausoleum of the Yellow Emperor in previous dynasties were made by the emperors’ commissioners, and every time, the sacrificial words, sacrificial dates, names and quantities of the sacrifices, and the names of the chief priests and accompanying officials should be engraved on the stone tablets.
In the fourth year of Hongwu (AD 1371), Zhu Yuanzhang, the Ming Emperor, personally wrote a eulogy and sent officials to the Huangdi Mausoleum in Qiaoshan, huangling county. This eulogy is the earliest one in the literature of offering sacrifices to the Huangdi. At the same time, Zhu Yuanzhang stipulated that the Huangdi Mausoleum Temple in Qiaoshan was a sacred place for sacrifice, and three years was a big sacrifice. In the Ming and Qing dynasties, when the emperor ascended the throne, national celebrations, quelling unrest, and the queen mother’s birthday, ancestors were also sacrificed at Qiaoshan.
Inscriptions in Huangdi Mausoleum
What should we discuss the Yellow Emperor culture in the new era?
Ren Dayuan, executive vice president of the Chinese Yanhuang Culture Research Association, said that it is very meaningful to enhance the historical development of the whole Chinese nation by seeking roots from the Huangdi Mausoleum.
"China people value’ virtue’, and the ancestor worship activities of the Huangdi Mausoleum are carefully pursued to cultivate virtue. The cultivation of’ virtue’ can not be formed through one or two ancestor worship activities, but is a long-term process, so virtue is endless. It is a solemn ceremony to offer sacrifices to ancestors at the Mausoleum of the Yellow Emperor. Through this form, people’s awareness of pursuing the future cautiously is enhanced, and the whole people are encouraged to promote and respect virtue. In addition, it is very important to explore the significance of Huangdi culture and Huangdi spirit through the ancestor worship activities of Huangdi Mausoleum. It is very important for human beings to be separated from nature. The word culture itself has creative factors. Only after people appear can there be culture. "
Mr. Fei Xiaotong, the second president of the late Chinese Yanhuang Culture Research Association, once proposed that the formation of the Chinese nation is called pluralism. "Pluralistic unity is not a simple war between Han people and human-god. The wars between early tribes were not all Han people, but also other nationalities, so the pluralistic unity of the Chinese nation actually began in the era of Yan Huang," Ren Dayuan suggested, and the era of the Yellow Emperor was the era of great integration of the Chinese nation.
Ren Dayuan pointed out that there were actually no words in the Yanhuang era, but the ideas of Yandi and Huangdi preceded the words. For example, when the Yellow Emperor fights Chiyou, how can he fight? How to fight? Strategically and tactically, it must have its own set of ideas, but we can’t find this idea at all now, and we can’t find it in the future. Because there is no record carrier, our descendants can only summarize and summarize to find the thought of the Yellow Emperor. In the study of the Yellow Emperor culture, the use of information must be screened, which is the real study.
As a pioneer of Chinese civilization, how did Huangdi’s achievements depend on a family team supporting his career and a work operation team?
Su Feng, vice president of Shaanxi Xuanyuan Huangdi Research Association, put forward a point of view on the grass-roots civilization of Xuanyuan Huangdi: it is a work operation team composed of 184 family members and ministers. According to their respective specialties, they are assigned different posts, play their respective roles and carry out various tasks.
"During the Yellow Emperor period, there were aristocratic teams, political power teams, attendants teams, cultural teams, medical teams, teachers teams, and scientific and technological teams. The Yellow Emperor led these teams with his intelligence and wisdom, and together they managed the country in an orderly way. Since then, the blood relationship and cultural community of the Chinese nation have been gradually consolidated. With the assistance of so many auxiliary ministers, the Yellow Emperor ended the ancient war, unified the Chinese tribes and established the first country with a common owner in China. "
Su Feng further introduced: "In the Yellow Emperor’s work operation team, each team has representative figures, such as Feng Hou, Li Mu and Ling Lun in the regime team, Fang Ming, Chang Xian and Ma Sihuang in the attendants team, Cang Xie, Li Shou and xi he in the cultural team, Qi Bo, Lei Gong and Wu Peng in the medical team, Rong Chengzi, Bo Gao and Feng Ju in the teachers team, and in the science and technology team. It is a great pioneer of China’s traditional culture. It is precisely because of the existence of these elite figures that the Yellow Emperor’s team innovation, cohesion spirit and Kaiyuan and Wangdao thinking are interpreted. "
Since 1980, the Yellow Emperor Sacrifice has formed a system of Qingming public sacrifice and Chongyang folk sacrifice. Every year, the Qingming public sacrifice ceremony is attended by tens of thousands of party and state leaders and representatives of Chinese people at home and abroad.
Mr. Fang Guanghua, a scholar of Huangdi culture, said: "Huangdi is an important pioneer of Chinese orthodoxy and governance, and the sacrifice of Huangdi reflects the continuity and long history of orthodoxy and governance. Today’s sacrifice of Huangdi Mausoleum is the highest memorial of the contemporary Chinese nation."

Eight men’s and women’s physiological knowledge actually cheated many people! It’s time to correct your ideas.

In life, we will come into contact with all kinds of knowledge from the internet, but many times we don’t know whether the articles we see are true or not. Especially about physiological knowledge, it is easy to be misled and has always produced some incorrect prejudices. Next, let’s talk to you about some common misunderstandings about men and women’s physiology.

(1) the more hair, the stronger the desire?

I believe many people have heard this sentence, so that they see some women with strong hair in their lives with different eyes. In fact, this statement is completely nonsense. Whether the hair is strong or not is related to two factors, namely hormone secretion in the body and genetic influence. There is no connection between the two and sexual desire!

(2) The color of private parts is dark, because it is frequent?

This is also a very common prejudice against women. Many people think that the dark color of women’s private parts is caused by sexual confusion. In fact, there is no connection between the two. The color depth of women’s local skin is determined according to the distribution of melanocytes in the body and is influenced by sex hormones. After puberty, the level of sex hormones will also rise and the color will become darker, which is a normal physiological phenomenon.

(3) No sexual life, no gynecological diseases?

This statement is also wrong. Women’s private parts have a natural barrier to resist the invasion of external germs. Once this barrier is broken, it will cause germs to enter the body and cause gynecological diseases. When the body’s resistance drops, the hormone level is abnormal and the local hygiene is not paid attention to, it may lead to gynecological diseases.

(4) Is it healthier to wash below?

This is a well-known advertising slogan before. Many women will buy lotion to clean their private parts when they are healthy. In fact, in a healthy situation, there is absolutely no need to wash with lotion. Women’s vagina has its own flora balance. Cleaning with lotion will destroy the normal acid-base balance, but it will cause gynecological diseases. It only needs to be cleaned with water every day.

(1) Can food supplement be aphrodisiac?

Most of the so-called food supplements are based on shape, and the more common one is to eat kidney. Kidney is mainly composed of protein and fat, which is a food with high cholesterol. Eating too much will not only fail to make up the kidney, but also cause the burden on the kidney, leading to the deficiency of the kidney.

(2) The longer Ding Ding, the stronger his ability?

There is no correlation between the length of male "little brother" and sexual ability, which is a normal physiological phenomenon just like the height, height and thinness of our human body. As for the ability, it is entirely individual difference and cannot be judged by appearance.

(3) coitus interruptus can also use contraception?

It is very unreliable to say that coitus interruptus can use contraception, because sperm is not only excreted when men ejaculate. Sperm will be discharged in the process of life, and coitus interruptus is very likely to lead to unintended pregnancy. It is recommended to wear condoms for contraception!

(4) Will a man masturbate with impotence?

Men masturbate moderately in daily life, which will not only lead to "impotence", but also relieve psychological, physical, spiritual and other pressures. This is a normal physiological demand and does not need to give themselves too much psychological burden. But be careful not to overdo it!


Yao Jian ‘an. Too much body hair does not mean strong sexual desire [J]. Self-care, 2013 (4): 6-6.

Let nature take its course when dealing with masturbation among young people [J]. Health Must Read, 2007,163 (02): 58.

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When I go home for the New Year, I want to blow the audience (with 23 beauty products recommended)

The Spring Festival is coming soon. Before meeting relatives, friends and classmates from all walks of life, do we have to prepare carefully and whitewash our faces?

In this issue, Xiao Daochang specially compiled a beauty and skin care strategy to help everyone burst into the audience!

Image source: the idea of the worm

The foundation of skin care is moisturizing. If moisturizing is not done well, no matter how gorgeous makeup is, it is no use.

Xiaodaochang made a word-of-mouth comparison of 22 popular moisturizing creams from six aspects: moisturizing, absorbability, skin feeling, texture, smell and gentleness.

Below 200 yuan, we recommend Muscle Research Extreme Moisturizing Cream and Baique Ling Moisturizing Essence; In the price range from 200 yuan to 500 yuan, we recommend Clarins Moisturizing Cream and Yuemu Source Caffeine Revitalizing Moisturizing Curd; Above 500 yuan, we recommend Estee Lauder fresh and bright red pomegranate cream.

If we only look at the moisturizing effect,FAB soothing repair cream, Elizabeth Ya Dun compound cream, Kiehl’s high moisturizing cream, Estee Lauder fresh and bright red pomegranate cream, SK-II revitalizing essence cream.It will stand out.

Feeling that moisturizing cream is not enough, many people will focus on anti-wrinkle cream. It’s just that anti-wrinkle can’t be achieved immediately. It’s a long skin care project.

Xiaodaochang made a word-of-mouth comparison of 16 popular anti-wrinkle creams from seven aspects: firming anti-wrinkle, moisturizing, absorption, skin feeling, texture, smell and gentleness.

We recommend the price range from 100 yuan to 500 yuan.HBN retinol firming and revitalizing night cream; We recommend the price range from 500 yuan to 1000 yuan.Kiehl’s multiple firming face cream; Above 1000 yuan, we recommend it.Guerlain Royal Orchid Cream.

If we only look at the effect of firming and anti-wrinkle,Helena rubinstein revitalizing and soothing cream, Xiulike firming and firming essence cream, HBN retinol firming and firming night cream, Kiehl’s multiple firming and firming face cream, Clarins revitalizing and elastic night cream.It will stand out.

Time is urgent. If you can’t start from skin care, you need air cushion foundation to save the field. Xiao Daochang measured 14 kinds of air cushion foundations and powder pastes, and recommended 3 kinds of air cushion foundations to Jimei.

The first paragraph isAijing 20 Essence Concealer Foundation. The face is natural, the concealer effect is good, the makeup is ok, and the makeup is slightly removed at the end of the day.

The second paragraph isNARS bright and durable air cushion liquid foundation. Obedience, no floating powder, natural makeup, may not be suitable for large oil skin.

The third paragraph isL ‘Oré al’s Constant Glowing Glossy Matte Concealer Lightpad Cream. The concealer effect is amazing, the skin color is well-balanced, and the makeup feeling is a little thick, but the makeup effect is good.

As the saying goes, "make the finishing point", eye shadow can be said to be the sublimation part of the whole makeup. Xiao Chang measured 22 kinds of eye shadows and recommended two kinds of eye shadow discs to Jimei.

The first paragraph isTOM FORD Magic Classic Four-color Eye Shadow Disc. It has the reputation of "Hermes" in eye shadow. The whole color scheme makes the eye makeup look Leng Yan and intellectual, the addition of peach color reveals a little liveliness, and the silver thin flash point is painted in the center of the eyelid, which is quite layered.

The simple four colors are full in color and fine in powder. After the model tried it out, she commented that the smudge was very good, the flash was a little flying, and the dosage of the deepest color should be controlled, otherwise it would easily turn into smoky makeup.

The second paragraph isUrban Decay Naked Eye Shadow Disc. Warm matte earth color system, with a shimmering pearl, no color can be left idle. After the model tried it out, she made a crazy call, and her eyes were clean and clear, low-key and gentle. The overall color test of the arm is quite harmonious, with high color rendering and fine powder. Matte colors are quite friendly to swollen eyelids.

White becomes a light and becomes the most beautiful baby in the crowd. How to choose whitening essence?

Xiaodaochang made a word-of-mouth comparison of 16 popular whitening essences from seven aspects: whitening, spot fading, lightening, moisturizing, absorption, skin feeling and gentleness.

Below 500 yuan, we recommend.Olay white plastic essence, L ‘Oré al scientific whitening triple white essence, Clinique whitening multi-effect essence.; Above 500 yuan, we recommend it.Ou Tili Zhenmei Brightening and Whitening Essence, Clarins Brightening and Whitening Spot Essence, Kiehl’s Brightening and Whitening Balanced Brightening and Lightening Spot Essence.

If we only look at whitening, lightening and lightening,Ou Ti Li Zhen Mei Brightening Essence, Clarins Brightening Whitening Spotting EssenceIt will stand out.

Among them,Ou Ti Li Zhen Mei Brightening EssenceThis product has a sales history of more than 20 years, and the patented ingredient is grape seed extract. In addition, the formula also contains other antioxidant and repair components, including vitamin E acetate, bisabolol and squalane.

Oh, oh, by the way, hair can’t be ignored, and a beautiful hair fills the temperament in an instant.

In this paper, 14 hot-selling repair shampoos were compared in terms of softness, anti-rashness, cleanliness, refreshment, dandruff removal and smell.

We recommendDove Intensive Nourishing and Repairing Shampoo, Sassoon Repairing Water-nourishing Shampoo, Pan Ting Deep Bubble Hydrating and Moisturizing Water-nourishing Shampoo (nourishing type), Kashi Nourishing and Constant Care Shampoo No.2..

Among them,Dove intensive nourishing and repairing shampooIn addition to the basic repair ingredients such as panthenol and glycerin, keratin with certain moisturizing and exfoliating effects and hydrolyzed keratin with protective effect on hair are also added, and the effect of smoothing and moisturizing is quite good.

Although it uses anionic surfactant SLES (sodium lauryl polyether sulfate), it can reduce the irritation of SLES to some extent by compounding amphoteric surfactant CAPB (cocoamido propyl betaine).

It should be noted that the preservative used in Dove shampoo is Carsone, which has potential contact sensitization. Excessive use may cause itching, redness and swelling of the skin, which is not very friendly to sensitive muscles.

[Special Statement]: The original data used in this article are all from the official website of the e-commerce platform, and the data is objective and true. The brand mentioned in this report only represents this type of product, and does not represent the evaluation status of other models of the same brand.

Howard: Harden is a younger Kobe. I could have stayed with the Lakers longer.


Dwight Howard, whose name was once a big MAC in the NBA, was a common rival of Yao Ming and Kobe Bryant. However, time flies and Howard’s career has experienced ups and downs. Recently, he talked about James Harden in a program and evaluated his cooperation with Kobe.

Howard said that he regards James Harden as a younger Kobe Bryant. Although he didn’t mean to disrespect James, at that time he felt that his combination with James could become a new OK combination. He believes that cooperation with James will be better than cooperation with Kobe. If he can carefully consider his decision without emotion, he will probably stay with the Lakers.

Recalling the 2012-13 season, Howard and Kobe only cooperated for one season, and then they had an open conflict. Howard accused Kobe of being a "bully", while Kobe retorted that Howard was not tough enough. In the offseason in 2013, Howard chose to join the Rockets and became a teammate with James Harden.

However, the cooperation between Howard and Harden did not achieve much success. Although Harden gradually played the level of a historical offensive player, Howard began to decline seriously from the Lakers period. His personal level and reputation plummeted, and he finally joined the Eagle in 2016 and began his wandering career.

Last season, Howard moved to Taiwan Province League in China, trying to find himself. However, although he used to be the top center in NBA, the passage of time and his own changes have made the world of Warcraft in the inside thread a memory.

For Howard, his career is full of regrets and possibilities. If he can get better cooperation with Kobe Bryant and Harden respectively, or be more stable during the Lakers period, his career may be different. However, the reality is cruel, and now Howard needs to face his own decline and new challenges.

Nevertheless, Howard’s experience is still instructive to many fans. His career tells us that even in the face of difficulties and challenges, we need to stick to our beliefs and try to find ways to cooperate with others in order to succeed. Although Howard’s career can no longer be brilliant, his story is still worth remembering and thinking about.

Curry calls the expert! Curry training camp students in situ windmill dunk+cup three points!

Live broadcast: August 5 th, the basketball camp in Curry opened recently.

It is predicted that the 2025 lotto show, Cooper Flagg, will have a big windmill chop! Then came a three-point turn in advance! It can be said that the essence of Curry has been learned to the extreme ~

The flug is said to have blasted the Sun star Bill the other day, and it is rumored that Bill was even blindsided.

Shooting is always stuck to the face? Learn to retreat in 4 minutes, and Harden has to call you Master.

Everyone is on the wild court.

There will always be guys who are tough on defense.

As soon as you get the ball, he sticks to his face and fights.

Don’t give me any room to shoot.

Bring a set of teaching today.

Harden’s step-back shot

Everyone knows that Harden is the most powerful master in active duty.

Moreover, this trick is becoming more and more popular in wild courts and NBA.

At this time, someone will ask.

How can I get Harden to call you Master?

I’m sorry

I’m talking about this harden.

Get down to business

Harden’s retreating steps are various.

Retreat after routine and spying.

Step back after the ball is dropped, and step back after the emergency stop.

They are all moves worth learning.

As for the double retreat.

Just like the video said.

As long as you have courage, you can use it

Video source: BENCHPLAYER51

How difficult is it to compete for the British crown? Manchester city can make mistakes, opponents can’t, gunmen miss the opportunity, and next year is even more hopeless.

Many years later, coach Arteta will definitely look back on this season with a little regret:

If Arsenal had prevented Everton’s corner kick attack on February 4th, would the final result be different? If they held a 2-0 lead at Anfield on April 9, the final result would be different.

If Saka hadn’t missed a point against West Ham on April 16th, if he hadn’t missed a point against Southampton Ramsdale on April 22nd, if Saliba hadn’t been injured in the Europa League …

Unfortunately, there is no "if" in life. No matter how good Arsenal’s title race was before, it’s all over now.

This season, the gunners have undergone a qualitative change under the training of Artta, and once played with great momentum. However, Guardiola’s Manchester City was so resilient that it survived the difficult period, seized the opportunity to narrow the points difference a little, and finally forced Arsenal to collapse.

Today’s Manchester City is really too strong, strong enough to beat Real Madrid with its own Champions League genes. From this point of view, the young gunman lost well.

From the 2017-18 season to the 2021-22 season, Arsenal fell behind Manchester City by 27.8 points on average. This season, they have led for more than half a year, and now they are only four points behind. Artta and the players have done quite well.

In the same period, the difference between Tottenham and Manchester City at the end of the season has never been less than 20 points, and this season is expected to exceed 30 points; The smallest difference between Chelsea and Manchester City at the end of the season was 15 points, which occurred in the 2019-20 season. In that year, the Blue Moon Corps fell sharply, falling behind Liverpool by 18 points and losing the championship. Manchester United won the runner-up in the Premier League twice, and both times did not pose a real threat to the champion Manchester City. Last season, it was 35 points behind its neighbors.

In the same period, only Liverpool won a Premier League title from Manchester City, and scored 90 points in three seasons. But on the whole, the dominant position of Blue Moon Corps is still hard to shake, and the great cause of the Premier League’s five championships in six years is just around the corner.

In the history of English football, Liverpool has established a dynasty, and Manchester United has established a dynasty, but no team has played such a strong dominance. Manchester City has directly raised the standard of winning the Premier League, and there is almost no fault-tolerant space for rivals competing for the title.

Klopp said in December 2018:

"I can’t say that Manchester City is lucky, it’s not like this. They are in form every match day. They scored 100 points last year (2017-18 season) and have kept their form until now.

"I want to pay tribute to them. I have to say that they have never been soft. They are defending champions, and now they play like champions. We (other teams) are challengers.

"We must concentrate on every game, and good grades are not obtained out of thin air. We all have to follow this standard, they are champions, they have done it, and we have to do the same. "

Klopp and the team bravely accepted the challenge and succeeded; Arsenal have made a rush this season and the result is not satisfactory.

But what about Manchester United, Tottenham and Chelsea? . Have they experienced the difficulty of the title race in the new era of Premier League? Do they know how hard it takes to break 90 points?

If Manchester United win the remaining three games of the season, they can finally score 75 points, the second highest score in a single season in the post-Ferguson era. One of Manchester United’s major problems is their lack of attack. In the first nine seasons of the post-Ferguson era, they only scored an average of 62 goals per season in the league. This season, they probably won’t score more than 60 goals. Next season, if they want to win the championship, they must find a shooter and play more confidently.

Chelsea’s lowest score in the past five seasons is 66, and the highest score is 74. This season, they are completely degraded and almost fall into the ranks of relegation. Next season, Chelsea should not be so miserable, but the first thing Pochettino should do is to get the team back on track, and the title race may have to be slowed down again.

Klopp gnashed his teeth many times this season, saying that "no one can compete with Manchester City" in the transfer market, and that Manchester City is "one of the three major clubs in the world football and can do whatever it wants economically".

But it seems that this is not the case. If Manchester City can really "do whatever it wants", I am afraid it will not be impossible to buy Van Dyke Goose Harry Kane. Besides, after Burleigh and clear lake Capital took over Chelsea, they burned 600 million pounds in two transfer windows. Did Manchester City do this? Not really.

Manchester city can succeed, not just because of money. They also managed well off the court and built a strong and stable team around Guardiola. As long as Guashuai does not leave, Manchester City’s rule over the Premier League will not end.

Next season, Liverpool may regain its vigor, Arsenal and Manchester United may continue to make progress, Chelsea and Tottenham may bottom out, and Newcastle may soar …

However, can they really compete with Manchester City for the championship? Can they break the 90-point mark and fight with Manchester City to the end?

Both Arteta and klopp know that fighting Guardiola is really tiring and exhausting. You should not only play well against the other 18 opponents, but also try to knock down Manchester City in the head-on confrontation.

Last season, klopp said frankly: When he drew Manchester City twice in the middle of the season, he felt that the result was good, but in the end, it was these two games that made his team pay the price.

This season, Arsenal scored 81 points against other opponents (34 games) and Manchester City scored 79 points against other opponents (33 games). In two head-on confrontations, Arsenal swallowed two defeats and lost six precious points.

Manchester City is not only strong, but also has rich experience in winning the championship, and knows how to play a key battle well. Other Big6 teams have an all-round gap with Manchester City.

Overthrowing the Blue Moon Dynasty will only become more and more difficult year by year. Opponents such as Arsenal, Liverpool, Manchester United and Newcastle must keep improving, do their best, and push themselves to the limit before Manchester City can be pulled down.