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Look at the "vitality" in the holiday market | Policy "combination boxing" to boost the automobile consumption market

CCTV News:During the "Eleventh" holiday, the reporter visited various places and learned that both the new car sales market of new energy vehicles and the second-hand car trading market showed a rising trend. In addition, with the support of a number of favorable policies, consumer enthusiasm continues to rise.

This holiday, Mr. Zhou, who lives in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, bought a new energy vehicle worth 330,000 yuan, according to "the price of a single vehicle is 300,000 yuan — Mr. Zhou can get a subsidy of 6,000 yuan for the standard of subsidizing 6,000 yuan below 400,000 yuan.

During the "Eleventh" holiday, consumers in Dezhou, Shandong Province can enjoy a one-time subsidy ranging from 3,000 yuan to 6,000 yuan when purchasing new energy passenger cars. In addition, they are exempted from the purchase tax of 4.5% of the car price, the travel tax in 360 yuan, and the replacement subsidy of up to 6,000 yuan and the cash benefit of up to 20,000 yuan given by manufacturers, which makes many consumers feel excited.

Not only the new car market, this holiday, the second-hand car trading market is also stimulated by the policy, and the trading volume has risen linearly. The reporter visited the used car trading market in Huaxiang, Beijing, and learned that the transaction volume of car inspection and transfer has increased by 30%. On October 1 this year, the Ministry of Public Security and other departments issued a policy that when a registered automobile sales enterprise applies for the transfer registration of a small non-operating used car, the public security organ will implement separate endorsement management and issue a temporary license plate. For cities where automobile purchases are restricted, it is clear that used cars purchased by automobile sales enterprises and used for sales do not occupy the number plate index. At the same time, all regions strictly implement the policy of completely canceling the restrictions on the movement of used cars, and cancel the restrictions on the movement of small non-operating used cars that meet the national five emission standards nationwide (including the national key areas for air pollution prevention and control) to promote the free circulation of used cars and cross-regional operation of enterprises.

According to the data of China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, in 2022, the production and sales of new energy vehicles will reach 3.97 million and 3.86 million respectively in the first eight months, up by 120% and 110% respectively.

Pay attention to | Create new quality productivity! Beijing Radio and Television Station Artificial Intelligence Media Innovation Laboratory Unveiled

Dynamic broadcasting of mainstream media work at all levels in China

(March 15th-March 18th, 2024)

Create new quality productivity! Beijing Radio and Television Station Artificial Intelligence Media Innovation Laboratory Unveiled

Abstract: On March 16th, the opening ceremony of Beijing Radio and Television Station Artificial Intelligence Media Innovation Laboratory and the signing ceremony of the strategic cooperation agreement with Beijing Zhiyuan Artificial Intelligence Research Institute were held in Beijing.

Details: Beijing Radio and Television Station Kashgar Media Center visited the Third Division Media Center to exchange ideas and create a "good media" with "integration".

On March 15th, the Media Integration Center in Kashgar visited the Media Integration Center in the Third Division, aiming at strengthening the media cooperation and exchange between the military and the local areas, and jointly exploring the new direction, new ideas and new measures for the development of deep media integration in the new era.

Details: The large-scale news action of "Chasing Light" of Kaifeng Radio and Television Station, the third division, was broadcast.

Kaifeng Radio and Television Station’s "Chasing Light" large-scale media news action broadcast: "Dreamers" on the road to becoming rich.

Details: Kaifeng Radio and Television Station focuses on new quality productivity! This newspaper held a mobilization meeting for comprehensive reform of media integration and digital intelligence transformation.

On the afternoon of March 15th, the mobilization meeting for the comprehensive reform of media integration and digital intelligence transformation in 2024 was held in Yanfu Popular Newspaper Group. All employees of the group actively participated in the reform with full mental state and strong responsibility, and played the March of "Going to the next mountain and sea together". Zhou Jin, Party Secretary, President and Editor-in-Chief of the Group, made a speech on reform mobilization.

Details: Yanfu Newspaperman National Party Newspaper Media Red Culture and Education and Training Symposium was held in Yudu County.

On March 15th, the national symposium on red culture and education and training of party newspaper media was held in Yudu County, Ganzhou City, Jiangxi Province. Li Yong, executive vice minister of propaganda department of Xiangtan Municipal Committee, Wang Guoqiang, deputy general manager of Hunan Daily Wenlv Group and director of education and training center, Fan Gaonong, deputy general manager of Jiangxi Newspaper Media Group, Liu Xiaoyang, member of the county party group and director of the Central Red Army Long March Assembly and Departure History Museum attended the meeting.


摘要:在习近平总书记视察开封十周年之际本报今日推出特刊:牢记嘱托看变化 开封新时代报告。







Details: Henan Daily Xiantao Rong Media Center: Rong Media Center accelerates the creation of new local mainstream media.

Xiantao Media Center will follow the working idea of "changing style, improving ability, improving quality and efficiency, and accelerating the creation of local new mainstream media", strictly manage the party, strengthen the guidance of party building, strictly guide public opinion, further highlight the priority of mobile, and expand the media matrix; Strengthen the awareness of fine products and renew news reports; Both internal and external publicity will be carried out to show the image of Xiantao, which will provide strong public opinion support and spiritual motivation for Xiantao to "strive for a new 100 billion yuan and build a demonstration area".

Details: The 20th anniversary symposium of Hubei Daily’s client-side popular daily column "Stargazing" was held.

On March 17th, a symposium on the 20th anniversary of "News Review in the Age of Intellectual Media" —— the famous column of Popular Daily "Xiao Tiao Guan Xing" was held in Jinan Borrowing Bookstore. The event was co-sponsored by Shandong Literary Critics Association, Journalism Research Institute of Dazhong Daily and Cultural and Sports Editing Center of Dazhong Daily, undertaken by Shandong Popular Reading Research Institute, and co-organized by Jinan Bookstore. More than 20 experts and scholars from universities, literary circles and the press in the province attended the event.

Original title: "Concern | Create new quality productivity! Beijing Radio and Television Station Artificial Intelligence Media Innovation Laboratory Unveiled "

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Guangdong huinantian children calmly sleep with umbrellas. Netizen: Give northerners a little shock.

March 5, Zhongshan, Guangdong. How outrageous is Guangdong going back to Nantian? The ceiling of the room is full of water droplets, and the children in bed are calm and sleep with umbrellas. The party, Ms. Li, said that it was raining just these days and the walls were soaked, fearing that the children would get wet and catch a cold.

User comments:

Give northerners a little shock.

Everywhere is wet.

You have to wear a raincoat for this quilt, right

Guangdong huinantian children calmly sleep with umbrellas. Netizen: Give northerners a little shock.

Guangdong huinantian children calmly sleep with umbrellas. Netizen: Give northerners a little shock.

More than 27,000 people have been enrolled in the 2017 National Civil Service Examination since the 15th.

  BEIJING, Oct. 13 (Xinhua) According to the website of the National Civil Service Bureau, the recruitment of civil servants in the 2017 examination for central organs and their directly affiliated institutions is about to begin, and the registration time is from October 15 to 24, 2016. The written examination of public subjects will be held simultaneously on November 27th, 2016 in provincial capitals, capitals of autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government and individual large cities.

  According to reports, more than 120 central authorities and their directly affiliated institutions and units managed by the Civil Service Law participated in this recruitment, and more than 27,000 people are planned to be recruited.

  In 2017, there are five main characteristics in the recruitment of civil servants by the central organs and their directly affiliated institutions:

  First, continue to attach importance to the orientation of employing people at the grassroots level.The recruitment of civil servants by party and government organs at or above the provincial level, except for some special positions and professional positions, is all used to recruit people who have been in grassroots work experience for more than 2 years. The positions below the city (prefecture) level are mainly based on recruiting fresh college graduates, guiding and encouraging outstanding college graduates to apply for grassroots positions and make contributions to the grassroots. In principle, about 15% of the positions below the city (prefecture) level in the institutions directly under the central government will be earmarked for the targeted recruitment of service grassroots project personnel who have expired and passed the examination, with the focus on recruiting university student village officials.

  The second is to appropriately lower the entry threshold for hard and remote areas.Conscientiously implement the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 18 th CPC Central Committee on "improving the recruitment system of grassroots civil servants and appropriately lowering the entry threshold in hard and remote areas", and in accordance with the Opinions on Doing a Good Job in the Examination and Recruitment of Grassroots Civil Servants in Hard and Remote Areas issued by the Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and the National Civil Service Bureau (No.61 [2014] of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security), for positions below the county (district) level directly under the central organs in hard and remote areas, Depending on the situation, measures such as appropriately lowering academic qualifications, relaxing professional restrictions, not limiting working years and experience, and separately delineating qualified scores in written tests should be taken individually or comprehensively to lower the entry threshold. At the same time, measures such as allowing institutions directly under the central government to take out a certain number of posts below the county (district) level to recruit for those who are registered in the city or county or who have lived and worked in the local area for a long time, and implementing the minimum service years of newly recruited civil servants should be taken to stabilize the grassroots civil servants in hard and remote areas.

  The third is to further improve the scientific level of examinations.Continue to order written examination questions for public subjects for posts above the provincial level and below the city (prefecture) level. The "2+X" examination mode is implemented for special professional positions of the China Banking Regulatory Commission and the China Securities Regulatory Commission, eight non-common language positions in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Commerce, and the positions of the people’s police in public security organs, that is, in addition to the two public subject examinations of administrative professional ability and application, candidates need to take the professional subject examination or foreign language proficiency test in a unified way, highlighting the test of professional ability and quality to meet the actual employment needs of recruitment agencies. Guide some institutions directly under the central government to make interview questions independently according to the characteristics of the industry, and further improve the pertinence and practicability of the questions.

  The fourth is to further strictly inspect the work.According to the standards of good cadres, the recruitment agency will adhere to the principle of having both ability and political integrity and putting morality first. According to the requirements of the position to be hired, it will take various forms to fully understand the political ideology, moral quality, ability and quality, law-abiding, self-discipline awareness, honesty and trustworthiness, study and work performance, and the situation that needs to be avoided, and strictly review the files of the subjects, with emphasis on age, length of service, party age, education and work experience.

  The fifth is to further strengthen the safety of examinations. 《The Ninth Amendment to the Criminal Law has criminalized cheating in national examinations, including the civil service recruitment examination. The competent department of central civil servants will further strengthen cooperation with the central network information office, public security, industrial information, education and other departments, increase the application of anti-cheating techniques and means, and severely crack down on all kinds of exam-related criminal acts of cheating groups and illegal training institutions. Further serious examination of discipline, in accordance with the newly revised "Measures for Handling Violations of Discipline and Discipline in Civil Service Examination", severely deal with cheating personnel in examinations, and constantly improve the integrity archives of civil service examination. Strengthen the warning education and security education for examination staff, strengthen the examination safety management, and establish and improve the accountability mechanism.

What is culture? Is there a culture in West Renye Fang?

What is culture? What does culture mean? This has to start with ancient Chinese. Wen is a generic word of Wen. As a noun explanation, text is texture, representation and trace. As a verb explanation, the text is interlaced, described and portrayed. Astronomy, for example, means that celestial bodies are scattered all over the night sky and staggered, naturally forming a big picture of stars.

Xinghan brilliant

Oracle Bone Inscriptions shows that on the left is a man facing west, and on the right is a man turning east, just like a man tossing and turning while sleeping. It means that things change, change and come into being. Including the transformation from one form to another, or even another thing. For example, actors make up, incarnate everything, and educate all the people.

the banlance of yin and yang

Based on the exquisite ancient prose above, we believe that the meaning of culture is like that of people who engrave chapters, which are staggered and turned into a fine chapter. The result of tattooing is culture, and the text is transformed. The purpose of tattoo is to change, and the text is to change it.

keep on chipping away/work with perseverance

The extended meaning of culture can mean using tools and wealth that change life, such as Neolithic culture, agricultural culture, rural culture, industrial culture and modern culture.

The extended meaning of culture can also indicate the information or customs of transforming ideas, such as Confucian culture, Taoist culture, Buddhist culture, Mozi culture and other Chinese excellent traditional cultures, as well as Japanese samurai culture, western jungle culture, merchant culture and other animal cultures.

Use culture to change people.

Is there a culture in West Renye Fang? The answer is clear to you.

Thank you for reading.

# Culture # # Oracle Bone Inscriptions # # Traditional culture #

The wall fell and everyone pushed! Buden holzer was bombarded by his former disciples, and he lacked more than just coaching adaptability.

Recently, Ibaka, a former Bucks insider, accepted an exclusive interview with Chalana, a famous player of The Athletic. In the interview, he bombarded Buden holzer, a former Bucks coach, and questioned Buden holzer’s communication ability. It seems that Buden holzer’s dismissal is not only due to the lack of adaptability in coaching, but also due to the lack of communication skills.

Ibaka said that when he signed with Bucks, he knew that his playing time would not meet his expectations, and he had communicated with Buden holzer about playing time. Ibaka revealed: "At the beginning, Buden holzer said in front of me,’ Listen, I can’t promise you anything if you come to the Bucks. However, you never know what will happen. The season is long and players will be injured. You must always be prepared. " "

Ibaka can understand that Buden holzer has his own habits of employing people. After all, the Bucks have big Lopez and Portis inside. What Ibaka couldn’t understand was that when a player was injured, he still didn’t get playing time. When the wounded returned, he got playing time instead.

Ibaka believes that the lack of communication is the main problem. "When I communicated with the management, they told me differently. They appreciated me and wanted me to stay in the team. When I returned to the stadium, everything was different again, and things developed to the point where I couldn’t stand it. I love this sport, but if these things take away my inner peace and fun, it is not worth it. I won respect in the league. You have to communicate at least. I didn’t ask to play. What I want is communication. "

I can hear that Ibaka is full of complaints about Buden holzer. He also compares with Clippers coach Tyrone Lu. He said, "I played for Clippers, and I have great respect for Lu’s guidance. He will call me in the morning and say,’ I will let young players play more this week.’ My answer is yes, no problem. Whether you like the coach’s decision or not, I just have to keep my career in the end. At least I know I have to keep working hard for the next two weeks, and then when things change, he will call me and say,’ Listen, I’ll let you go tonight and get ready.’ Even if he’s not sure whether to let me go, he’ll tell me, that’s all. "

Ibaka played 16 games for the Bucks last season, averaging 11.6 minutes, scoring 4.1 points and 2.8 rebounds. Before the trading deadline, Ibaka was sent to the Pacers and was subsequently laid off. At present, the 33-year-old Ibaka is still a free agent. He said that he can still contribute to a team and he can bring experience.

With an annual salary of 16 million, the Hornets officially refused to offer! With an average of 15+5+2 per game, the Lakers may be able to take aim.

According to Rod Boone, a reporter from Charlotte Observer, PJ- Washington and Hornets are deadlocked in contract negotiations. They have not made any progress in reaching a new contract, and neither side seems ready to give in to the other’s demands. What the Hornets mean is that they hope to sign a short-term contract, while the team of PJ- Washington wants a contract with an average price higher than 16 million, but the feasible way in the market at present is to sign it first and then change it. Now, PJ- Washington will accept the qualification offer from the Hornets and become a free agent next summer.

Memoirs of a teenager

PJ- Washington was born in Dallas, Texas on August 23rd, 1998. His father, Paul Washington, is a former professional basketball player who played in the European League. His mother is a college basketball player, who used to work for Nixi State University in Middlefield.

Born in such a sports family, PJ- Washington has developed a strong interest in basketball since childhood. When he was studying in Plenot Road High School, he became a local famous basketball star. In his senior year, he averaged 18.8 points, 9.5 rebounds, 2.9 assists and 2.1 blocks per game, and led the team to win the championship in the 6A District of Texas. He was also selected for the 2016 McDonald’s All-American High School Star Competition, where he scored 10 points and 9 rebounds.

After graduating from high school, PJ- Washington was invited to join the old and powerful university of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky has its own understanding of cultivating inside stars, and Washington has grown rapidly since joining. He has played 72 games in two seasons, and is the core player of the team. He can hand over 12.9 points, 6.6 rebounds, 1.7 assists and 1.2 blocked transcripts per game, of which the shooting percentage is 54.3%.

In my junior year, with an average of 15.2 points, 7.5 rebounds, 1.8 assists and 1.2 blocks, I was selected into the first team of the Southeast Regional League and the third team of the best team in the United States. Lead the University of Kentucky into the top 8 of the NCAA Championship, and lose Auburn University with regret, and stop there.

PJ- Washington’s performance at the University of Kentucky has attracted many professional scouts to watch, and he is considered to have the potential of lottery level. In the 2019 draft, Washington was picked by the Hornets in the 12th overall pick in the first round. At that time, scouts gave him Anthony Randolph as the draft template. They are all power forwards who are 6′ 7 "tall and weigh about 230 pounds. They have excellent physical fitness and technical ability, can score in and out lines, and have certain defense and passing ability.

In the rookie season, PJ- Washington showed his strength in the Hornets, averaging 12.2 points, 5.4 rebounds, 2.1 assists and 0.8 blocks, and shooting percentage reached 45.5%. He also set a historical record, becoming the first player in NBA history to hit at least seven three-pointers in his debut. In addition, he was selected as the first team of the best rookie lineup in the 2019-20 season.

In the second year, Washington continued to maintain its excellent state in the first season, averaging 12.9 points, 6.5 rebounds, 2.5 assists and 1.2 blocks per game. In the game against Thunder in March this year, PJ Washington scored 43 points, 6 rebounds and 5 assists in a single game, becoming the first Hornets player to get this data after Kemba Walker and the sixth Hornets player to get 40 points, 5 rebounds and 5 assists in a single game. 43 points is also a career high in Washington.

Generally speaking, PJ- Washington has good height and arm span, and he is also a reliable scorer. But after Brandon Miller arrived, he didn’t have many opportunities in the Hornets. After becoming a free agent next year, the Lakers can pay close attention, and the mini middle class may win.

Luxury purchase! Manchester United may sign two strikers this summer! Besides Kane, there is Hojlund.

In the summer of 2022, Hojlund officially became an Atalanta player with a transfer fee of less than 15 million euros. In the 2022-2023 season, he contributed 7 goals in 29 rounds. Manchester United needed to pay a transfer fee of 40 million euros to introduce Hojlund. If Kane and Hojlund both join Manchester United, Marchal’s future may be affected. Due to injury, Marchal didn’t get much chance to play this season. So far, Marchal has only played 26 times for Manchester United this season, scoring 8 goals. Rachford is the team’s goal artifact, with a total of 29 goals.

Arsenal have no title for 19 years! In 248 days, it topped the list but set an embarrassing record. The third time, it suffered a big reversal.

On May 21st, Beijing time, Arsenal lost 0-1 to Nottingham Forest, sending Manchester City to win the championship ahead of time, but they missed the Premier League championship for 19 consecutive years! The hope I just saw was dashed again.

When was the last time Arsenal won the Premier League title? 2003-04 season, 19 years ago! At that time, they won the championship unbeaten under the leadership of Wenger, which was the only time in the history of the Premier League. However, it was the culmination of glory and the beginning of decline.

Since then, Arsenal has never been involved in the Premier League trophy, and it has degenerated into fighting for four. Until 2018, Wenger regretted leaving, and so on. And his successor, emeri, also failed to recover.

However, this season, under the training of Artta, the gunman suddenly rose and led all the way. At the beginning of April this year, he once led the second Manchester City by as much as 8 points, and it is very promising to break the spell!

However, at the critical moment, they habitually dropped the chain. After a series of three consecutive draws, they lost to the Blue Moon 1-4 in the battle of Tianwangshan, handing over the top throne that had been held for 248 days.

In the final sprint, Arsenal lost to Brighton and Nottingham Forest one after another, leaving Manchester City at home! There are only 2 wins in the last 8 rounds, which is really a complete collapse.

You know, after 248 days at the top of the list, but ultimately failed to win the championship, Arsenal created an extremely embarrassing Premier League historical record! The previous holder was Newcastle, which held the top spot for 212 days in 1995-96, but was reversed by Manchester United.

In the 2002-03 season, Arsenal stayed at the top of the list for 189 days, and in the 2007-08 season, they stayed for 156 days, all of which were turned over, which can be said to be an "old tradition".

Sun Yingsha regrets losing, Liu Guoliang warms her heart and comforts her, and Chen Meng’s return to the state of full blood is completely different.

Chen Meng state regression

Chen Meng and Sun Yingsha have played twice in the last six months, namely, the finals of Xinxiang World Cup in October 2022 and the semi-finals of Xinxiang Championship in 2023. Sun Yingsha defeated Chen Meng twice. In the Xinxiang Championship a week ago, Sun Yingsha swept Chen Meng in straight sets. During the competition, Sun Yingsha completely suppressed Chen Meng, hardly giving her opponent any breathing space. Sun Yingsha’s state is too good.

Coming to the Macau Championship, Sun Yingsha and Chen Meng met again in the semi-final. Before the start of the game, Mi Gu explained that Hou Yingchao said that this game should not present a one-sided situation, and it will definitely be a fierce confrontation. Hou Yingchao was only half right, and the game was fierce enough, but the result was still one-sided. Only the winner this time is Chen Meng.

Sun Yingsha actually took the initiative in the first game, but Chen Meng was in a brave state and could compete with Sun Yingsha for speed and strength. In the first game, Sun Yingsha got the game point at 10-9, but Chen Meng made a determined effort to save the match point quickly and stubbornly. After that, the two sides fought against each other in multiple boards, and it was not until 15-14 that the winner was decided.

Chen Meng’s confidence increased greatly after winning the first game, and he played even better in the next three games. Sun Yingsha is a little worried, and the whole person’s state is not so excited. Sun Yingsha actually thought of many ways, but Chen Meng really showed impeccable performance, which could resolve Sun Yingsha’s changes in serving and attacking. Chen Meng won the next three games with 11-6, 11-8 and 11-9 respectively.

After the game, Chen Meng concluded that I really didn’t expect to win the game with a score of 4-0. Recently, Sasha’s state is very good. Today, I am holding the mentality that I can win one more point. Before the game, I just wanted to win the next game. Sasha may have entered the finals in a row recently, and she is a little tired. I hope I can continue to enjoy such a good stage, show myself more and do my best in the competition.

Chen Meng was right. She put down her posture and attacked her opponent, which really mobilized her to play better. Sun Yingsha may be physically tired and didn’t play her own thing in this game. To tell the truth, Chen Meng really played well in this game. I would also like to congratulate Chen Meng on his qualification to win the championship in the final.

After Sun Yingsha lost the game, Liu Guoliang, chairman of table tennis, found Sasha in particular and said something to her with a smile. It should be some encouragement for Sasha. Sun Yingsha’s progress is obvious to all, and Liu Guoliang also pays special attention to Sasha. No matter who wins the civil war of Guoping Jinhua, it is the pride of Guoping, so Liu Guoliang is in a very good mood. Satisfied with Chen Meng’s performance, and satisfied with Sasha’s performance.

The national table tennis women’s team is very strong, almost every competition will win the semi-finals and never let the champion fall behind. It doesn’t matter if Sun Yingsha loses. The Durban World Table Tennis Championships will be a stage for you to show your strength. The women’s singles final of the Macau Championship will start at 18: 00 pm on April 23rd. I look forward to the wonderful performance of Chen Meng and Manyu Wang, who will also stage the classic confrontation picture of the final of the 2021 World Table Tennis Championships in Houston. Come on!

Original article, welcome to pay attention to comments.