The Battle at Lake Changjin and other films won the honor of Zhang Ziyi by the media of the film channel.

The Battle at Lake Changjin and other films won the honor of Zhang Ziyi by the media of the film channel.

Special feature of 1905 film network On the evening of September 3rd, the 2022 Film Channel Media Honor Night, hosted by the Film Channel Program Center and co-sponsored by the Tongzhou District People’s Government of Beijing, was held in the Central District of the Grand Canal Cultural Tourism Scenic Spot in Beijing (Tongzhou) — — Tongzhou Canal Cultural Square was held.

The 15 media attention honors that attracted much attention and expectation were announced one by one that night. In the end, it won the honor of the jury and became the most concerned film by the media. The director who is most concerned by the media is obtained by; The first director’s tube is honored by the chapter "Poetry" in "My Father and I". The hero and heroine who are most concerned by the media are awarded respectively. The host of the movie channel, Ying Ling and Yun Wei co-chaired the party.

The Battle at Lake Changjin’s "My Father and I" and other films have received media attention.

Zhang Ziyi first won the honor of new director;"I look forward to reporting to the audience with a feature film."

In the past 19 years, as a national mainstream media, the film channel has gathered media strength and public attention, and made continuous efforts to promote the vigorous development of China films. With the help of the film channel, media honor has become a high-profile film honor, representing the media’s continuous concern for the film industry.

In 2022, for the first time, Media Honor opened its voting channel to the media of the whole society, and convened media practitioners from all over the country to participate in the selection with a professional, objective and true professional attitude. From August 26th to September 1st, a total of 12,370 media people from 1,421 media organizations participated in the voting.

In the end, the film The Battle at Lake Changjin won the honor of the jury of the Media Honor Night of the Film Channel. The film also won the single honor of screenwriter and visual effects. Jiang Defu, the film producer, first thanked all his colleagues in the film industry for their support of The Battle at Lake Changjin and the 230 million viewers’ love for the film. He also expects Bona Film to bring you more excellent works in the future.

Click to watch the video:The Battle at Lake Changjin was honored by the jury of the Media Honor Night of the Film Channel.

The film that receive that most media attention belongs to Me and my fath. Zhang Ziyi, who directed the chapter "Poetry", won his first directorial honor. From the actors who have won many awards to the director who is the most concerned by the media, Zhang Ziyi is filled with emotion: "Life is very meaningful, and there will be many unexpected things that will happen like that. You will change your perspective and challenge obstacles that you have never encountered." Having gone through the limitations and fragility of his first novel, Zhang Ziyi also gained unprecedented courage. At the scene, she also said that she looked forward to one day being able to report to the audience with her own feature-length works.

The "sister" in the poem, as the smallest honor winner of the night, won the honor of a new actress who was most concerned by the media. The new actor who received the most media attention was won by. In the middle school, he grew from a young soldier to the cutest and bravest volunteer army. In the future, he also looks forward to using this spirit to walk more steadily and further on the road of performance.

Yolanda won the honor again.

Zhang Songwen won the most popular actor in the media.

Yolanda, an actress who just won the "Hundred Flowers Award" not long ago, once again won the most attention of the media by virtue of her accurate performance in the Chinese Doctors on the media honor night. People in the media praised her performance "Even if the mask covers her face, it is still rich in temperature", which can convey emotions with her eyes and let us see the nobility of angels in white’s soul. In his speech, Yolanda expressed gratitude for meeting the role of Wen Ting. The person who presented her with the honor made no secret of her appreciation of Yolanda’s acting skills: "I am willing to cooperate with her with zero pay."

Click to watch the video: Yolanda won the media honor night of 2022 movie channel, and the heroine who received the most attention from the media gave a speech.

Movies that touched countless audiences helped Zhang Songwen win the title of the most popular leading actor in the media. Li Dazhao, a revolutionary ancestor, traveled through time and space again at the last moment of his life through Zhang Songwen’s performance, connecting with the young audience. Zhang Songwen said with emotion that it is a great encouragement for him to gain such a heavy affirmation in the 20th year after graduating from Beijing Film Academy. I will always remember the role I played and continue to be an actor with the strength he gave.

Click to watch the video: Zhang Songwen delivered a speech on the honor of the leading actor who received the most media attention in the media honor night of 2022 movie channel.

The supporting actor and actress who are most concerned by the media are awarded the honor of the middle and the leading role respectively. The representative of "Back to Tibet" received the honor instead of Kimba, who was filming a new film in Tibet, and thanked him and the whole team for their hard work under difficult conditions. Qi Xi used "children nourished by movies" to describe his feelings along the way as an actor: "This time, the children were really encouraged." In addition, Muye Wen, the director of Miracle Stupid Kids, also won the most attention from the media after Hundred Flowers Award.

Click to watch the video: Actor Qi Xi shares her feelings of getting the most attention from the media as a supporting actress.

Filmmakers gather in Beijing City Sub-center.

The canal surges to witness the new miracle of the Millennium city.

After the innocent rain, a tower shadow recognized Tongzhou. On the Media Honor Night of 2022 Film Channel, filmmakers and media people gathered in the Beijing City Sub-center, which not only witnessed the dust of 15 honors settled, but also became the starting point for filmmakers to set off and climb the artistic peak again.

Click to watch the video: MoMo Wu, CiCi and Snow Kong sang "The Light Falling in Life" on the same stage.

Musicians and singers such as,,,,,,,, Julia,,,, Zhang Yingxi, Chen Xiaoduo also sang the waterfront of the Millennium City Canal, bringing many melodious movie music and classic songs to the audience.

Click to watch the video: Dany Lee and Li Wenhan sang "The Sense of the Times"

Click to watch the video: Justin sings the movie Sniper and the song Young Man.

Click to watch the video: Dai Peini brings songs to skewer.

In order to cooperate with the Media Honor Night of the 2022 Film Channel, the Media Center of the Film Channel also launched the "Direct Media Honor Night of the Film Channel" to broadcast live media. Follow the host of the movie channelGuo WeiDan LiQiaojunRoman, boating on the surface of the Grand Canal, strolling around the Moon Island in the Grand Canal Forest Park, riding the Green Heart Park, and visiting the intersection of the five rivers and the first line of Daguanglou & HELIP; … In addition to natural beauty,Wildfire and Spring Breeze Fight against the Ancient City, Mozart in Outer Space and beginning of the great revival.The location of the film is to combine the Beijing City Sub-center with the film more closely.

The Media Honor Night of 2022 Film Channel came to a successful conclusion by the canal. Tongzhou, the Millennium city in the new era, will embark on a new journey together with China films, and work together to write a wonderful chapter in the future. The media honor of the film channel will also continue to live up to its mission, be upright, innovative and brave, witness the media people to advise the development of the film with truth, and sincerely accompany the filmmakers to illuminate the road of light and shadow with their feelings.


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