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Di Lizheba: Revealing the story behind the self-introduction of the freshmen in the play

[Time]: August 22, 2024 [Location]: Shanghai Academy of Drama [Character]: Di Lizheba [Event]: Di Lizheba’s early stage drama freshman self-introduction [Background]: Di Lizheba, a Chinese mainland film and television actress, is loved by audiences for her unique exotic style and excellent acting skills. This time, we will uncover the mystery of her early self-introduction as a freshman of Shanghai Academy of Drama.

[Purpose and Intention]: This article aims to review the starting point of Di Lizheba’s acting career, and to show the growth process of this popular actress by recreating the self-introduction of her freshmen at the Shanghai Theater Academy, providing readers with an opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of Di Lizheba and arousing public attention to art education.

[Key information]:

  1. Di Lizheba’s performance in the self-introduction of the freshmen in the play
  2. The environment, atmosphere and the reaction of classmates at that time
  3. Self-introduction content and reflected personal characteristics
  4. The impact on his subsequent acting career


Prologue: The First Starlight

Back in time, the campus of the Shanghai Theater Academy was filled with the breath of youth, and the freshmen with dreams stepped onto the stairs leading to the palace of art. Among them, a girl named Di Lizheba, with the unique exotic atmosphere of Xinjiang, stepped into this institution that gave birth to many performing arts talents. Her arrival was like a bright new star, quietly rising in the night sky of the theater.

Chapter 1: Self-declaration on stage

The first lesson for freshmen was that unique self-introduction. When Di Lizheba stepped onto the podium, she looked nervous and excited under the spotlight. Her eyes shone with determination, and the corners of her mouth outlined a confident smile. Facing hundreds of pairs of expectant eyes in the audience, she began a crucial self-explanation in her life.

"Hello everyone, I’m Dilizheba Dilimurati from Urumqi, Xinjiang."

The short but powerful opening remarks instantly attracted the attention of the audience. She recounted her growing experience, from the vastness of the grassland to the prosperity of the city, from the love of folk dance to the persistent pursuit of performing arts. Her words were full of love for life and longing for the future. That sincerity and enthusiasm blew through the hearts of everyone present like a breeze.

Chapter 2: Unique Charm, Emerging

In the process of self-introduction, Di Lizheba showed a unique personal characteristic. She not only has a natural beauty, but also exudes a temperament from the inside out. Her voice is like a flowing stream, clear and beautiful; her demeanor is elegant and generous, as if she has a stage halo. When she talks about her understanding of the performing arts, the enthusiasm for deep digging of characters and the professional attitude of delicate interpretation of the script made the teachers and students present all admire.

"I want to be an actor who can move people’s hearts, tell stories with characters, and convey emotions with performances."

This is her vow in her self-introduction, and it is also a true portrayal of her acting career. At that moment, Di Lizheba was no longer the young freshman, but the shining star of tomorrow on the stage.

Chapter 3: Far-reaching Impact, Laying the Foundation

This self-introduction undoubtedly laid a solid foundation for Di Lizheba’s acting career. It not only showcased her talent and potential, but also won the recognition of her teachers and the admiration of her classmates. Since then, she has received more attention and support in her study and life in acting, as well as more opportunities for practical exercise.

Many years later, when we look back at Di Lizheba’s road to fame, it is not difficult to find that it was this freshman self-introduction that opened the door to her brilliant acting career. It was like a stepping stone, knocking on the door of the art hall, allowing her to step towards a bright star in the years to come.

Epilogue: Star-studded, the future is promising

Today’s Di Lizheba has long been a household name in film and television, but the moment she introduced herself as a freshman at the Shanghai Theater Academy is still as vivid as yesterday. It was the mark of her original intention, the place where her dream set sail, and the precious moment when we witnessed her go from ordinary to extraordinary.

Let’s look back at that history, walk into Di Lizheba’s inner world, feel the love and dedication to art, and appreciate the unique charm. Perhaps this is the secret of her being unique in the entertainment industry and loved by the majority of audiences.

[Conclusion]: Di Lizheba’s self-introduction is not only an important node in her personal acting career, but also an inspiration for all young people who have dreams and the courage to pursue them. It tells us that as long as there is a dream in our hearts and a path under our feet, everyone can shine on their own stage.

Responsible editor:

Hengda liquidation, what game is China’s real estate facing?

The following article is based on Bottom Line Thinking, by Lu Ming

Bottom line thinking.

Observer network commentary column


Political letter financial practitioner, freelance writer

At the moment, any disturbance in Chinese real estate will not lack an audience.

In the beginning of 2024, the news of a "Hong Kong High Court order for China Evergrande to be liquidated" caused heated debate in the market. The debate was about how much assets could be liquidated and whether the liquidation was the best for Evergrande’s creditors. The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region government and the Chinese mainland High Court signed the "Minutes of the Talks on Mutual Recognition and Assistance in Bankruptcy Proceedings between the Mainland and the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Courts" and the "Opinions on Launching the Pilot Work on Recognition and Assistance in Bankruptcy Proceedings in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region" issued by the High Court, which seemed to block the impact of the liquidation order on Evergrande’s assets and business in the mainland.

In just two days, rumors of "Country Garden creditors applying for liquidation" spread like wildfire, and the creditors of real estate companies flared up. Although Country Garden refuted the rumors on February 1, the haze of "being liquidated" still hangs over Chinese real estate companies. On February 16, Longguang Group announced that the Hong Kong High Court had ordered the liquidation petition to be withdrawn; this was because Longguang Group had agreed on a workout plan with the creditor group of US dollar bonds and its advisers a month ago.

However, by the end of February, Country Garden was in the news again. Ever Credit Limited filed a winding-up petition against Country Garden in the Hong Kong High Court on February 27, involving about 1.60 billion Hong Kong dollars of outstanding loans. Country Garden’s latest response said that it firmly opposes the winding-up petition and will seek legal advice, take all necessary actions, and actively and properly defend with the advisory team.

Whether to choose to liquidate, continue to believe, or lie flat, deserves careful consideration by real estate company creditors. Although many people are eagerly looking forward to the stability and recovery of the real estate market, the market is still dead; such "calm" cannot help but wonder: Has the real estate industry become a thing of the past?

Yesterday, China Evergrande, today’s debt is "constant"

The "Evergrande myth" came to an end last September when Xu Jiayin, chairperson of Evergrande’s board, was taken into coercive measures on suspicion of illegal crimes.

Since then, the news about Hengda has continued to appear in the coverage, mainly about the progress of the property, the listed company’s valuation decline and suspension, workout and asset sale, until January 29 this year, Hengda creditors postponed the seventh liquidation petition hearing expired.

But during this period, the public seems to have "forgotten" Evergrande. Rather than "disappointment", it is better to call it "rational". Rationally view the evolution of Evergrande’s events, rationally think about the present and future of the property market, rationally respond to variables that appear at any time, and strive to solve practical problems related to themselves.

Figure 1 is a concise map of the business empire created by Xu Jiayin and his wife, which is controlled by China Evergrande Group (abbreviation: China Evergrande, stock code: 03333.HK), Evergrande Property Group Co., Ltd. (abbreviation: Evergrande Property, stock code: 06666.HK), China Evergrande New Energy Group Co., Ltd. (abbreviation: Evergrande Automobile, stock code: 00708.HK) and Evergrande Real Estate Group Co., Ltd. (abbreviation: Evergrande Real Estate).

Figure 1 (Source of information: According to the query information of Enterprise Early Warning)

China Evergrande is registered in the Cayman Islands, Evergrande Property and Evergrande Auto are registered in Hong Kong, and Evergrande Group and Evergrande Real Estate are both registered in Shenzhen. Evergrande Group is the main commercial entity of China Evergrande except real estate business, covering high-tech, finance, Internet, modern agriculture, health industry, education technology, think tanks, sports, amusement parks, restaurants, hotels and other sectors.

According to the 2023 interim report of China Evergrande and its subsidiary Evergrande Real Estate, Evergrande Group’s consolidated caliber total assets are 1.743997 trillion yuan, consolidated caliber liabilities are 2.3882 trillion yuan, and consolidated caliber owner’s equity is -644.203 billion yuan, which is seriously insolvent. Consolidated caliber interest-bearing debt [Interest-bearing debt includes senior notes, corporate bonds, convertible bonds, bank loans and trusts and other non-standard financing.] The total amount is 624.765 billion yuan, and Evergrande Real Estate accounts for about 70.87%, which is 442.754 billion yuan.

Among them, the amount of interest-bearing debt denominated in US dollars and Hong Kong dollars is equivalent to RMB 157.896 billion yuan and 6.239 billion yuan respectively, accounting for 26.37% of the total interest-bearing debt of Evergrande Group. There are 14 Chinese dollar bonds, totaling 19.5454 billion yuan: 10 Chinese Evergrande headquarters, totaling 14.3104 billion yuan; 4 Hengda real estate, totaling 5.2314 billion yuan.

It can be seen that Evergrande (hereinafter referred to as "Evergrande" to refer to the enterprise group composed of China Evergrande and its subsidiaries) has a relatively low proportion of overseas debt, and mainly uses indirect financing methods.

Evergrande has a debt of 2.40 trillion yuan, of which interest-bearing debt is only a quarter. Other liabilities mainly include: payments due to suppliers (including real estate and trading businesses, etc.), accounting for about a quarter; advance payments from home buyers, accounting for about a quarter; payables from third-party lending, partners’ upfront investment, acquisition of land use rights and project company equity, accounting for about one-eighth; and deferred income tax liabilities, accounting for about one-eighth.

The "Updated Announcement on Hengda Real Estate Involving Major Litigation and Failure to Liquidate Due Debts" released on December 29, 2023 shows that as of the end of November 2023, Hengda Real Estate had involved a total of approximately 316.391 billion yuan in unliquidated due debts, and a total of approximately 205.537 billion yuan in overdue commercial tickets.

The above data is only financing data. Payments due to suppliers, partners’ upfront investment, and other payables are scattered among thousands of pending lawsuits and cases of dishonest enforcers. The balance of prepaid house purchases by house buyers is slowly reduced along with the "guaranteed buildings" one by one.

Domestic debt "is not debt", foreign debt will "kill"

Figure 2 shows the change curve of relevant indicators drawn by the author according to the statistics of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange’s "China’s External Debt, National Economy and Foreign Exchange Earnings, 1985-2022".

From the graph, it can be seen that the growth rate curve of external debt balance and the growth rate curve of foreign exchange income have the same trend; the GDP growth rate curve has a strong correlation with the debt ratio curve, and both are relatively flat.

According to the data of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange, in 2001, China’s foreign exchange income was 299.40 billion US dollars, and the balance of foreign debt was 203.30 billion US dollars. Before 2001, the annual foreign exchange income was slightly higher than the balance of foreign debt. After 2001, thanks to China’s accession to the WTO, the annual foreign exchange income and the balance of foreign debt quickly widened. By 2022, China’s foreign exchange income 3.5552 trillion US dollars, and the balance of foreign debt 2.74656 trillion US dollars.

The rapid growth of foreign debt and foreign exports is the best example of China’s export-oriented economy in the past 20 years. The perfect match between the debt ratio and the GDP growth rate further confirms the good effect of using foreign debt to promote economic growth.

Figure 2 (Note: 1. Debt ratio refers to the ratio of the balance of foreign debt at the end of the year to the GDP of the year; 2. Foreign exchange income refers to the export income of goods and services on the basis of the balance of payments.)

Figure 3 shows the stock amount of Chinese dollar bonds issued by enterprises in various industries and the relevant statistics. Among them, financial enterprises issued the most, followed by real estate enterprises.

As of February 21, 2024, the balance of US dollar bonds issued by real estate enterprises was 57.542 billion US dollars, a decrease of 31.49% from the US $83.993 billion at the end of 2022. It is expected that the repayment tide of US dollar bonds of real estate enterprises will continue. Since 2023, the number of new US dollar bonds issued by real estate enterprises has dropped to single digits. In addition to leading real estate enterprises such as Shanghai Jinmao, Yuexiu Real Estate, Wanda Commercial, and Swire Real Estate, only a few urban investment companies with real estate as their main business are left.

Figure 3 (Data source: Enterprise Early Warning)

According to Evergrande’s interest-bearing debt structure data, its foreign debt accounts for less than 30%. But it can be said that it is precisely because of this small amount of foreign debt that Evergrande has been "guillotined".

Why are Hengda’s domestic debt creditors, including home buyers, suppliers, partners, and Financial Institution Group, willing to give Xu Jiayin and Hengda some time, while foreign creditors are impatient and even want to take advantage of the fire? Not to mention that there are very few left after the liquidation of Hengda, even if according to the order of debt repayment, foreign creditors are not preferred.

Perhaps it is because foreign creditors handle economic affairs strictly in accordance with the concept of "rule of law" and business habits; perhaps it is because domestic creditors have a more accurate grasp of the current economic environment and economic situation, and optimistic expectations dominate; perhaps some people take the opportunity to short Chinese real estate and play arbitrage games… At present, there is not enough evidence to verify the above speculation.

But there is one point that deserves the attention of domestic enterprises, that is, they must reasonably and moderately borrow foreign debt for production and operation based on the needs of the enterprise’s operation, and at the same time deal with creditors in accordance with the market economy system and rules. For the content of reasonable and moderate borrowing, readers can refer to the author’s previous article "Private enterprises lack money, what else is missing?" on the relevant discussion of "the advantages and disadvantages of equity financing and debt financing".

We must not handle and treat foreign affairs with the concept and style of handling domestic debts, that is, "politicization of economic issues". The political structure must be necessary, but it can only be used as a means of backing the bottom line, and it should not be overused, so as not to cause "discredit" and cause pessimistic expectations. Borrowing foreign debt involves a wide range of aspects. The State Administration of Foreign Exchange, the National Development and Reform Commission, and the Ministry of Commerce of China and other departments will participate in the guidance to varying degrees according to the amount and purpose of borrowing foreign debt. Rashly imposing administrative intervention is not only contrary to commercial credit, but also will damage the image of our country’s socialist market economic system and cause a series of adverse reactions.

External debt is sensitive to factors such as exchange rates, interest rates and geopolitics, and the variables are large. A little carelessness will trigger the liquidity risk of the borrower, which will cause a debt crisis and disrupt the rhythm of production and operation. If the industry risk is superimposed, the borrower will fall into the abyss, just like Evergrande.

Will Hengda’s liquidation be followed?

The liquidation of China Evergrande is the end for Xu Jiayin and his business empire. But is this wave of liquidation just beginning for China’s real estate industry?

The following table is based on the announcements of some well-known real estate enterprises and their related parties. It is not difficult to find that there are not a few real estate enterprises that have been liquidated by creditors of overseas debts. The first liquidation petition is concentrated in 2022, and the first application for liquidation of individual real estate enterprises occurs in 2023 and 2024.

Judging from the judgments of the Hong Kong High Court and the Grand Court of the Cayman Islands on the winding-up petition, there are four orders: dismissal, adjournment, revocation, and enforcement. Each order is issued prudently, and is based on the actual situation of the real estate enterprise, the feasibility of the workout, and the approval of creditors. The legal details are left to legal experts to interpret, which will not be covered in this article for the time being.

Table 1 (Note: The above information is collated according to the announcements of each company, and the relevant date is the announcement date or the content of the excerpted announcement.)

However, one thing worth noting is that whether the company chooses to lie down or save itself determines the sooner or later the liquidation petition will be executed. Among the real estate companies that have been liquidated, Sunshine City is undoubtedly the flattest. The first application for liquidation was executed without even a trace of struggle. How can we talk about self-rescue, let alone sincerity?

Sony Holdings was liquidated in December 2022, and the Stock Exchange cancelled its status as a superior company on April 13, 2023. The progress and details of its liquidation cannot be obtained through public channels for the time being. Jiayuan International was liquidated in May 2023, and the liquidation work is still in progress, during which the stock continued to be suspended.

According to the "Latest Information on the Group’s Business Operations and Proposed Restructuring" released by Jiayuan International on January 30, 2024, it is time-consuming and laborious to sort out its domestic and foreign debts. Not only does the liquidation require financial support from creditors, but the remaining rights and interests cannot be fully protected when the restructuring is completed. The following is an excerpt of the original text:

"The Liquidator believes that the proposed protective action may be an arrangement made by the onshore creditors and/or the local government to facilitate the completion and delivery of the housing project and/or the segregated protection of the value of the Qingdao Real Estate Development Project…. As of the date of this announcement, the outstanding principal amount (excluding any accrued interest) payable to the Lender by Cheung Yuen Properties (an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary in Macau) under the financing agreement is approximately HK $3.20 billion. As a result of the appointment of the Receiver, the Group no longer has any power or authority to dispose of Bright Ocean shares and all assets of Bright Ocean, including the interest in Xiangyuan Real Estate…. On January 19, 2024, Guangyuan Mining (an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary in Cambodia) received a reminder notice from CITIC Xinhui to repay its debts totaling US $129,620,620.35 by January 26, 2024, otherwise CITIC Xinhui indicated that further legal action may be taken against Guangyuan Mining…. It is expected that the impact of the above-mentioned development of the company’s domestic and overseas operations will result in a significant decrease in the net asset value of the Group compared to the net asset value disclosed in the recently published consolidated statement of financial position as at June 30, 2022…. There is no doubt that in the absence of sufficient funds, it will not be possible to Achieving a successful restructuring… The liquidator seeks the continued support of all the company’s creditors and their patience throughout the process. "

Looking back at Hengda, the company and its executives, as well as the actual controller Xu Jiayin, have been actively communicating with creditors, local governments and people from all walks of life. Sorting out Hengda’s announcements and related information reports, most of them are workout progress, property protection, and asset sale. It can be seen that Hengda has not been lying flat, and it is Hengda’s full sincerity and active self-rescue actions that have repeatedly postponed the liquidation petition.

So, is it because of a series of events such as Xu Jiayin’s technical divorce, filing for bankruptcy protection in the United States, and being forced to take coercive measures that creditors have lost patience and confidence, accelerating the arrival of liquidation? The author believes that it is not unrelated, but it should be mostly rational. After creditors have a deep understanding of Evergrande, they have combined the real estate industry, domestic economy, and international environment to make a comprehensive evaluation of "the lesser of two evils".

Petitioning for liquidation is not an end, but a means for creditors to fight for their rights and interests. It is a helpless move to negotiate fruitlessly. Whether foreign creditors of other real estate companies will petition for liquidation one after another depends on whether real estate companies really want to be liquidated.

For domestic creditors, it seems that the option of applying for liquidation is missing, but it is actually abandoning the forced negotiation measure of "breaking the jar". After all, the problems currently encountered by real estate enterprises are similar. It is not so much a debt crisis caused by excessive debt, but an inevitable outcome of the industry’s risk clearing.

Thousands of sails pass by the side of the sunken boat

According to the above-mentioned cases of several real estate companies that have been ordered to be liquidated by the Hong Kong High Court or overseas courts, Evergrande’s liquidation will take a long time. After all, Evergrande’s volume is very large, involving a lot of business and a wide range of regions. Moreover, the task of protecting the property in China is still arduous, and litigation and enforcement have yet to be realized. Recently, Sean, CEO of Evergrande Group, said that the management and operation system of domestic and foreign subsidiaries of Evergrande Group and other independent legal entities remains unchanged, and key tasks such as protecting the property are steadily promoted.

Standing at the current point, Evergrande’s liquidation has caused the market to feel the "cold spring", and foreign creditors have launched a wave of "counterattack" in response to the cold snap – on February 16, 2024, Hongyang Real Estate (1996.HK) issued an announcement, and Bank of New York Mellon London Branch submitted a liquidation petition to the Hong Kong High Court, involving financial obligations of not less than 228,500,000 US dollars, which has not yet entered the hearing.

Other foreign real estate creditors are also waiting for an opportunity. What are they waiting for? Presumably not to petition for liquidation. Maybe it is waiting for the company to cut meat and sell assets cheaply; maybe it is aiming at the opportunity of bottom fishing and preemptively occupying land; of course, it may also be purely to rip off. But these actions are beyond reproach in the end. As for the market, compliance can be done.

The market is rational, and all parties are pursuing maximum profits. Only by withstanding the test of liquidation can we proceed steadily and far in the next real estate cycle.

Infographic/Dongfang IC

Can real estate become a breakthrough for economic boost again?

Since November last year, the People’s Bank of China and other eight departments jointly issued the "Notice on Strengthening Financial Support Measures to Help the Development and Growth of the Private Economy", real estate enterprises have received financing support from commercial banks and other Financial Institutions Groups to varying degrees.

It is reported that as of February 20, 214 cities in 29 provinces across the country have established a real estate financing coordination mechanism, and put forward a "whitelist" of real estate projects that can be supported by financing in batches and pushed to commercial banks, involving a total of 5349 projects; 162 projects in 57 cities have received bank financing for a total of 29.43 billion yuan, an increase of 11.30 billion yuan compared with before the Spring Festival holiday.

There are many opinions that at this stage, for real estate enterprises, they should first focus on the resolution of their own debt crisis. Get cash flow through high-quality asset disposal, and the strong man will break his wrist; or through other business sectors, or even the real estate sector compensated by the actual controller’s private assets, seek balance… The above-mentioned debt schemes are correct, but they cannot solve the fundamental hematopoietic problem. Short-sighted solutions to problems will not only dampen the enthusiasm of creditors, but also dampen the enthusiasm of a large number of enterprise managers.

Housing enterprises self-rescue blood, Financial Institution Group blood transfusion, is a top priority, help boost market confidence. However, the real estate enterprise debt high this drawback, in the process of rapid development of the real estate industry, eventually led to the debt crisis. Therefore, the solution should also be found in the continued development.

Since the beginning of this year, many first-tier and super-first-tier cities have relaxed their residential purchase restrictions. At the same time, monetary policy has also been actively implemented: on January 24, the People’s Bank of China announced that the deposit reserve ratio of the Financial Institution Group will be reduced by 0.5 percentage points from February 5, 2024 (excluding the Financial Institution Group that has implemented the 5% deposit reserve ratio); on February 20, the People’s Bank of China authorized the National Interbank Offered Center to announce the loan market quotation rate (LPR): The market quotation rate (LPR) for loans with a maturity of more than five years was reduced from 4.20% to 3.95%, a decrease of 25 basis points from the previous value.

Zhang Xu, an analyst at Everbright Securities, said, "This is not only the first LPR decline since August 2023, but also the first time since May 2022 that the LPR decline formed by the active compression of the MLF (medium-term lending facility) interest rate remains unchanged. It is also the largest single decline since the LPR reform, and it is a single decline that far exceeds market expectations… It will help support the stable and healthy development of the real estate market."

All eyes are on the real estate market, and most of the good news has been given. Can the real estate industry become the engine of stable economic growth in the "post-epidemic era"?

Pessimists are right, optimists move forward. With the implementation of monetary policy, debt risk will be transferred from the real estate industry to the commercial banking sector, and to a certain extent, it will be borne by the residential sector. It is necessary to pay attention to the local risks exposed in the process of risk transfer, such as the risk of excessive bad debt ratio of small and medium-sized banks. AMC institutions may be able to cover it to a certain extent.

In addition, fiscal policy should be more active. Advancing the construction of affordable housing, "dual-use" public infrastructure, and "three major projects" for the renovation of urban villages can help the real estate market stabilize and recover, and real estate enterprises can achieve appropriate replenishment. In the future, whether the development of housing rental market and commodity housing market can shine greatly depends on whether the macro economy can continue to improve.

Source | Bottom line thinking

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Cadres walk into the live broadcast room to promote products to help increase income (a new observation of cadres’ state)

Lu Hongping is broadcasting live in strawberry greenhouse. Photo by Han Xichen

Video screenshot of Gao Shilong’s live broadcast with goods. Information picture

Arjun (left) is bringing goods live. Information picture

  Editor’s note: The sudden epidemic situation has a great impact on the sales and circulation of agricultural products. In order to help overcome poverty and increase the income of fellow villagers, party member cadres in some places walked into the live broadcast room, or tried to introduce them on the spot, or used their talents to drain, trying to open up sales in the form of live broadcast with goods. What is the effect of the live broadcast of cadres with goods? In the long run, can a sustainable mechanism be formed, and what aspects need to be improved? This edition approaches the cadres who live broadcast with goods, pays attention to their thoughts and deeds, and talks about their wishes and hopes.

  "Friends, this is the blueberry I picked today. It tastes crisp and sweet and has high nutrition. Hurry to buy it in buy buy!" At 8 o’clock on the evening of March 25th, Lu Hongping, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of Yanghe Town, jiaozhou city City, Shandong Province, munched on locally produced blueberries and interacted enthusiastically with netizens in the live broadcast room. At the bottom of the screen, the constant influx of netizens likes, sends flowers and leaves messages … … The sales of blueberries also went up, selling more than 500 kilograms that day.

  In order to alleviate the unsalable agricultural products caused by the epidemic, party member cadres from many places across the country joined forces with e-commerce and short video platforms to walk into the live broadcast room to help fellow villagers bring goods. Lu Hongping is one of them. However, unlike professional anchors, live broadcast is just a way for cadres to help get rid of poverty and serve the masses.

  Why did you walk into the live broadcast room?

  Products are unsalable, people are anxious, and cadres are worried. I look forward to bringing goods online to open up the situation.

  The day before the first webcast, Gao Shilong, the "anchor", stayed up almost all night. As the first secretary of Dabeishan Village, Longquan Town, Jingyu County, Jilin Province, the slow sales of local products in the village made him anxious to get angry in recent days.

  Talking about the original intention of doing live broadcast, Gao Shilong said frankly that he was "dissatisfied": "I saw some anchors carrying goods, and thousands of goods were robbed in a few seconds. I also want to try and bring goods to everyone."

  Someone once advised him to find a professional anchor, who is experienced and knows marketing, and the effect is not bad. However, most of the agricultural products in Dabeishan Village have low added value and short circulation cycle, so it is not worthwhile to pay for the anchor and calculate the economic account. What about the villagers’ live broadcast? Many people are too old to play live broadcast software. After much consideration, Gao Shilong decided to make his own venture. "Short videos and live broadcasts have entered thousands of households. If you can’t keep up with the rhythm, the goods will not sell well."

  Compared with Gao Shilong, who touched the net for the first time and crossed the river by feeling the stones, Arjun, the county magistrate of Henan Mongolian Autonomous County in Qinghai Province, is now a complete "online celebrity Talent". In a live broadcast at the beginning of the year, he, three cadres from other counties and five net reds brought goods worth 12 million yuan in five hours.

  Henan Mongolian Autonomous County, located at the junction of the three provinces, is rich in Hequ horses, Xueduo yaks and Euler sheep, and has a good foundation in animal husbandry. However, traffic congestion has caused "the smell of wine is also afraid of the depth of the alley." "Our products are not well-known and lack sales channels." Arjun is in a hurry.

  Two years ago, at a promotion meeting in the eastern coastal areas, an e-commerce company gave him advice to consider using short videos that are on the air. Arjun counted the account: it is too wasteful to take money to find a professional team soon after our county got rid of poverty; Show yourself, and worry that you will be considered "showing off".

  Thinking about it, Arjun chose to appear between being criticized and finding a market. Putting on a Mongolian costume and pointing to a flock of yaks behind him, Arjun shouted to the camera: "If you want to be good and thin, you should often eat more yak meat." Once this short video was launched, the click rate exceeded 30 million. Arjun was surprised and delighted.

  Now, from short video to live broadcast, Arjun calmly eats and chats with the screen, and introduces the customs and tourist attractions of Henan County to the netizens in the live broadcast room, which is handy and humorous.

  "Leading cadres need to do things rigorously and master new tools. I think it is also practical to bring goods live." Arjun said frankly that it is inevitable that there will be various voices on the Internet for the live broadcast of cadres, but only by daring to try can there be a way out. Every product sold is the best help for the masses.

  How to do it in the studio?

  Various forms, product fidelity, cadre endorsement, sales increased, but the sales model needs to be improved.

  On March 8, Gao Shilong, who first tested the live broadcast of water with goods, sold goods worth 7,000 yuan in four hours. This achievement is not outstanding on the internet, but the villagers are very satisfied. Previously, most of the time, the villagers in Dabeishan Village were squatting on the side of the road with a basket of mountain products, and they couldn’t sell much in a day.

  In the live broadcast room, he sincerely said: "Authentic, true story, really affordable, the promised nutritional content is not up to standard, and I will pay you an extra 20,000 yuan out of my own pocket." This self-confidence stems from his understanding of local agricultural products. Since he became the first secretary in the village, he has strictly controlled every link in building factories, grasping quality and shaping brands. Gao Shilong said: "For a few hours online, you have to work hard offline, and the quality must be guaranteed."

  In the past two years, e-commerce has developed rapidly, and live broadcasts have continued to be popular, but problems such as product fraud and difficulties in safeguarding rights have been constant. It is often the anchor who talks nonsense, but the products that consumers get are not satisfactory.

  "I bought his things for the first time, but thinking about the county magistrate’s endorsement should not be fake." Ms. Liu, who placed an order to buy Xueduo dried yak meat, bluntly said that the cadres in the live broadcast room are all real-name certifications, and consumers are more assured.

  Others came out of curiosity. On weekdays, cadres who are sitting in danger and doing things seriously walk into the live broadcast room. Can they put down their airs? Can you understand the online language?

  Jin Hongfeng, the branch secretary of Zhongping Village, Baicaogou Town, Wangqing County, Jilin Province, who has participated in the live broadcast for more than a year, summed up his "secret": singing in seven points and selling goods in three points. In the live broadcast room, he sang the famous Korean song "Red Sun Shines on the Frontier", and he also replied to the barrage sent by netizens. "In addition to selling goods, the live broadcast should also be able to have ‘ Emotional interaction ’ Can’t all be dry product introductions. "

  Because of his height of 2.04 meters, netizens call him "Golden Big Man". Netizens like it and have a high reputation. Jin Hongfeng simply named the local rice and spicy cabbage with this name. The highly personalized image creation has been praised and welcomed by netizens. Last month, a netizen from Heilongjiang came to the village and bought 2000 Jin of spicy cabbage in one breath.

  When cadres walked into the live broadcast room, they gained something and found problems. Lu Hongping, who walked out of the live broadcast room, found that the sales of blueberries declined in the days when the live broadcast was not available, and some netizens could not even find a sales link. The same trouble happened to Arjun. "Some netizens reported that the dried yak meat package was too big, and some people said that it was delivered too slowly." The link to the shopping yellow car in the Jin Hongfeng live page has not been added yet, and consumers have to jump several times if they want to place an order.

  From production and packaging to warehousing and logistics to distribution and after-sales, live delivery is a systematic project involving many links, not just a few hours in the live broadcast room. In this regard, some experts believe that the arrival of cadres can attract traffic; However, brand, word of mouth, efficiency, distribution, after-sales, etc., all need more professional design.

  Where is the prospect of bringing goods?

  Cultivate talents, make characteristics and strict standards, extend the industrial chain and make good use of resource endowment.

  In March of this year, more than 100 county mayors participated in the live broadcast of goods on major online platforms. For a time, the transformation of cadres into anchors was hotly debated by the society. However, there are also many netizens who believe that we should be wary of going through the motions and not turning the live broadcast into a "catwalk".

  "The live broadcast of cadres, the greater effort is actually outside the live broadcast room." Xin Feng, director of the Third Division of the Organization Department of Jilin Provincial Party Committee, said that it is normal to have challenges or even problems when you first come into contact with the live broadcast. The key is to regard the exposed problems as the driving force for improvement.

  In order to solve the problems of low brand and different live broadcast forms, the Organization Department of Jilin Provincial Party Committee initiated the establishment of the "First Secretary Association of Jilin Province" on the basis of preliminary investigation, deeply explored the live broadcast talents among the first secretaries in the village, and invested in the construction of live broadcast rooms, registered the only official account, and used a unified logo to try to change the situation of going it alone.

  "Since you can only be a part-time anchor, you must create more high-quality full-time anchors." Lu Hongping recently set his sights on the young people in the village, and planned to set up a delivery team to make the live delivery sustainable and normal.

  With the anchor, product quality and service experience should also be kept up in time. Arjun said that a bad review will almost make the newly accumulated word-of-mouth go down the drain. To have the confidence to shoot your chest in the live broadcast room, you must have excellent products and quality services.

  In the past, Arjun mostly only sold local dried yak meat, which only needed rough processing. However, there are more and more similar products. How to embody the characteristics, bring forth the new and extend the industrial chain, one problem after another. Arjun collects feedback from netizens during each live broadcast. "We produce what the market needs." Yak chops and special yogurts were put on the line one by one, and meat, milk, skin, hair and bone were processed into products in all directions, which made good use of local resource endowments and revitalized them.

  Grassroots cadres are working hard, and a number of powerful measures have been introduced one after another. Smooth circulation channels, promote accurate docking of production and marketing, and improve the market operation and scheduling mechanism are all helping the special anchors in front of the camera. (Reporter Xu Leipeng, Feng Jiang, Pan Junqiang and Li Jiading)

  People’s Daily (11th edition, April 2, 2020)

The Indian-controlled Kashmir garrison used civilians as human shields and shot its commanders.

  CCTV News:Since July, India and Pakistan have frequently exchanged fire along the actual line of control between India and Pakistan in Kashmir. At this stall, news of low morale and the spread of war-weariness has repeatedly emerged in the Indian army. On the 17th, there was an incident in which Indian soldiers shot and killed the commander, and it was only a mobile phone that triggered the bloody case.

  Indian soldiers in Indian-controlled Kashmir were reprimanded for playing mobile phones and angered the major.

Death officer: Chylka Tapa

Death officer: Chylka Tapa

  According to "India Express" reported on the 20th, this tragedy happened at a post in Baramula district in northern Indian-controlled Kashmir. At about 12: 15 noon on the 17th, an Indian army soldier used a mobile phone while on duty, and the inspected major was found and reprimanded. When there was a dispute over the confiscation of the mobile phone, the screen of the mobile phone was broken, so the soldiers became angry and immediately picked up the AK47 rifle and killed the major on the spot.

Brothers kill each other.

Brothers kill each other.

  Why can a mobile phone trigger a bloody case? According to the "Kashmir Watch Network" headquartered in Europe, in the Indian army in India-controlled Kashmir, similar bloody conflicts occur from time to time. Many Indian soldiers did not die at the hands of the "enemy", but they were killed by comrades-in-arms because of various disputes:

  In 2011, a fire broke out in the 18th Brigade of the Central Reserve Police Force of India, resulting in three soldiers killed and one seriously injured.

  In 2013, a patrol soldier shot at his sleeping comrades in the camp with a rifle, resulting in two deaths and two injuries.

  In 2016, two Indian army soldiers shot at each other, resulting in one death and one injury.

  According to experts’ analysis, the mental stress of Indian soldiers has greatly increased due to reasons such as being away from family members and harsh environment, which has led to frequent incidents of "military camps cannibalizing each other". The BBC quoted Indian military sources as saying that the morale of the troops stationed in Indian-controlled Kashmir was "very low", and many soldiers gradually became uncomfortable with the role played by Indian troops in Kashmir, "fearing that they would actually become occupying forces".

  Indian-controlled Kashmir garrison used civilians as "human shields" to deal with protests.

The Indian army tied a local to a military vehicle as a "human shield"

The Indian army tied a local to a military vehicle as a "human shield"

  At the beginning of 2017, the Indian government launched a series of investigations on soldiers stationed in Indian-controlled Kashmir. Some soldiers complained that the troops had poor food and often went hungry, and blamed this on the "corruption" of the military. In April 2017, during the parliamentary by-election in Srinagar, India-controlled Kashmir, violent protests occurred in the local area. The Indian army tied a local person to a military vehicle as a "human shield", which attracted public criticism. The commander involved said that this was to protect the soldiers from the local "mob", and the commander was not punished afterwards, but was praised. Media analysis said that the military’s move is precisely to boost morale.

  Pakistani military: In 2017, India violated the ceasefire agreement 580 times, the highest in the calendar year.

  Since the partition of India and Pakistan in 1947, India and Pakistan have been in constant conflict over Kashmir. The two sides have repeatedly exchanged fire near the actual line of control and accused each other of violating the ceasefire agreement. According to the Pakistani military, India has violated the ceasefire agreement near the actual line of control as many as 580 times this year, the highest in history. On the 19th, the Indian army shelled Palestinian military strongholds and civilians again, causing many deaths, and the Pakistani military immediately said that it would launch a counterattack.

Soak in the spring breeze under the sea of flowers and enjoy the spring breeze on foot —— A company of China Construction Eighth Bureau organized outdoor hiking activities.

In order to implement the requirements of the company’s "concentric circle" project, enrich the weekend life of employees and improve team cohesion, on March 16th, Yuexi Management Department of South China Company of China Construction Eighth Bureau organized an outdoor hiking activity with more than 50 participants.

This hiking activity is located in the beautiful Hengqin Huahai Corridor in Zhuhai, and you can stroll from the No.1 post station to the No.5 post station of Huahai Corridor to enjoy the romance of flowers and the sea. The whole walk is about 17 kilometers, and the time is about 4 hours.

There are game tasks such as balloon beds, creative photo punching, etc. during the hiking process, so that participants can enjoy the beauty of the scenery and the fun of teamwork during the walking process.

In addition, this activity specially responded to the call of "Lei Fengyue" and carried out the volunteer activities of "learning from Lei Feng, cultivating new styles and picking up garbage". During the hiking process, everyone picked up the garbage along the way, so that the slogan "garbage does not land, the earth is more beautiful" was put into action.

It is reported that the First Company of China Construction Eighth Bureau has always attached importance to employees’ cultural and sports activities, continued to promote the "concentric circle" project, and set up a series of interest activity groups such as basketball, football, badminton and hiking, giving full play to the positive role of trade unions in serving employees and cohesive efforts, and constantly improving the happiness index of employees.

[Editor: Cai Donghai]

There are differences between boys and girls who have just started kindergarten, and you may have overlooked the details of their growth.

Original title: There are differences between boys and girls who just went to kindergarten. You may have overlooked the details of the child’s growth.

When the baby grows up to about 3 years old, parents and friends need to send the baby to the kindergarten. During the period of sending the baby to the kindergarten to study, many parents and friends will find such a phenomenon.

There will be some big differences between boys and girls. Besides the gender differences, other differences are also very big. For example, the following four differences are particularly obvious in many boys and girls who have just entered the park.

For a baby of about 3 years old, actually speaking to the baby is more mature than that of a boy. This is mainly because girls’ natural language ability is better than that of boys. This is what people commonly say, girls should mature earlier.

Therefore, after discovering this phenomenon, parents and friends should not worry too much, because this is a normal physiological development process. If you want to change this phenomenon, you must carry out specific voice training for your baby.

For a 3-year-old male baby, it is better than a girl in sports ability, but in some fine movements, the advantage of a 3-year-old female baby is bigger, which is actually the main influence of gender.

As a male, the male baby is stronger, and naturally lively and active, so it is very normal that the athletic ability is stronger than that of the female baby, while the female baby has an advantage over the male baby in some fine movements because of its natural meticulous mind.

For the baby who just entered the kindergarten, the adaptability has developed to a certain extent, but there are some differences between male and female babies.

For example, boys around 3 years old are more sensitive to moving objects, which explains why many boys like cars very much. For female babies, more attention is paid to color and texture, which explains why female babies prefer clothes.

For 3-year-old babies, kindergartens spend most of their time playing games, but the content of games between boys and girls is quite different.

For example, boys around 3 years old prefer fighting in games, while girls pay more attention to the inner content of games, so boys prefer running and jumping games, while girls prefer playing family games.

Therefore, after entering the kindergarten, boys and girls around 3 years old will definitely show a variety of different performances. In fact, this is very normal, so parents and friends don’t have to worry too much.

Editor in charge:

The Spring Festival Evening of 2023 Fashion is coming! Liu Wen and Anne Hathaway are amazing, but the cat is the hottest.

On the first Monday of May every year, Met Gala, with the title of "Fashion Spring Festival Evening", is celebrated."Metropolitan Museum of Art Charity Dinner"The date of the event.

Since its establishment in 1948, the dinner has a history of 75 years.

Every year, the dinner will choose a theme to wear, such as "China in 2015: Mirror Flowers and Water Moon" and "God-given Body: Fashion and Religion" in 2018.

In 2019, "Kemp: Fashion Notes" and in 2021, "In America: Fashion Words" and so on, celebrities from all walks of life have a lot of out-of-the-box or "spicy eyes" shapes.

This year’s theme is "karl lagerfeld: The Line of Beauty", as the name implies, to commemorate Lafayette who died in 2019.Karl Lagerfeld.

Galeries Lafayette designed and worked for Chanel, Fendi, Bowman and Chloe before his death.(also has its own brand of the same name), influence from the 1970s to the present.

Therefore, this time, in addition to the Chanel design and medieval Chanel dresses directly worn by many celebrities, the brands cooperated by various stars also started with his classic design elements, bringing the shape of "Lafayette style".

At the same time when beautiful women gather, the red carpet with spicy eyes, great shock and drama can’t be less.

(Guess who they are …)

Please welcome the supermodel team first:

Liu Wen, the eldest cousin who participated in Met Gala for the eleventh time, wore Tory Burch dress. White camellia with black and white color matching and skirt, very Chanel ~

China supermodel He Cong, who was present together, wore a shirt and dress of SACAI brand, which was matched with Galeries Lafayette’s iconic black gloves.

(In the middle is Zhang Ning, editor-in-chief of China edition of VOGUE, and she wears the brand of Chloe).

Ji Niangniang wore a high-definition dress for Chanel’s catwalk more than ten years ago. When taking pictures, a whole "Dapeng spread its wings", and the divorced sister was in excellent condition.

Anok Yai, an American supermodel with long legs, is also quite eye-catching this year. She wears a custom-made gold fringed skirt designed by Prabal Gurung, and her skin is so good that it shines.

Muse Devon Aoki of Galeries Lafayette in the Millennium wore a black and white dress designed by her friend Jeremy Scott.

(Beauty is already the mother of four babies)

Little KK also attended this time, wearing Lowe Loewe, and also announced that she was pregnant with a second child.

The design of Galeries Lafayette’s eponymous brand worn by Kapai this time was one of Galeries Lafayette’s favorite muses before his death.

Ken bean of Kardashian’s family wore Marc Jacobs this time, and she hated the height of the sky in black, and her figure was as hot as ever.

And naomi campbell, who participated in Met Gala for the 16th time.(wearing Chanel)

Elena who entered the stadium in flat shoes.(The dress is yohji yamamoto)

Miranda kerr dressed in Dior Gauteng

Italian supermodel VC in Balenciaga dress

Joan Smalls in Tom Ford

After watching the supermodels, let’s move on to see the shapes of celebrities.

One of the hottest guests this time is the great beauty Anne Hathaway.

She is in wonderful condition, wearing Versace, Bulgari and a medieval camellia headdress, which combines the style of Versace’s iconic golden pin skirt and Chanel tweed.

Annie was in a good mood during the interview, and also interacted with the host to show the next dance, which fascinated the netizens. The comment area is like:

Another beautiful woman is Nicole Kidman, wearing the pink long skirt that was once worn in Chanel No.5 perfume advertisement.

This advertisement in 2004 can be regarded as a masterpiece of perfume advertisement, which belongs to the unprecedented and unprecedented.

Now Nicole has put on the dress of that year and performed the classic again..

Several other beautiful women have good looks, such as Amanda Siefried in Oscar de la Renta.

Margo Robbie in Chanel

The model elder sister wearing Gucci wore sunglasses when she appeared this time, paying tribute to Lafayette who has been wearing sunglasses, which is quite cool.

In addition to ken bean, kim kardashian also came to Kardashian’s family.(There were rumors that the Kardashian sisters would not show up this year.).

She is wearing a custom-made Elsa Schiaparelli Pearl skirt, lined with an iconic wrap skirt.

Compared with the previous style, it seems that there is not so much memory this time?(What do you think? )

Pete, her ex-boyfriend who walked the red carpet with her last year, also came.

After their respective admission this year, they were photographed in a friendly and warm conversation.(dog head)

Kylie Jenner, the youngest sister of Kardashian’s family, was also present. She wore a custom-made Jean-Paul Gaultier shawl with bright pink and blue.

Rihanna, a beauty entrepreneur with a second child, and Valentino, A$AP Rocky, appeared.

The eponymous brand of Lafayette worn by Yang Ziqiong after the new Oscar winner.

Song Hye Kyo, who had just been screened for "Glory of the Dark", also attended and wore Fendi.

You two have a group photo ~

Also pictured with Song Hye Kyo is Jenny Jin of Blackpink, who is wearing a small Chanel dress.

Gu Ailing wore a long red wine dress by China Hongkong designer Robert Wun.

In fact, because of the theme requirement of "Galeries Lafayette", most of our color selection and matching are concentrated on black and white gold powder, so we all put together details and accessories.

(Lizzo, a singer who wears Chanel customization, is full of pearl elements)

For example, Dabu and his wife, nicola peltz, wear Valentino custom-made clothes, and Dabu wears a pearl necklace.

Nicola wore her mother’s 94.78-carat "Oriental Star" diamond necklace directly.

Also wearing a big diamond necklace is Dua Lipa, the co-chairman of the dinner. In addition to wearing a Chanel medieval bride dress, Tiffany also borrowed a 100-carat diamond necklace.

There is also Florence Pew wearing an exaggerated feather headdress.

(Valentino Gao Ding)

Carla bruni with a fan

Lily Collins with Carl’s name sewn on her skirt.

(The skirt brand is Vera Wang of Wang Weiwei)

Billie Eilish

Kristen Stewart where the neutral wind goes to the end

Kadibi created two styles, and this pink Miss Sohee was photographed when she went out of the hotel to the venue.

After arriving at the venue, I changed into a black and white camellia dress by China designer Chen Peng.

Teacher ka’s every move is really happy ~

Compared with the diverse shapes of female celebrities, the shapes of male guests are mostly black.

Cai Xukun

(Prada custom)

Yimei James McAvoy

Jackson Wang

(Gambling king’s daughters He Chaofeng, Jackson Wang, Yang Ziqiong)

Bradley Cooper

However, there are other ways, such as pedro pascal who became a "daddy" for many people after The Last Survivor.

Valentino, red trench coat shirt with black shorts, worn by Big Brother, is really a killer on the red carpet.

Since it is the highest-level red carpet activity in the fashion circle, drama is definitely indispensable.

The appearance of some celebrities is highly discussed.

One of the most out-of-the-loop shapes this time is Jared Joseph Leto’s cat doll shape, which has sprouted many people, and also surprised Lizzo, a singer who went to the red carpet at the same time, by asking people around him, "Who is he? !”

The inspiration for wearing cat costume came from Lafayette’s cat Schubert, and Leto directly became Lafayette’s darling.

Look at the reaction of this dog on the field at that time. It is estimated that it is also the reaction of many onlookers. Haha ~

(The reporter knows how to grasp the camera! )

In addition, "a cat" appeared, pod cat Doja Cat!

This elder sister made up as a cat this time after attending the red diamond burst model in Elsa Schiaparelli brand fashion show some time ago.

Even when she was interviewed, she kept "meowing" to answer, which made the host stunned.

(the clothes are Oscar de la Renta)

After seeing the shapes of the two cats, netizens made up the scene after Leto and the pod cats met: fight and fight!

There are several other styles that many people don’t understand, such as the singer Erykah Badu who wears Marni.

The two of neutral wind …

Singer janelle monae, cross-dressing at the scene.

Singer Li Nacha’s "crazy" degree is also a bit high this year, directly incarnating the Pearl Cat.(sea monster? ), flying all over the red carpet …

According to the off-site video taken by netizens, some guests were wrapped and carried into the car and sent to the scene for fear of revealing the shape? ? ?

(netizens haven’t discussed who it is, or maybe it’s a dress? )

In addition, this guest actually went to the scene by bike, hahaha.

(singer David Byrne)

Met Gala has many new and old faces this year, and we are familiar with many celebrities.

The red carpet tidbits are constantly on the court.

In addition to taking pictures of celebrities, the photographers on the field actually took pictures of Xiaoqiang passing by, which is really ridiculous in the fashion circle.

(Met Gala Guest in 2023: new york Xiaoqiang)

Which celebrity style do you think is the most brilliant and relevant this year? Let’s discuss it together!

Badminton in China, desperate reversal

How much can a badminton match burn? Not long ago, the Sudirman Cup gave the answer.

China Badminton Team defeated Japan 3-2 in the semi-final in the Sudirman Cup World Badminton Mixed Team Championship in 2023 (hereinafter referred to as "Su Cup"), and then defeated South Korea 3-0 in the final to achieve the "three consecutive championships" of Su Cup.

The China badminton team fought for seven hours in the game of reversing the Japanese victory, and finally achieved a comeback, which is legendary. Relevant insiders told China Newsweek that this was a "great reversal" example that could be recorded in the history of China badminton team.

Chen Qingchen and Jia Yifan, who witnessed this reversal and finally won the championship together with the China Badminton Team, have returned to Chengdu Shuangliu Table Tennis and Badminton Base and started preparing for the Hangzhou Asian Games.

After training, they recalled the trip to China Newsweek.

Chen Qingchen/Jia Yifan helped Guoyu advance to the final of the Soviet Cup. Photo/Zhongxin Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Bo

Try again 100 times, and you may not win.

May 20th is the semi-final day of the Soviet Cup, and the China badminton team will face the old rival Japanese team.

In the first match of that day, the China Badminton Team did not send Zheng Siwei/Huang Yaqiong, who ranked first in the world, but Feng Yanzhe/Huang Dongping, who ranked seventh in the world. Because "IELTS Team" used too much physical energy to beat Indonesian team hard before, but Feng Yanzhe/Huang Dongping met Japanese team Yamashita Gongping/Shinohara Cailiu twice, and both won.

Contrary to expectations, Feng Yanzhe/Huang Dongping failed to beat their opponents as expected to continue their record of total victory, and the total score of China badminton team fell behind 0-1.

In the subsequent men’s singles competition, Shi Yuqi, ranked tenth in the world, played against Nara Okada, ranked third in the world. Shi Yuqi reversed the victory and tied the total score of both sides to 1-1.

In the women’s singles competition, Chen Yufei, the world’s fourth Tokyo Olympic champion, lost to Akane Yamaguchi, the world’s number one, and China’s total score was 1-2 behind Japan.

In the next men’s doubles competition, Liu Yuchen and Ou Xuanyi, the men’s doubles team, were once pushed to the edge of the cliff. They fell behind at 16:20 in the deciding game, and if they lost another point, they would lose the men’s doubles point, while the Chinese national badminton team would also stop the semi-final with a big score of 1-3 and miss the Su Cup championship.

Many spectators at the scene began to leave, thinking that the fate of China’s semi-final exit could not be rewritten. Many viewers in front of the TV also turned off the TV.

The commentator said at that time: "China is facing four match points when the whole team is out! Will miracles happen? We are waiting for a miracle. "

The combination of Liu Yuchen and Ou Xuanyi was reversed. Photo/Zhongxin Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Bo

Chen Qingchen and Jia Yifan clearly remember that Liu Yuchen/Ou Yiyi said to himself before playing: "We will win this point and then let you play."

But when they saw their opponents holding four match points, Chen Qingchen and Jia Yifan began to feel complicated and tangled.

"We are very unwilling. We really hope that our teammates can create miracles, but according to the normal situation, we have a hunch that it is difficult to catch up." Chen Qingchen said that he and Jia Yifan were really ready to take the racket back into the bag.

But then, the miracle that Honggang expected really appeared.

The Japanese team only needed one more point to advance, and returned the ball out of bounds three times in a row, so that the Liu Yuchen/Ou Weiyi team scored three points in a row. With the score approaching, Liu Yuchen/Ou Weiyi also completely let go of their hands and feet. They fought more and more bravely and scored 3 points, completing a magical reversal on 22-20.

Chen Qingchen and Jia Yifan really came out, and helped the China badminton team finally win.

In the semi-final, the China badminton team played for nearly seven hours before defeating the Japanese team, and in the final, it took three and a half hours to win the championship from the Korean team.

"After the game, everyone resumed and thought that if we played the game against Japan 100 times again, we might not win, but now we won!" Jia Yifan told China Newsweek that in his national team career, there have been many thrilling games in the past, but there has never been a game like this one in which teammates "pulled back" the fate of the team when they were so far behind.

"In fact, we are also very sober. This Su Cup is the first stop of the Paris Olympic Games. It is very exciting to win the championship, but we still have to start from scratch. We also hope that all our teammates can realize their highest dreams in the Paris Olympic Games." This is Chen Qingchen/Jia Yifan’s voice.

Su cup can’t be lost.

In Chen Qingchen’s view, the reason why the China badminton team can withstand such pressure is to start from the preparation before the Su Cup.

This year, the Su Cup was held in Suzhou, China, which was the first badminton world competition held in China in three years after the international sports events returned to normal order. Zhang Jun, chairman of China Badminton Association, gave the whole team a "vaccination" at the preparatory meeting of the Su Cup: "The pressure of this competition will definitely be great, and all players and coaches should try their best to eliminate interference and concentrate on the field."

Chen Qingchen recalled: "At the end of April, we also participated in the Asian Championships in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. From the end of the Asian Championship to the opening of the Su Cup, it is less than two weeks, about 10 days of preparation. Under normal circumstances, players should adjust for a few days after the end of the last race, but in order to prepare for the Su Cup, almost everyone did not adjust, so they directly went into the Su Cup to prepare for the war. "

Jia Yifan thinks that the Soviet Cup is different from the Tokyo Olympic Games. "In the Tokyo Olympic Games, Chen Qingchen and I didn’t win the gold medal in the women’s doubles, but in our opinion, it is also a good result to try our best to win the silver medal. We didn’t lose anything. The Su Cup is different. The China Badminton Team has been the champion for a long time, and we were once a member of the previous Su Cup champion team. If we lose, the final feeling is that we once had it, but this time we lost it in our hands. "

In May 1987, the Board of Directors of the International Badminton Federation was held in Beijing, at which it was decided to set up the World Badminton Mixed Team Championship from 1989. In memory of Dick Su Diman, the founder of Indonesian Badminton Association and former vice president of International Badminton Federation, and to thank him for his contribution to the world badminton, the champion cup of this competition was named "Sudirman Cup".

Since the 4th Sudirman Cup in Lausanne, Switzerland in 1995, China has shown a strong dominance in the Su Cup. Counting this championship, China won 13 championships, including one for four consecutive championships, one for six consecutive championships and one for three consecutive championships.

In the memory of Chen Qingchen and Jia Yifan, I lost the Su Cup on the Australian Gold Coast in 2017 and failed to achieve seven consecutive championships, which is always my own heart.

Chen Qingchen/Jia Yifan fought in the Su Cup. Photo/Zhongxin Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Bo

In Chen Qingchen’s view, the Su Cup can be reversed and finally won, which is the result of the failure and the experience and promotion of all the national badminton players over the years. "Numerous large and small events in the middle have enabled this team to accumulate more experience, which has also improved everyone’s experience and pressure."

After the match against the Japanese team, Jia Yifan watched the video of the men’s doubles chasing points at the last minute. "I see the slow motion captured by the camera, and I feel that there is a blaze in the eyes of Liu Yuchen and Ou Xuanyi, which is a state of selflessness. In that state, both of them will no longer pay attention to the score, nor will they think about the consequences if the China badminton team loses at home and loses the championship. At that moment, they certainly don’t have any other thoughts. Therefore, we must also do it without distractions to win. "

In addition, the relationship of unity, trust and mutual tolerance among teammates of the national team is also the "password" for the national team to achieve a great reversal.

"Every round of the Sudirman Cup team competition is a three-win system of five games. Regardless of the semi-finals and finals, the opponents are also very high-ranking and very powerful opponents, which means that there may indeed be losses and wins during the competition. After all, no one dares to clap his chest and say that the China team can beat their opponents 3-0 every game, so there will be a fault tolerance rate in such a game. " Chen Qingchen told China Newsweek.

"Like Yu Fei and Dong Ping, although we didn’t get points in the semi-final, the feelings between us are very good, and it is impossible to complain about the teammates who lost points. On the contrary, we will try our best to forget the previous results, try our best to make up for our teammates and regain the advantage for the team. This time, some of them lost points, and we came to the top. Then next time, it may be that we lost points and they came to the top. "

She laughed when my hands and feet were cold.

According to official public data, the box office of this Su Cup is about 30 million yuan, and Guoyu fans have a huge momentum. Jia Yifan revealed: "We started from the hotel to participate in the competition, or returned to the hotel after the competition, and fans always called our names at the door of the hotel. Many fans and friends gave me private messages and rushed to grab tickets, saying that they would spend huge sums of money to watch our game … "

The cheering of fans, the concern of family members and the expectation of the media have invisibly put more pressure on the athletes. The nature of the Sudirman Cup team competition also makes it easy for every athlete to bear the burden of "wanting to win and being afraid of losing", fearing that his poor performance will drag down the team and be accused of "pulling his legs" by the outside world.

Chen Qingchen and Jia Yifan both said that they were under great pressure before the game.

"From the first day I came to Suzhou, I was in a tight state until Chen Yufei won the championship with the last ball landing team in the final, and I felt relieved from the pressure." Chen Qingchen recalled.

In Jia Yifan’s eyes, partner Chen Qingchen is a person with a strong sense of national honor and collective honor. She revealed that during the more than 10 days of preparation for the Sudirman Cup, Chen Qingchen was really pressured by "only winning but not losing" and had too many tears.

"She is not satisfied with the quality of training, crying; Poor sleep quality, crying; Thinking that the game is 2-2 may not be able to stand the pressure, or cry. " In the face of Jia Yifan, whose partner is under pressure and is the team’s happy fruit, there is no good way.

"The women’s doubles match was scheduled for the last game. Our performance may determine whether the team can move on and decide the ownership of the champion. If we don’t perform well, no one can remedy it later, so we are really afraid of dragging our feet on this group. " Chen Qingchen said. "I always put pressure on myself like this, and the effect may not be good, but as Jia Yifan said, I made the difficulty to the extreme before the game, and I didn’t think it was difficult when I encountered difficulties again in the real game."

Compared with Chen Qingchen, Jia Yifan chose another way to go out for a walk. "I wanted to find a bookstore to visit, but I ended up in a lottery shop. 30 yuan had a scratch, and I scraped out 300 yuan." Jia Yifan was in a good mood in an instant, and his training state increased greatly.

Chen Qingchen also felt "beaming" emotionally. She also listened to Jia Yifan’s suggestion, went to the bookstore to buy a book and went back to the dormitory to read it. Her mood was much calmer and she completed the final stage of high-quality preparation.

Chen Qingchen and Jia Yifan often observe teammates such as Chen Yufei and Shi Yuqi. Before the big game, teammates were struggling together.

Jia Yifan observed very carefully. "You see Chen Yufei, even if she won the Olympic champion, she is also in a state of pressure to prepare for the competition. She is also a person who encounters adversity, doubt and pressure, and her emotions will be written on her face, but she is always full of fighting spirit to meet the next challenge and eager to prove herself. The same is true for Shi Yuqi. When preparing for the Su Cup, I watched him turn back and sprint with the young players to practice his physical fitness. Young athletes are very aggressive, but Shi Yuqi will always benchmark a performance goal and practice until he wins. "

Chen Yufei and Shi Yuqi fought in the Su Cup. Photo/Zhongxin Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Bo

"In fact, my teammates and I may encounter some emotional ups and downs. At first, as teammates, they may not ask directly, but everyone has a high emotional intelligence, and they will find an opportunity to give some comfort and encouragement with some’ tips’ to help each other decompress. In fact, there are many such small things in the team. Often these encouragements are all about seeing the truth in the details, which is very warm. " Chen Qingchen said.

Jia Yifan told China Newsweek: "We are finally going to play the Japanese game. The experienced physical fitness coach urgently asked us to warm up by turning back. All the teammates came to high-five us one by one, and I was nervous at that time. "

"Just when my hands and feet were cold, I saw Chen Qingchen laughing and laughing. She said let me try it, so that I could relax." Jia Yifan said.

Author: Ye Everest

Illustration of baseball rules

There is a non-folding line on the left side of each base. If you run 5 meters after getting on the base, you can’t turn back to the original base unless someone is on the previous base bag.

If the strike is not more than 5 m in the court, it is also a foul ball. Count a good ball and strike again. If it is the third good ball, strike out.

The batter stepped on the orange bag when running the base, and stepped on the white bag after getting on the base. All the defenders stepped on the white bag.

When the fly ball is caught, only the batter is ruled out, and all other base runner will return to the original base bag and start over.

After the defender steps on the base bag after streetball, base runner is banned from the game. There is no need to touch and kill base runner, and the game continues.

Don’t slip off the base, leave the base or steal the base. All of them will be judged as out. base runner can only leave the base after the batter hits the ball.

The home plate of the batting seat in the official competition must be made of white rubber, and the red safety plate is extended backwards directly below.

Map of Lele Baseball Field (Elementary Edition)

Baseball competition rules

First, the provisions of the strike and run:

# When swinging, be sure to make sure the surrounding clearance before swinging.

1. When hitting, you can try but not exceed the ball. Otherwise, you will score a good ball.

2. When hitting, you can’t swing the stick after the run-up. Otherwise, you will get a good ball.

3. After the second strike, swing an empty bat or hit a foul ball, and still strike out.

4. The attacking team must step on the orange base plate when rushing to the base, and the defending team must step on the white base plate.

5, do not use sacrificial touch, offenders plan a good ball to continue to hit.

6. Don’t slide the base. Sliding the base will be ruled out regardless of the result.

7. Don’t leave the base or steal the base. base runner must step on the base plate after getting on the base and wait for the batter to hit the ball before leaving the base. Otherwise, he will be sentenced out.

8. If the batting approach is less than 5 meters, a foul ball will be awarded, and one ball will be counted.

9. The result of throwing the stick is not judged out, but it is necessary to warn you to throw the stick and force the substitution.

10, base runner ran to the next base more than 5 meters can’t turn back the line, you must continue to move forward, unless the plate has other base runner.

Second, the defense regulations:

Players should avoid colliding with each other, and the catcher should stand back three meters to defend.

1. The official game adopts the 9-player system. If the starter is replaced, he can play again. After the alternate player leaves the game, he is not allowed to play again.

2, the pitcher does not throw the ball and stands on the pitcher’s board to defend, but also has to hit the next game.

3. Before the batter swings, the defender can’t go ahead of the pitcher’s board to defend.

4. Don’t touch and kill. The defenders will all be banned by stepping on the base. If the ball touches base runner, it will not be ruled out, and the game will continue.

5. When infield players (including pitchers) stop catching base runner and return the ball to home plate or pitchers, base runner should not take the opportunity to start or provoke to leave the base, but should return to the occupied base plate and wait for the next bat to swing before moving forward.

Third, on base and out

Runners can step on the white base bag after getting on the base.

1, 3 strike out (including the third ball out of bounds) 3 strike out to change teams.

2. In addition to the fielder passing the ball, all base runner can walk a base.

3. After the fly ball is received, the batter is ruled out, and the game is stopped. It is not allowed to pass and kill base runner on other bases. All base runner must return to the original base (you can step on the white base) and wait for the next swing before moving forward.

Fourth, the outcome judgment:

1. The official game is limited to 6 minutes, and the team with more scores wins.

2. If the match is not finished within 50 minutes, the winner will be judged by the final score.

3. If the game is tied in six games, the seventh game can be extended when there is time left, and the deadlock breaking system is adopted. If not,

  The time is decided by the captains of both sides guessing fists or tossing coins.


Break through the deadlock system: the last three batters in the previous game occupy 1.2.3 bases respectively, and the game is played with two outs. After the outs, the offensive and defensive exchanges are made, and the one who scores more points wins.

Five, equipment regulations:

1. The bat is 70cm long, covered with PU foam, and has an anti-swing base at the bottom.

2, baseball is orange PU foam 70 grams weight 27 cm circumference.

3. The hitting base is a rubber white home plate with two retractable black pipes on it.

4. Each base is 38x38x0.7 cm square rubber double parallel base board.

5. Only use both hands to catch the ball when defending, and do not use gloves or hats to catch the ball.

Observation on the first anniversary of Guizhou rural basketball "going out of the circle"

  Deep in Miao Ling, the night falls. In Taipan Village, Taijiang County, Qiandongnan Prefecture, the stadium is brightly lit and cheers are endless. Compared with a year ago, the scene is equally warm and the atmosphere is equally happy, but the stadium in the village has become the scene of the national and American country basketball competition.

  Since July 12th, last year, the "June 6th" New Year’s Basketball Tournament held by villagers in Taipan Village spontaneously became popular all over the network due to the fiery live atmosphere and grounded running style.

  In response to the ardent expectations of the broad masses of peasants for physical fitness and healthy life, the General Office of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs and the General Office of the State Sports General Administration jointly issued a notice in early June to hold the National and American Country Basketball Competition (Village BA) to help comprehensively promote rural revitalization and accelerate the construction of an agricultural power.

  On June 20th, the opening match of this event was held in Taipan Village, and the farmers’ basketball team of Qiandongnan Prefecture of Guizhou Province played against the farmers’ basketball team of Linxia Prefecture of Gansu Province at home. In October, the finals of the competition will also be held in Taipan Village. Within a year, a basketball match spontaneously organized by a small mountain village gave birth to a national competition, which is really rare.

Where is the fire?

The three rounds of events that made Taipan Village hot "out of the circle" took place from July 12 to August 9 last year. During the "June 6th" New Festival Basketball Tournament in Taipan Village, the semi-final of the "beautiful countryside" Basketball League in Guizhou Province and the beautiful countryside Basketball Exchange Tournament in cooperation with Foqian, the average audience per game exceeded 15,000. However, due to the limited capacity of the venue, more than 10,000 people lingered outside because they failed to enter the site.

The hot scene on the scene spread rapidly across the whole network through short videos. In the end, the three-round country basketball game was viewed more than 1 billion times on the whole network and was nicknamed "Village BA" by netizens.

Where is the fire in a basketball game in a small mountain village?

The country basketball game originated in Miaoling Mountain, which is closely related to the local minority culture and long basketball tradition. Yang Dezhao, the county magistrate of Taijiang County, said that there are many ethnic festivals in Taijiang County, and there is a saying in the local area that "every festival must be played and basketball must be played first". Whenever a basketball game starts, villagers from ten miles and eight townships will flock to it. In order to participate in and watch basketball games, many villagers who go out to work will travel thousands of miles back to their hometown.

There are more than 270 households with more than 1,100 people in Taipan Village, and about two-thirds of the villagers play basketball. Zhang Shoushuang, secretary of Taipan Village, said: "Since 1936, Taipan Village has held at least one basketball game every year, and it has never stopped. The ball game in my hometown is a kind of homesickness. "

Cen Jianglong, president of Taipan Village Basketball Association, used to work outside the home, and he had to take special leave every year to hold a basketball match. Last year, he simply quit his job and went back to the village to open a restaurant near the stadium with his wife. Whenever there was a basketball match in the village, business was booming.

There is no electronic screen, no commercial advertisement, only a concrete floor painted with plastic in front of the village committee, but the players on the court are running and dunking with all their strength, and the fans in the stands are cheering and shouting, which makes the basketball game with simple hardware "full of atmosphere". In the short aerial video that was originally madly forwarded, there were a sea of people inside and outside the stadium, all people on the hillside and the roof, and all the trees and ladders were "hung" with the audience. The popularity of the competition and the enthusiasm of the villagers have infected netizens all over the world through the images with great impact.

Some games go on until 4 am the next day, from dawn to dark, and then to dawn, and few spectators leave early, which is called "dawn culture" locally.

The tradition of the project and the passion of the masses are the basis for the initial popularity of "Village BA". The competition has a village flavor, and the cultural characteristics add a fire to the continued popularity.

The competition was held spontaneously by the villagers, and all the contestants were villagers. During the intermission, Miao’s brothers and sisters presented Miao’s characteristic songs and dances, which added luster to the competition. In the "Village BA" finals in March this year, a song "Love of My Life" sung in Miao language triggered a lot of interaction and was sung on multiple online platforms.

The prizes of the competition are local yellow cattle, fragrant sheep, fragrant pigs, etc. Even the explanation of the game is mixed with the local dialect and Miao language … … Chang Hai, Party Secretary and Director of Qiandongnan Culture, Sports, Radio, Film and Television Tourism Bureau, believes that the country basketball game won the grounding gas, distinctive and strong village flavor floating inside and outside the Internet.

Where is the "win"?

The successful experience of Taiwan Basketball Village Competition is regarded as a "Taijiang model" for rural sports to boost rural revitalization.

With the further consolidation of the results of poverty alleviation, the villagers have a rich life and their demand for spiritual and cultural life is growing. Pan Nianjing, director of the Propaganda Department of Taijiang County Committee, said that Taijiang County has made great efforts to coordinate the connection between urban and rural areas and paid attention to the coordinated promotion of "material prosperity" and "spiritual prosperity". Basketball activities have been integrated into the daily life of Taijiang people, constantly inspiring and satisfying people’s yearning for a better life.

Driven by "Village BA", the regional GDP of Taijiang County reached 4.498 billion yuan last year, up 9% year-on-year, ranking first in the province. At the end of March this year, the first "beautiful countryside" basketball league finals in Guizhou Province took only three days, which led Taipan Township to receive 181,900 tourists and realized a comprehensive tourism income of 55.16 million yuan. On June 20 this year, on the day of the opening ceremony of the national and American country basketball competition, the comprehensive tourism income of the township exceeded 35 million yuan.

Taking advantage of the east wind of the "out of the circle" of the event, the sales of local agricultural special products, national costumes and special handicrafts have also increased one after another. Zhang De, the first resident secretary of Taipan Village, said that it is a good way for Taipan Village to make good use of the signboard of rural basketball games, to help tourists, support production and promote literature through competitions, to develop and strengthen the village collective economy, and to strengthen the integration of agriculture, sports and tourism.

Now, in Taipan Village, we can see the fiery scenes of villagers’ renovation and renovation of houses everywhere. Yang Pinggui, a villager in Taipan Village, is building a four-story villa with a total area of 1,000 square meters. He said: "I want to make the building a homestay and get a little light from the country basketball game."

No matter in the future planning of the rural basketball match, or in the rural landscape and industrial development, Taipan Village insists on letting the villagers be the masters. Zhang De said: "Taipan Village has held four villagers’ congresses to discuss the renovation plan and future development of the stadium, and the relevant practices have been agreed by 80% of the villagers. There is something to discuss, and everyone’s reasons are discussed by everyone, which has become a magic weapon for Taipan Village to adhere to the dominant position of villagers and provide some inspiration for grassroots governance. "

"Village BA" has become popular so far, and tourists from all over the country come here. Wang Bin, director of the Religious Affairs Bureau of Taijiang County, believes that the sports event has developed from a local recreational and sports activity to a sports event for people of all ethnic groups all over the country. "This hot basketball game has created a platform for people of all ethnic groups to build, share and work together. As tourists from all ethnic groups watch basketball games, enjoy national song and dance performances and taste ethnic specialties, the sense of the Chinese nation community is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people."

Taking sports as a platform and doing a good job in the article "Sports Plus" not only shows the multi-function of sports, but also makes "Village BA" win multiple effects: it not only enriches cultural life, stimulates rural economy, but also enhances national unity and promotes grassroots governance. Yang Dezhao said: "In the new round of rural revitalization, rural sports cannot be absent."

Where is the "difficulty"?

When the news came that the national and American country basketball competition was held and the finals were settled in Taipan Village, Taijiang County, the young people in Taipan Village were boiling. But in addition to excitement, there are also concerns.

Zong Shifa, an associate professor in guizhou minzu university, said that it is a good thing for "village BA" to be launched nationwide, but it is difficult to maintain "village flavor". Many netizens are worried that some places will lose their local authenticity due to excessive government intervention, capital intervention or commercial speculation.

The notice of launching the national and American country basketball competition pointed out that it is necessary to uphold the principle of "farmers are the main body, pragmatic and simple, safe and orderly, and farmers are interested in farming". Zong Shifa said that "the four principles of running the competition need to be implemented to the end to prevent the risk of going out of shape".

Many villagers’ meetings were held in Taipan Village, and it became a decision supported by the villagers that "village BA" should be named "village". Wang Zaigui, the commentator of the country basketball match, said that in the early days when the country basketball fire broke out, many companies came to provide sponsorship, but asked the match to advertise their products. "Such a request is too commercialized and goes against the original intention of the country basketball game, so we all declined." Wang Zaigui said.

"village BA" is on fire, and the flow is there. However, it is not easy to change "flow" into "reserve", let attention change into consumption, and let "instant fire" change into "constant fire". It is necessary to use the brand of "Village BA" to do a good job in project investment, maintain a balance between commercial operation and agricultural interest, and explore the integrated development of agricultural sports, culture and tourism. In this regard, Wang Jun, executive deputy magistrate of Taijiang County, said frankly that Taijiang County still needs to "take the pulse" and "support" and "need more guidance and help from relevant departments and experts".

The ability to host the competition and security are also challenges.

For Taipan Village, time is not enough, not only for the start of the new basketball horse race on June 15th, but also for the finals of the National and American Country Basketball Competition in October.

"To be honest, there is a certain pressure, but we will do our best to adhere to high standards." Cen Jianglong said that this "June 6th" basketball competition is also a test of the ability to host the upcoming finals of the National and American Country Basketball Competition.

It is conceivable that there will be a large number of foreign tourists, and reception and security will be tested. Taijiang County proposed to further strengthen the organization of sports events, do a good job in transportation, security, meteorology, medical care and sanitation, strengthen risk prevention and improve the level of emergency management.

Since last year, Taipan Village has added more than 10,000 basketball stand seats, built 1,000 square meters of parking lots, renovated 2,500 square meters of mobile booths and renovated 40,000 square meters of walls. These days, in order to welcome the upcoming two competitions, the village committee of Taipan Village has also mobilized villagers to carry out environmental remediation and risk investigation. "Around the stadium, on both sides of the road, in front of the house and behind the house, etc. have become key rectification areas, and strive to avoid safety accidents during the competition and leave a good impression on fans and tourists." Yan Jianglong said.

(Reporter Li Li Ou Dian Qiu Jiang Cheng Xu Shihao)

Xinhua News Agency, Guiyang, July 11th