标签归档 南京新茶工作室

Delineate the red line of behavior, share the blacklist, live broadcast with goods, and wear the rule of law "golden hoop"

  □ Reporter Zhao Chenxi

  With the increasing popularity of online shopping, many people are no longer satisfied with their own drawings and introductions, so they order shopping from the e-commerce platform, but need some people to give "professional" recommendations and explanations, which also makes the live broadcast more and more hot.

  According to the Statistical Report on the Development of Internet in China, as of December 2020, the number of live webcast users in China reached 617 million, of which 388 million were e-commerce users, an increase of 123 million compared with March 2020, accounting for 39.2% of all netizens, ranking first in the number of live webcast users.

  However, while some people earn a lot of money by live broadcasting, many merchants and anchors with goods take advantage of the loopholes in content review and supervision and management of live broadcasting platforms to make false propaganda and sell fake and shoddy goods, which seriously damages the legitimate rights and interests of consumers.

  In this regard, on April 23rd, the State Internet Information Office, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Commerce, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the State Taxation Administration of The People’s Republic of China, the State Administration of Market Supervision, and the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television jointly issued the Measures for the Management of Webcast Marketing (for Trial Implementation), which will take effect on May 25th.

  Liu Junhai, director of the Institute of Commercial Law of Renmin University of China, said in an interview with the Daily Rule of Law that no matter how big the Internet is, it is no bigger than the French Open. The promulgation of the Measures will put a golden hoop of the rule of law on the live broadcast industry and effectively rectify the chaos in the industry.

  "the first law" of live broadcast with goods

  In the China E-commerce Legal Report 2019-2020 issued by the Economic and Social E-commerce Research Center of the domestic e-commerce think tank network, "the risk of live broadcast with goods" is one of the "Top Ten E-commerce Legal Risks in 2019-2020".

  The reporter noted that long before the joint release of the seven departments, the relevant departments issued a number of specifications related to webcasting in 2020.

  In June, 2020, the Media Shopping Professional Committee of China Business Federation drafted and formulated the group standard of live shopping industry, "Operation Management and Service Specification for Live Shopping (Draft for Comment)", which stipulated the basic requirements, product quality requirements, operator management, live broadcast personnel and other aspects of live shopping management and service. This specification is the first national standard in the live shopping industry.

  On June 24th, 2020, China Advertising Association issued the Code of Conduct for Webcast Marketing, which is applicable to the webcasting marketing activities in which merchants, anchors and other participants sell goods or provide services to users in the form of live broadcast on e-commerce platforms, content platforms, social platforms and other online platforms. This code is the first special code on webcasting marketing activities in China.

  On June 30, 2020, Zhejiang E-commerce Promotion Association issued "Training and Evaluation Standard for Live E-commerce Talents", which is the first domestic standard for live e-commerce practitioners.

  Although some norms have been issued by relevant departments, in the view of Yang Chunbao, a senior partner of Dacheng (Shanghai) Law Firm, these norms are scattered and have a low level of effectiveness. When handling or hearing related complaints or cases, market supervision and law enforcement departments and judicial organs can only rely on universal laws such as e-commerce law and advertising law. Therefore, it is urgent to issue a targeted and high-level regulation to regulate all kinds of chaos in the webcast industry.

  Yang Chunbao believes that the promulgation of the "Measures" undoubtedly makes up for this problem, and makes detailed provisions on the respective obligations and legal responsibilities of the main practitioners in this industry, which is the "first big law" to regulate the marketing of webcasting at present.

  Define the age limit for practitioners.

  Nowadays, more and more minors are exposed to live webcasts. Apart from being viewers, it has also been revealed that some minors were packaged as anchors with goods and used "immature" words to promote products.

  The "Measures" subdivide the live broadcast publishers engaged in live broadcast marketing activities into live broadcast room operators and live broadcast marketers, and set a clear age limit, requiring natural persons to be at least 16 years old; Minors over the age of 16 who apply to become live marketers or live room operators shall obtain the consent of their guardians.

  Liu Junhai pointed out that minors, as anchors with goods, are easy to be used by some businesses and marketing teams, and will also have a bad demonstration effect on society, which should be explicitly prohibited.

  If the underage anchor is "not deeply involved in the world", then some relatively well-known anchors with goods are suspected of "knowingly committing crimes".

  In May, 2020, Liu Ergou, a network anchor with more than 18 million fans, showed in a live broadcast with goods that the paper towels he sold were 1,800 grams. After purchasing, consumers found that the paper towels received were only 500 grams, which was a serious problem.

  In November, 2020, Simba, a live broadcast anchor with tens of millions of fans, falsely advertised a flavor beverage with a bird’s nest content of only 0.014% as a commodity with a high bird’s nest content in a live broadcast.

  Not only that, some businesses that intend to promote are also frequently subjected to "routines" by network anchors and their teams.

  At present, the main revenue models of anchor goods are divided into three modes: pure pit fee, pure commission or commission plus pit fee, in which "commission" means that the anchor draws a share according to the sales volume of the live broadcast room, and the higher the sales volume, the more it is divided; The pit fee is a fixed appearance fee for the anchor to introduce and publicize the goods.

  In order to gain high income, it is not uncommon to cheat in the live broadcast room. The high popularity of supporting anchor pit fees can be faked, and fans, viewers, likes and interactions can also be purchased in batches at low prices. Some anchors even hire a brushing team to purchase goods first and then return them one after another. Some merchants revealed that the live broadcast of the goods cost 150,000 yuan, but the final return rate was as high as 90%, and all the goods were pressed in their hands.

  In response to all kinds of chaos, the "Measures" clearly stipulate that live broadcast operators and live broadcast marketers engaged in online live broadcast marketing activities should abide by laws and regulations and relevant state regulations, follow social public order and good customs, and truly, accurately and comprehensively publish information on goods or services. At the same time, it also stipulates that practitioners should not publish false or misleading information to deceive or mislead users; It is forbidden to market fake and shoddy goods, which infringe intellectual property rights or do not meet the requirements for protecting personal and property safety; It is forbidden to fabricate or tamper with eight red lines, such as transactions, attention, views, likes and other data traffic fraud.

  Strengthen the protection of consumers’ rights and interests

  The biggest loss of live broadcast rollover is consumers. China Consumers Association has repeatedly pointed out that it is difficult for consumers to protect their rights in the field of live broadcast.

  In Liu Junhai’s view, the illegal cost of offenders is lower than the illegal income, while the cost of consumer rights protection is higher than the rights protection income, which is the key reason for the repeated illegal activities of live broadcast.

  In order to strengthen the protection of consumers’ rights and interests, the Measures stipulate that consumers jump to other platforms to buy goods or receive services through links in live broadcast rooms and QR codes. In case of disputes, relevant live broadcast marketing platforms should actively assist consumers to safeguard their legitimate rights and interests and provide necessary evidence and other support. Operators and marketers of live broadcast rooms shall perform their responsibilities and obligations to protect consumers’ rights and interests according to laws and regulations, and shall not deliberately delay or refuse legitimate and reasonable demands put forward by consumers without justifiable reasons.

  Zhu Wei, deputy director of the Communication Law Research Center of China University of Political Science and Law, believes that the provisions of the Measures are an extension of the consumer rights protection law in the field of live delivery, especially requiring the platform to provide necessary evidence of rights protection, which provides support for consumers’ rights protection.

  Throughout the past cases, there were problems with live broadcast, consumers’ rights and interests were damaged, and the anchor was questioned, but the live broadcast platform was often "lucky to escape". The "Measures" focus on compacting the responsibilities of the live broadcast platform, requiring the live broadcast platform to establish and improve mechanisms such as account registration and cancellation, information security management, marketing behavior norms, protection of minors, protection of consumers’ rights and interests, personal information protection, and network and data security management.

  In view of the live broadcast room with a large number of fans and a large transaction amount, the Measures further strengthened supervision, requiring the platform to take preventive measures such as real-time inspection by special personnel and extending the storage time of live content. At the same time, the platform is required to take measures such as blocking live broadcasts, closing accounts, being blacklisted, and joint punishment for violations.

  Zhao Zhanling, a special researcher at the Intellectual Property Research Center of China University of Political Science and Law, pointed out that live broadcast is real-time. At present, it is mostly solved by reporting and complaining afterwards, and measures such as real-time inspection stipulated in the Measures help to strengthen prevention in advance.

  It is worth noting that in order to avoid the problem of water control in Kowloon, the Measures propose that the seven departments establish and improve the working mechanisms such as clue transfer, information sharing, consultation and judgment, education and training, and do a good job in the supervision and management of webcasting marketing according to their respective responsibilities, and share information on the list of live marketing market entities that seriously violate laws and regulations, and carry out joint punishment according to law.

  While welcoming the strongest supervision, Zhao Zhanling also hopes that the anchors with cargo can improve their legal awareness and regulate their own behaviors. The anchor promotes the products he manages, and his role is the product seller. If the propaganda content is false, it is suspected of fraud; If you do propaganda for businesses, their roles are advertising operators and publishers, and you need to fulfill the obligation to review the authenticity and legality of the advertising content of businesses as advertisers, otherwise you will be suspected of violating the advertising law and bear corresponding legal responsibilities.

Lei Jun: The price of Xiaomi car has not been fixed, but there is no rival within 500,000 yuan, and there is no "beggar in the middle" version.

On December 28th, 2023, Beijing and Xiaomi held the Xiaomi Automobile Technology Conference, and the first model of Xiaomi Automobile "Xiaomi SU7" was displayed on the screen. Vision china diagram

Xiaomi car, which has not disclosed the official price, is still the focus of public opinion.

On January 8th, Lei Junfa Weibo, founder of Xiaomi Group, said that for Xiaomi Automobile, friends are concerned about many topics, and they will focus on answering the most typical 100 questions, which will be answered separately in three days.

"This time we just held an automotive technology conference, and the heat was so high that it exceeded our expectations. On the one hand, the huge heat represents the user’s expectation of Xiaomi car, and we are really happy. On the one hand, a large number of false information, rumors and malicious smears are also swarming. We will clarify in time, and we will resolutely pursue the legal responsibility of those who make rumors and smear. " Lei Jun said.

On December 28th, 2023, Xiaomi held the Xiaomi Automobile Technology Conference in Beijing, and Xiaomi SU7, the first product of Xiaomi Automobile, made its first public appearance. This model is positioned as a C-class high-performance coupe, and it is planned to be mass-produced in the first half of 2024. In addition, this conference officially revealed the breakthroughs in the five core technologies of Xiaomi Automobile, including key areas such as electric drive, battery, large die casting, intelligent driving and intelligent cockpit.

At the press conference, Xiaomi SU7 was almost spoiled, but the price remained mysterious, which became the focus of hot discussion.

For the price of Xiaomi car, Lei Jun once again stressed that it will not be 99,000, 149,000 or 199,000. The final pricing will be announced at the official press conference of Xiaomi SU7. "The prices of Xiaomi cars on the Internet are all false news, and we have not yet determined the final price."

There are also many netizens who are curious about whether the seemingly "expensive" Xiaomi SU7 will launch a low-end version, such as the "beggar-in-the-middle" version or the "Redmi version". In this regard, Lei Jun said that Xiaomi Automobile has a fully consistent product project criteria, and "experience priority" has always been put in the first place. Xiaomi SU7 is the standard version, and there is no plan to launch Redmi Automobile at present.

For the color of Xiaomi SU7 to be released in the future, Lei Jun revealed that more colors will be extrapolated beyond the disclosed Gulf Blue, Olive Green and Elegant Grey.

Previously, Lei Jun replied in the comments of netizens, "Is there an opponent within 500,000 (Xiaomi Automobile)?" In this question and answer session, Xiaomi reiterated that although this is a joke, it is also serious. "We are pragmatic and will not set those outrageous flag, so we are still very confident that Xiaomi SU7 has no rivals within 500,000 at present."

As for Lei Jun’s recent time allocation, Xiaomi responded in the Q&A that Lei Jun is still very concerned about the technology research and development of the mobile phone business. At this stage, his time and energy allocation is roughly as follows: at least 1/4 time is still spent on the mobile phone research and development business, 1/4 is concerned about the operation and management of the group, and 1/2 time is spent on the automobile business.

[The following is the full text of the question and answer]

1. A lot of rice noodle feedback. There are so many rumors about Xiaomi Automobile recently. Does Xiaomi Legal really have a job? When will the relevant progress be announced?

This time, we just held an automobile technology conference, and the heat was so high that it exceeded our expectations. On the one hand, the huge heat represents the user’s expectation of Xiaomi car, and we are really happy. On the one hand, a large number of false information, rumors and malicious smears have swarmed in, and we will clarify them in time, and we will resolutely pursue the legal responsibility of those who spread rumors and smears.

2. What is the pricing of Xiaomi Auto SU7? When will it be announced?

We really haven’t set a final price yet. Mr. Lei also introduced it at the Xiaomi Automobile Technology Conference. It is indeed a bit expensive, but it will be "expensive for a reason".

Not 99,000, not 149,000, not 199,000. The final pricing will be announced at the official launch conference of Xiaomi SU7.

3. There is a lot of news about the price of Xiaomi car on the Internet. Is it true?

The selling prices of Xiaomi cars are all false news, and we haven’t determined the final selling price yet.

The final selling price will be announced when Xiaomi Automobile is officially released.

4. Is the main content of Xiaomi SU7 basically finished?

On December 28th, 2023, the technical conference of Xiaomi Automobile was held. This time, we only introduced the five core technologies of intelligent electric vehicles, and the products are only a brief introduction. We still have a lot of technologies and product contents that have not been developed. I will introduce it to you in detail at the official conference of Xiaomi SU7.

5. Is the greater the pressure, the better? Why is Xiaomi die-casting 9100t?

What we often talk about here is the clamping force of large die casting. The determination of clamping force is designed by die casting. After millet integrated die casting, the floor is larger and more complex than Tesla Model Y, so the rated clamping force of 9100t is finally selected. In actual use, the maximum clamping force of millet under super high pressure is 9500t, and the stable value can reach 9300t t.

Clamping force is not the only index of large die casting technology. The properties of heat-free alloy raw materials, die-casting island cluster design, defect detection and so on are the core indexes to measure the large die-casting technology. Xiaomi is currently the only car company in the world and the only one in China with self-developed heat-free alloy materials and self-developed large die-casting island clusters.

6. Someone on the Internet said that Xiaomi’s big die casting was directly renamed from Haitian’s existing 8800t die casting machine. Is this true?

Of course not. Xiaomi Super Die-casting is 9100t (ton), which is not the model, but the actual rated clamping force. In fact, the clamping force of Xiaomi Super Die-casting Cluster in normal operation can reach 9500t. It is worth noting that Xiaomi’s super-large 9100t die casting machine was jointly developed by Xiaomi and Haitian. Based on the existing die casting machine technology, Xiaomi’s R&D team carried out 11 patent design innovations, most of which were invention patents, such as A I actively optimized the injection parameter setting system. But the die casting machine is only a link. Xiaomi has developed the whole die casting cluster system, including 60 equipments and 433 process parameters. For details, please click this link: Learn about Xiaomi Super Die-casting Cluster.

7. If it really hits a large die casting, how high is the maintenance cost of Xiaomi?

The tail of Xiaomi SU7 adopts a three-stage design, and the buffer zone is designed on the basis of the integrated large die-casting floor. Conventional collision only needs to replace the buffer collapse zone, and the maintenance cost is the same as that of the traditional design. When encountering extremely high-speed collision, the integrated large die-casting floor can provide better safety protection.

Generally speaking, the integrated floor design of Xiaomi SU7 after large die-casting is: the maintenance cost of small collision is not painful, and the big collision is stronger to protect your safety. It is the best solution at present.

8. Is the yield of millet die casting high? Will it bring quality problems if you use large die casting as soon as you come up?

Large die casting technology is a typical long-term technology, and it is also a ticket for future head car companies. From the very beginning, Xiaomi Automobile decided to research the whole stack and invest in two sets of die-casting island clusters at one time. In order to ensure foolproof, we also added a set of traditional stamping schemes at that time, and three schemes were done at the same time. Finally, the Xiaomi Super Die Casting Project landed smoothly.

At the same time, our self-developed technologies related to large die-casting island include temperature control system, aluminum liquid transfer system, injection system, pouring and drainage system, etc., and through our self-developed AI defect detection system, we can ensure the yield of millet SU7 integrated large die-casting floor.

9. What is the actual performance of Xiaomi Titan alloy? Is the self-developed alloy just to save costs?

Xiaomi Titan alloy is excellent in die-casting performance, mechanical properties, durability, recyclability, economy and so on. Xiaomi Titan alloy is also added with 40% recycled aluminum, which is very environmentally friendly. Xiaomi has become the only automobile manufacturer in China and the only one in the world with mass-produced self-developed large die-casting materials. As for why the alloy materials were developed by ourselves at that time, I also talked about it at the press conference. It was because the requirements of large die casting for alloy raw materials were extremely harsh. At that time, the supplier’s formula could not meet our requirements, so we had to develop the materials by ourselves. The cost of self-developed materials was definitely much higher than that of directly using mature schemes.

10. Is Xiaomi Titan alloy really self-developed?

Yes Some netizens may have been misled by the wrong information before. What everyone saw was the chat record of Professor Yang of a university. In fact, Professor Yang quickly clarified it. Praise for Professor Yang’s spirit of seeking truth from facts, and also regret the misunderstanding caused by it. I hope everyone can help me forward and clarify.

11. What’s the difference between the specific formula of Xiaomi Titan alloy?

Related patents have been publicly available, and the proportion of eleven elements used in the alloy has also been disclosed. (Patent number ZL 2023 1 0604165.9)

12. How much of the Xiaomi super motor series is self-developed?

We have officially released three types of motors, and at the same time disclosed a pre-research motor that has been experimentally realized. Among them, Xiaomi super motors V6 and V6s are jointly developed with UMC and Huichuan respectively, with a rotating speed of 21,000 rpm. At the same time, Xiaomi has developed the Xiaomi super motor V8s with a speed of 27,200 rpm, and this information has also been publicly disclosed by Huichuan on the interactive platform of A-share investors.

13. Is Xiaomi Motor V6 an old product of UMC? Why are the models and names the same?

Xiaomi motor V6 is a brand-new motor jointly developed by Xiaomi and UMC. Through the joint efforts of both parties, the stress topology structure of the motor rotor has been improved, and the speed and power density of the motor have been greatly improved, and relevant patents have been obtained.

The so-called "Xiaomi Motor V6 is an old model motor of UMC TZ220XS000 in 2020" is purely a rumor. TZ220XS000 is named only for national standard rules: TZ stands for permanent magnet synchronous motor; 220 represents the outer diameter of the motor; X represents a resolver position sensor; S stands for water cooling and heat dissipation; 000 is the brand code of UMC. The same internal name does not mean the same motor, which can be known from the publicly available information in the industry.

14. Is the V8s motor mass-produced?

The V8s has been mass-produced and will be put on the train in 2025. At present, some automobile evaluation media have measured the engineering vehicles loaded with V8s motors, and the measured V8s speed can reach more than 30,000 revolutions. However, the relevant test is the limit test, and the rated speed of V8s is still calibrated at 27,200 rpm.

15. How did Xiaomi’s super motor achieve a high speed of 35,000 rpm? Xiaomi was more powerful than Tesla for the first time.

Behind the high speed of 35000rpm, there are many innovative efforts in structural design, material technology and so on. Among them, the most important thing is that Xiaomi used "laser in-situ curing carbon fiber winding technology" to carry out innovative design of rotor sleeve of high-speed motor, and obtained relevant authorized rotor patents.

Compared with the wet winding method of carbon fiber, which requires brushing resin for curing after carbon fiber winding; In the laser in-situ curing winding process of millet, carbon fiber prepreg tape is used instead of carbon fiber precursor and resin glue, and the curing of carbon fiber prepreg tape is realized by laser while winding on the same station equipment. The process is simple, one station is completed, and the tension is directly maintained during the winding process.

16. Is CTB inverted battery really the first in the industry?

The battery core is inverted, which has happened in the industry; The pressure relief valve is inverted, which has happened before. However, the CTB battery cells which are inverted at the same time have never been inverted before. This technical solution pioneered by Xiaomi is to ensure the ultimate battery safety and the ultimate space utilization.

CTB is Cell to body, which is the design ability of automobile manufacturers. It is not only the technology of battery manufacturers, but also the integration of battery pack and body. The upper cover of battery pack is directly the floor of passenger compartment. Xiaomi has 36 core patents. The structural design of CTB integrated top cover, side wall design, bottom protection and composite fiber backbone are all designed by Xiaomi. The low conductivity coolant, battery management software, Che Yun integrated safety early warning system and high voltage architecture are also designed by Xiaomi.

17. What specific benefits can Xiaomi CTB inversion technical scheme bring?

Xiaomi CTB battery pack adopts the inverted battery cell design. Compared with the traditional upright battery cell, the pressure relief valve faces downwards. With the only nonporous high-strength steel upper cover design in China and the most stringent thermal runaway safety standard in the world, the passenger compartment is completely isolated from the battery compartment in the limit state.

Even if the heat is out of control at 55 degrees Celsius, there is no open flame and heat spread, and the pressure relief valve is facing down and the cover is non-porous, which constitutes the ceiling of the battery safety protection ability.

18. How high is the aerogel content of Xiaomi battery? Is it standard?

Xiaomi SU7 adopts the industry’s top 17 layers of high-voltage insulation protection, and customizes the strongest active cooling technology in the industry: the cooling area of double large surfaces reaches the highest level of 7.8m2, which is four times the industry average. At the same time, 165 pieces of the most advanced aerogel insulation materials in the industry are laid on both sides of the battery cell, which can resist the high temperature of 1000°C at the highest.

During the test, our engineers were extremely confident in innovative materials and processes, and dared to put their hands close to aerogel materials and directly burn them with a 1000°C spray gun flame on the other side, which was still safe and sound.

19. Some netizens wonder whether the thermal management of Xiaomi SU7 can only reach -20℃ because it can adapt to low temperature. Is this true?

At present, there is no strict specification about the working scope of heat pump in the industry. Some enterprises claim that it can be as low as -30℃, but it is not a pure "air source heat pump", but a heater or water source heat pump is working.

It was revealed at the Xiaomi Automobile Technology Conference that -20℃ relies on a pure air source heat pump and can still obtain heat from the air.

If we follow the same caliber of the above-mentioned related companies and add heaters, the overall thermal management ability of Xiaomi Automobile can be as low as -30℃ or even lower. Therefore, Xiaomi automobile can challenge the "king of winter trams", and it can be said that "trams have no fear of winter".

20. Is the Modena platform of Xiaomi Automobile completely self-developed?

The Modena platform of Xiaomi Automobile is a self-developed automobile platform of Xiaomi. There have been rumors that Xiaomi Automobile uses other car factory structures, which is completely inaccurate.

100 "first", "only" and "most" design goals were established at the beginning of the research and development of the modena platform of Xiaomi Automobile. Some achievements were also shared with you at the Xiaomi Automobile Technology Conference, and there are still more achievements. We will report to you in detail when Xiaomi Automobile is officially released.

21. Have you actually achieved the design goal of "100 first, only and most"?

We talked about "design goals" at the press conference. In fact, most of them have been achieved. Because of time constraints, we only talked about some of the leading technologies and functions of Xiaomi Automobile. More points, we will introduce to you in the future until the official release of SU7.

22. What can Xiaomi’s intelligent driving achieve the goal of "entering the first camp in the industry in 2024"?

The intelligent driving of Xiaomi automobile adopts a full-link self-research scheme. Moreover, the starting point of Xiaomi is very high. Based on the latest generation of the underlying algorithm-BEV+Transformer+occupation network, the large model technology is fully integrated into it, and the end-to-end perceptual decision-making large model is applied to the production car for the first time in the world.

23. Xiaomi SU7′ s elk test score of 82km/h is based on what standard?

Xiaomi SU7 elk test was carried out in full accordance with the international standard ISO 3888-2, and the elk test score was 82 km/h. If you are careful, you will find that the road width in the middle section of the test is slightly narrower than the national standard, which makes it extra difficult for yourself. Elk test is a comprehensive test that reflects a series of capabilities such as handling and body stability. After Xiaomi SU7 is officially listed, the media are also welcome to compare and measure it.

24. Will Xiaomi make a beggar-in-a-beggar version in order to lower the starting price?

Please rest assured that Xiaomi Automobile has fully consistent product project criteria, and "experience priority" is always in the first place. Xiaomi SU7 is the standard version.

25. Is a five-star safety collision standard? Is there a difference in collision safety performance between the standard version and the MAX version?

No matter which version of the car, the safety crash test results are top-notch. We chose the most stringent standards to design our products. Xiaomi SU7 series has reached the five-star safety standard of C-NCAP 2024, the five-star safety standard of E-NCAP 2023 and the excellent safety standard of C-IASI 2023 3G+.

26. Does Xiaomi car have only three colors? Will the production version have white and black? Will there be macho powder?

This time, we announced three colors of Xiaomi SU7, namely Gulf Blue, Olive Green and Elegant Grey. All three colors are very beautiful on the real car. Our design team has made great efforts in color research and development and car paint technology.

We also see many users asking if there is a classic black and white color scheme. We do have more colors to choose from, which will be fully introduced to you when it is officially released.

27. Why didn’t Xiaomi consider redesigning a new car logo?

We are very satisfied with the logo design of Xiaomi Automobile, which is in the same strain as the Xiaomi brand logo. It is our important brand asset, and aesthetics is a subjective matter. We will also listen to your different voices with an open mind.

28. Why was the first car called Xiaomi SU7?

"SU" is the abbreviation of Speed Ultra, and "7" is the series positioning determined according to the usual cognitive habits of vehicle positioning in China. The size of the vehicle is about the same as that of BMW 5 Series. High performance is Xiaomi’s gene. Tesla said not to build a slow train, and we did the same. As for how to pronounce it, we also discussed it seriously internally. In the end, everyone thought it would be called "Su 7", just like calling a friend’s name, which is more cordial.

29. Will Xiaomi SU7 be sold globally?

At present, we will focus on the official release and listing in China. But our ultimate goal is to make Xiaomi cars gallop on every street in the world.

30. Will Redmi cars be launched in the future?

Without this plan, at present, we are still focusing on the whole chain of production and sales of Xiaomi car, even specifically, our first car, Xiaomi SU7.

31. When can I see the real car of Xiaomi car in the Xiaomi home around me?

After the official release of Xiaomi SU7, we will provide you with a real car experience in Xiaomi Home in key cities across the country. We are actively preparing for this work, and please wait patiently for a while.

32. Mr. Lei said that Xiaomi had no rivals within 500,000 yuan. Was it a joke or serious?

This is a sentence that General Lei replied to netizens in the comment area at that time. Although it was a joke, it was also serious. At the press conference, we made a number of comparisons including design/performance/endurance/vehicle safety with Porsche Taycan Turbo/ Tesla Model S. The actual comparison results are very clear to everyone, and the pricing of these two cars is also very clear to everyone. We are pragmatic and will not set those outrageous flag, so we are still very confident that Xiaomi SU7 has no rivals within 500,000 at present.

33. Is General Lei focusing on building cars? Do you still have the energy to build a good mobile phone?

Mobile phone is still the core business of Xiaomi and the core foundation of our strategy of "people, cars and homes are all ecological". Mr. Lei is still very concerned about the technology research and development of mobile phone business. Last year, Mr. Lei said that at this stage, his time and energy distribution is roughly that at least a quarter of his time is still spent on mobile phone research and development business, a quarter is concerned about group operation and management, and a half is spent on automobile business. ????

Peace, sunshine and fairness! This year’s college entrance examination, these practical measures are very powerful.

  In a few days, the college entrance examination is coming. This year, the number of applicants for the college entrance examination was 10.71 million, and 945,000 invigilators and examiners were arranged. This is the largest organized collective activity in China since the outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic, and it is a major test for the prevention and control of the epidemic normalization. How to ensure the safety, peace of mind, fairness and justice of candidates to take the exam, these practical measures to understand.

  How to do epidemic prevention in college entrance examination? National Health Commission released 10 key measures for epidemic prevention in college entrance examination.

  Official website, National Health Commission, recently released 10 key epidemic prevention measures for the 2020 college entrance examination, which mentioned that all candidates and examination staff can only enter the examination center if their body temperature is below 37.3℃. Candidates who have respiratory symptoms such as fever and cough on the day of the exam will be allowed to use the standby isolation examination room. In low-risk areas, a preventive disinfection should be carried out for the examination room after the examination every day, and in non-low-risk areas, a preventive disinfection should be carried out after the examination of each subject.

  At the same time, candidates in low-risk areas should wear masks before entering the examination room, and they can decide whether to wear them after entering the examination room. Candidates in alternate isolation examination rooms and high-risk areas should wear masks all the time. Staff and invigilators wear masks throughout the whole process, and invigilators and staff in isolated examination rooms must wear work clothes, medical protective masks and disposable gloves, etc., and can wear protective clothing when necessary.

  Ten key measures involve the corner of the epidemic prevention work in the college entrance examination, so as to escort the candidates to take the exam safely.

  Ministry of Education: The highest standards and strictest measures go all out to do a good job in the 2020 college entrance examination.

  Official website, the Ministry of Education, issued a notice on July 2nd, stating that the education department and the member units of the Inter-Ministerial Joint Conference on the Unified National Education Examination should strictly do a good job in epidemic prevention, examination safety, examinee service, enrollment and other work of the college entrance examination with the highest standards and strictest measures, so as to ensure the realization of "safe college entrance examination", "sunshine college entrance examination" and "fair college entrance examination".

  In terms of enrollment, in view of the hot and difficult issues concerned by the masses, the internal supervision of college enrollment will be strengthened, and a management system of "collective research and collective decision-making" will be established. The discipline inspection and supervision department will supervise the enrollment of colleges and universities throughout the process, encourage colleges and universities to hire social supervisors to participate in the enrollment work, and realize "double supervision" within the system and the public.

  At the same time, seriously carry out the re-examination of freshmen’s admission, and resolutely cancel their admission qualifications and deal with them seriously for those freshmen who cheat, cheat in exams, get extra points or attempt to impersonate; Those who register for school will cancel their school status and will not be electronically registered as freshmen; At the same time, cooperate with public security, discipline inspection and supervision departments to find out the truth and investigate the responsibility of relevant personnel according to law and discipline.

  Many measures in four aspects cover the whole process of the college entrance examination, which makes the cage of the system tighter and makes the candidates feel at ease and practical.

  Public security organs will open three green channels to serve college entrance examination candidates.

  Zhang Zuoliang, deputy director of the Public Security Administration of the Ministry of Public Security, recently introduced that during the college entrance examination this year, the public security organs will open three green channels to serve candidates:

  First, the green channel for resident ID cards. Candidates who need to be expedited and have their ID cards renewed will be given priority in acceptance, certification and delivery. At present, this work has been implemented, and more than 32,000 identity cards have been urgently processed for college entrance examination candidates.

  The second is the green channel for nursing examination. During the college entrance examination, local police officers on duty will provide emergency access facilities for candidates who forget to bring their ID cards, admission tickets, encounter traffic jams and other difficulties, and help candidates arrive at the examination room on time.

  The third is to rescue the green channel. The police on duty will quickly send police and deal with the vehicles that have broken down and traffic accidents, and help contact the vehicles to transfer students if necessary.

  Candidates for the college entrance examination in some parts of China can make an online reservation for the candidates’ car.

  According to Xinhua News Agency, Gaode Map is currently launching the "examinee car" service in many cities such as Beijing. Candidates for the college entrance examination can make an appointment directly online. After the appointment is successful, candidates can enjoy free one-to-one and peer-to-peer delivery and acceptance services during the college entrance examination.

  At present, love motorcades in Beijing, Chongqing, Wuhan, Xuzhou, Lianyungang, Zhengzhou, Qinhuangdao, Zhangjiakou, Jiujiang and other cities have settled in the "examinee car". The team has asked all the team members to check the condition of the car before sending it, communicate with the reserved candidates and survey the route in advance.

  In the aspect of epidemic prevention, in order to ensure health, drivers are required to measure their body temperature before leaving the car every day, wear masks all the time, be ventilated frequently, and be disinfected immediately after completing each pick-up task.

  Experts advise college entrance examination students to improve their immunity. Don’t be greedy and blindly tonic.

  As the college entrance examination approaches, how to scientifically improve the immunity of college entrance examination students is a concern of many parents. Nutrition and health care experts remind parents not to give their children too much greasy food, and not to supplement candidates with too much protein and fatty food. Diet should be light.

  At the same time, when the weather is hot, it is not recommended for college entrance examination students to eat too much cold drinks and carbonated drinks, not to be greedy for cold food and not to eat too much at dinner, so as not to increase the burden on the digestive system of candidates and affect their sleep.

  Don’t give too many supplements and health products to college entrance examination students, so as not to cause overnutrition and increase the burden on liver and kidney. In addition to ensuring comprehensive nutrition and regular diet, candidates should be encouraged to adhere to moderate exercise and improve their immunity. (Compilation/Wang Ying)

Reunion dinner in the "Happy Dining Hall" in Xichong, Sichuan

"Happy Canteen" is preparing for the reunion dinner.
(Going to the Grass Roots in the Spring Festival) The reunion dinner in the "Happy Dining Hall" in Xichong, Sichuan.
Nanchong, Zhongxin. com, January 28th Title: Reunion dinner in the "Happy Dining Hall" in Xichong, Sichuan.
Author Yao Xinyu
"I’m going to have dinner right away. Today, the Happy Dining Hall in our village has a reunion dinner! Happy New Year to you, too! " At noon on the 28th, He Congfang, a villager from Tiancheng Village, Taiping Town, Xichong County, Nanchong City, Sichuan Province, walked slowly towards the "Happy Dining Hall" while talking on the phone with his family.
"Have a reunion dinner!" The "Happy Canteen" next to the village committee of Tiancheng Village is very lively. As the Spring Festival approaches, it is the day when everyone gets together for the New Year, and dozens of villagers come to dinner on time.
At the same time, the kitchen next to the "Happy Canteen" is in full swing. Braised tofu, cooked pork, eight balls, boiled pork, steamed crispy meat … steaming dishes are baked and served to the dinner table one after another. "This dish is delicious", "My mouth is watering" and "It’s delicious" … While chatting around the round table, the old people craned their necks to look forward to the next dish.
"Everyone has worked hard this year. Thank you for your usual support for the work of the two committees of the village. I wish you a happy New Year. Let’s eat!" After the dishes are served, Li Fuming, secretary of the village party branch, said. "Happy New Year!" "Good luck in the Year of the Tiger" … Old people exchanged auspicious words, moved chopsticks and feasted.
"Happy Canteen" is preparing for the reunion dinner.
"This tofu rake is harmonious and comfortable to eat." "You drink this soup in a bowl, and it is warm." … At the dinner table, the old people take care of each other and are happy. "You eat this!" "You can’t bite this!" "I can bite!" Aside, He Congfang also had a reunion dinner and talked with the old man beside him. The "Happy Canteen" is full of warm flavor of the year.
It is understood that the village’s "Happy Canteen" began to operate in September 2021. The canteen was originally built in the village to solve the problem of eating for the villagers working in the work-for-relief project. Because young people go out to work, there are many left-behind elderly people in the village. Later, this canteen was simply built into an elderly canteen, and the left-behind elderly and widowed elderly people in the village were invited to eat in the canteen. When eating in the canteen, lonely old people don’t have to pay food expenses, and the funds are solved by the village collective economic income.
"I have a cerebral infarction for more than 10 years, and my legs and feet are inconvenient. I used to cook some noodles at home." He Congfang is 73 years old. His children are working outside the home, and they are usually alone at home. "But since the’ Happy Dining Hall’, we have eaten well and played well here. Everyone talks and laughs every day, and we old people are very happy!" Now, she comes to the canteen at noon every day, not only to eat, but also to chat with other old people, so she is no longer lonely.
Old people have a reunion dinner in the "Happy Dining Hall".
Li Shuchong, the former party branch secretary of the village, just retired last year, and now he has a new identity-the chef of the "Happy Canteen". The meals in the canteen at ordinary times and the dishes of the reunion dinner at the end of the year are all from his hands. "Usually, the canteen is usually two dishes and one soup, tofu, potatoes, cabbage and meat … Because most of the people who eat are old people, considering the bad teeth of the old people, we all make the taste of the dishes very soft, and everyone is very satisfied." Li Shuchong said with mirth.
At present, there are about 60 elderly people in the village dining in the "Happy Canteen". "Ordinary old people have a meal in 10 yuan, and lonely old people are free. Plus the chef’s salary and the cost of ingredients, it will cost more than 10,000 yuan a month, and the operating pressure of the canteen is quite high. Nevertheless, we will work together in Qi Xin to create a "happy harbor" for the old people in the village. In the next step, we will mobilize rural friends, volunteers and other forces to participate and continue to run the’ Happy Canteen’. " Li Fuming said. (End)

Why are you always out of fashion? Three truths you have to know about fashion!

You think fashion is only about others?

Do you think fashion is only about youth?

In fact, fashion is not a distant word!

Don’t be misunderstood by the definition of "unique, confident and out of fashion"

Fashion has a temperature

You have many fashion moments that you haven’t noticed yet ~

Fashion is in the details of your life.

Beautiful dress, perfect makeup

Strong muscles, delicate skin …

It’s all fashion

Appearance is an indispensable capital for women.

But thought determines the value of appearance.

Beauty without connotation is pale.

So if you want to be more beautiful, remember to practice both inside and outside.


Clothes can reflect a person’s heart.

Reveal her value preferences, lifestyle and personality cultivation. …

Clothes don’t necessarily see character.

But to some extent: clothing = emotional intelligence.

Therefore, correct dress is a compulsory course for everyone.

  • Refuse to blindly follow suit

Fashion should look for its own style, not blindly "follow the fashion"! Fashion, not piled up by money, focuses on grasping and inheriting the fashion concept. As long as a woman has a fashionable concept, she can dress herself elegantly without spending a lot of money. On the contrary, a woman has a lot of money, but she has no self-cultivation and fashion concept. At best, she is only the carrier of major brands. " Remember! Simplicity and exquisiteness are more important than fashion. If you are not good at wearing, are not sensitive to the coordination of colors, and don’t hold the trend elements properly, then don’t add too many things to yourself. Simple and natural, it can also be very beautiful!

  • Dare to break fashion rules

What is fashion? No one can define anything! Because it is variable, there is no fixed form. At least dare to innovate, break the rules, and add good taste to lead the trend, right?

Some people say: 40-year-old should not wear sneakers, it seems not stable enough; After 35, don’t wear pink, it’s too act young, you can’t wear suspenders, you can’t wear braided hair … But the real fashion is to find your personality, find your own things, and stick to it, not to follow suit, grandstanding, and wear clothes indiscriminately!

  • Investing in classic items

The so-called classic is not restricted by any conditions, not influenced by the trend, and can stand the test of time. No matter when and where you wear them, they are as fashionable and attractive.

That is to say, clothes are not much but fine. Buying more fashionable items that are not suitable for you is not as good as a fit and classic one. For example, white shirt, little black skirt, white T, windbreaker and jeans. …

Although these are basic models and versatile models in your wardrobe, investing in them once will really benefit you for a long time. No matter how many years have passed, it will make you chic and beautiful.

Of course, in addition to common clothes, shoe bag accessories are also essential, which helps to enhance the overall exquisiteness and taste.

The charm of classics lies not in luxury, but in the style, fabric and detail design, which becomes more and more brilliant with the passage of time.


  • Go shopping more, don’t always wait for others to dump links.

The most terrible thing about fashion course is not knowing nothing and having nothing, but waiting for others to tell her how to buy it.

You should know that good clothes are always hidden in unknown shops. You have never experienced the process of selecting and looking for beautiful clothes by yourself, and you will not feel the surprise and satisfaction of wearing that moment.

Although online shopping is becoming more and more common, physical stores are getting weaker and weaker, but we still encourage everyone to go shopping more, instead of waiting for others to dump links. Because only when you feel it yourself can you know the quality.

When buying clothes, don’t just look at the price and style, but also look at the fabric label and check the stitching on the side foot.

  • Know your body shape

If you want to dress well, you must first understand your body shape and learn to foster strengths and avoid weaknesses. Even if you don’t have a perfect figure, it doesn’t matter. At least you should have a heart for beauty.

If you are short, you should raise your waistline. If your legs are not good, you should learn to cover them. If you are black, don’t wear exaggerated bright colors. If you are fat, don’t wear them too short or too long. Clothes should not be too tight or too loose, and the fit will be just right.


Everyone is afraid of aging, especially women.

Skin condition is the most intuitive sign to reflect a person’s age.

But it should be understood that

Skin is one of the most important excretory organs in human body.

Instead of "absorbing organs"

  • Pay attention to makeup removal

The makeup remover is wrong, and the face value is scrapped! Some girls just study how to make makeup look good, so-so remove makeup every day, and some even wear makeup to sleep, which is really terrible! ! If you don’t remove makeup in time, or the makeup is not clean, it will lead to many skin problems: pigmentation, sunburn and freckles, skin aging, pore blockage, and more and more blackheads. …

Want to remove makeup and clean it without hurting the skin. Poke the picture below ~


  • Have a light diet and good work and rest habits.

Eating spicy, greasy and too sweet food often leads to exuberant oil secretion and aggravation of blackheads … People who eat greasy food are also prone to symptoms of blood heat, stomach heat accumulation and blood stasis, and these symptoms will further promote the growth of blackheads and closed mouths. Therefore, we must pay attention to diet and less oil! Less salt! Less sweet! Less spicy! To tell the truth, Xiaobian tried the best and best way to get rid of blackheads: exercise+diet+going to bed early. The skin condition is really good!

Good work and rest habits are the key to beauty! For girls, staying up late will lead to endocrine disorders, and our face is prone to imbalance of water and oil, too dry or too greasy. It is also common to explode acne and shut up. The most obvious point is that it is easy to have dark circles and bags under the eyes when staying up late … (You will only blame the eye cream for staying up late to cultivate immortality, which is really enough! )

When you want to know that you are plain, the dark circles and bags under your eyes are super obvious, which will make you look pale. Moreover, when making up, you should carefully conceal the concealer, even if it is well concealed. After concealing the concealer, the baby whose skills are not very good can be said to be terrible. The color is wrong, the makeup is not suitable, and it is mottled for one second … So, the babies try not to stay up late, don’t stay up late, don’t stay up late!


The beauty of a woman is not in her face.

It’s in posture.

Gestures are alive, faces are dead.

The so-called "state"

Refers to a woman’s temperament reflected in her bones.

Beauty or temperament, which is more important? In fact, this question is not difficult to answer! First of all, we should find out why people always emphasize "temperament". The primary reason should be that beauty cannot be preserved, and it will always be lost with age. It is also because with the growth of age, after the precipitation of a woman’s heart, the beauty of temperament will be more and more improved and more prominent, and temperament is more beautiful than beauty! No matter who you are, temperament is a very high compliment!

A woman with temperament, even if she is white-haired, is still as beautiful as a picture, and the years are never unbeaten! Temperament is the most advanced sexy of a woman!

A woman’s temperament is a kind of self-cultivation, which has nothing to do with age and has nothing to do with years.

Temperament is an inner involuntary exposure, not just superficial kung fu. Ta is not a high-grade lipstick, a gorgeous dress, and a pair of brand-name high heels can match it! If you don’t have some ink on your chest, you can use it in gorgeous clothes. This person has no temperament at all, but gives others a superficial feeling.

Therefore, if you want to improve your temperament and achieve outstanding temperament, in addition to dressing appropriately and speaking appropriately, you must constantly improve your knowledge, moral cultivation and enrich yourself! Only with distinctive speech and posture can people feel "powerful charm beyond appearance"

However, not many people are born with temperament! For most young girls, not being beautiful often means not having temperament. Temperament, most of them will not be ugly! Therefore, we must learn to be beautiful first. Let your surface be beautiful first, and at the same time slowly carve your inner self. What we want is not only beauty, or only temperament. We can have both!


A person’s posture has more influence on temperament than appearance! You can look around carefully, as long as a person holds his head high and shoulders high, he will exude noble temperament all over. Once you stoop, your appearance looks ten years older. Imagine that you have a pair of angel wings on your back. Feel these wings at any time, and the angel wings will make your posture beautiful!

A person’s temperament is internal self-cultivation, including external behavior, manners and attitudes towards others. Elegant, generous and natural temperament will give people a comfortable, kind and easy-going feeling.

Regardless of the sound quality and timbre, whispering is the first sign of temperament. However, if you are so quiet that you can’t even hear the other person talking, it means you lack confidence. People with temperament will speak in a voice that only the interviewee can clearly hear, and the choice of words is also one of the important standards to measure Ta temperament. In addition to basic polite expressions, the content of speech is also very important. It is a compulsory course for temperament beauty to stay away from rumors and not strongly advocate criticism. Remember, even if the conversation is not pleasant, don’t forget to express your gratitude!

The most effective way to show temperament is to move slowly and carefully. However, slowness does not mean that the slower the better, we should strive to do one thing accurately and accurately. In terms of agreement, temperament beauty should do what she says. If you can’t do it, you might as well take "don’t make an agreement with others casually" as a principle of temperament beauty.

Temperament is not learned, but cultivated! As a woman, you can’t say too much, but you should know everything. We can’t live every day with an empty head and nothing to do. But to have your own goals and focus on life and a hobby that suits you. Usually, you should learn more things and read more books (not reading 8 magazines). Learn to dance or exercise if you have nothing to do. Learn more about communication and listen to salon lectures that are helpful to you.

Slim down and talk about temperament! In fact, women with temperament know more about restraint and pay attention to eating habits, so as to maintain a beautiful posture and healthy and high-quality skin. On the contrary, women who are willful and indulgent, slim but often become a short-lived memory. Lack of self-management ability will make your body shape worse and worse. Therefore, by looking at a person’s figure, especially the way she decorates her figure, you can probably know her cultivation and temperament. If you have experienced the feeling of being fat, you can understand why you can enjoy a better life only if you lose weight. When you lose weight and become a more beautiful self, you can gradually feel the feeling full of possibilities.

Temperament is a state, a state of mind and an attitude towards life! To be a woman with temperament, she is beautiful and advanced!

Ten beautiful classical music, feel the charm of classical music.

Classical music is a window of time, through which we can travel through time and space and feel the masterpieces created by composers in different cultures and historical periods. The following are ten intoxicating classical music, let us swim in the beauty of the world with the rhythm of music.

1. dvorak’s Ninth Symphony Dvorak wrote this symphony in new york, USA. The beautiful melody in the second movement makes people feel the composer’s loneliness in a foreign country and his deep yearning for his hometown. The majestic beginning of the fourth movement seems to be an ode to the new era, reminiscent of the theme melody of Peking Man in new york.

2. Handel’s Water Music For the summer concert on the Thames, Handel composed a series of orchestral music, which is famous for its beautiful melodies. These tracks are played on the Thames cruise ship, hence the name "water music".

3. Chopin’s Nocturne in G Minor Chopin spent his short life in Paris, and his serenade made people feel the elegance and romance of Paris salons in the 19th century, as if they were walking among the falling buttonwood leaves on the banks of the Seine.

4. Mendelssohn’s "Venice Boat Song" Selected from Mendelssohn’s 48 Songs Without Words, this song is as beautiful and lyrical as a song, showing Mendelssohn’s unique creative style.

5. Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata "Moonlight Song" is famous for its melodious melody and deep emotion, and it is one of Beethoven’s most classic works. The first movement "Adagio" expresses tranquility and beauty, but also contains a trace of melancholy and meditation.

6. Smetana’s Voltava River From Smetana’s symphony suite "My Motherland", this piece of music depicts the state of a river through music, showing the soothing power.

7. Bizet’s "The Girl in Alai City" Originally Bicai’s opera, it was later adapted into a suite, the most famous of which is the minuet in the second suite, which has a strong Parisian flavor.

8. Grieg’s Song of Solvig Selected from Grieg’s "Pearl Gold" suite, this touching instrumental music is full of sadness and hope, vast and deep.

9. Shostakovich’s "The Second Waltz" Selected from Shostakovich’s "Second Jazz Suite", it is full of rich Russian amorous feelings and makes people feel the scene of the grand waltz ball.

10. johann strauss’s The Story of the Vienna Forest This waltz expresses Johann Strauss II’s pride and love for Vienna, and outlines the life atmosphere of Vienna more than 100 years ago.

These ten classical music works, like a door to different cultures and historical periods, allow us to cross between notes and feel the colorful music world. With the melody rippling, it seems to be able to travel through time and space, blend into that wonderful music picture, and enjoy swimming in the melody of the world.

How about the movie Thor 2: The Dark World?

Lead: In my opinion, Thor 2: The Dark World is a connecting work of Marvel Comics, which not only inherits the wonderful and thrilling of the previous work, but also brings a new climax in story, visual effect and character development.

In this film, Chris Hemsworth once again showed us the charm of Thor Sol, a brave and domineering god, which has always been our favorite.

Tom Hiddleston once again played the villain Loki with a sense of humor and charm, and his acting skills made the audience love and hate his role.

The tone of this film is even darker. It brings us a veritable "dark world" and gives the audience a deeper understanding of the chaotic forces in nine fields and the universe.

These elements make the whole film more tense and mysterious, which makes people wonder.

In this dark world, all kinds of mysterious dark forces wake up and throw the whole universe into chaos. Thor Sol and Loki, as representatives of justice and evil, launched a fierce battle.

In addition, the visual effect of the film is excellent, creating a fantastic and compelling world.

In particular, the depiction of Asgard makes the audience seem to be in a mysterious place in myths and legends.

At the same time, the film also added some amazing action scenes, and the design of stunts and fighting scenes were wonderful.

In addition to the visual spectacle, the film has also made a breakthrough in the role development and emotional level.

As the protagonist, Saul not only shows a more mature side in the face of new threats, but also experiences a subversive turn in his relationship with Jane.

Loki’s complexity as a villain is also more prominent, and his performance and psychological changes are impressive.

In addition, the film also brought some unexpected plots and reversals to the audience, keeping the audience nervous and excited. The development of the plot is compact and exciting, and at the same time, it is interspersed with some humorous elements, keeping the relaxed style of Marvel Comics films.

Although Thor 2: Dark World is not the most eye-catching film in Marvel Comics’s film series, it is still a fully entertaining and well-made film. It combines action, adventure, humor and emotion, and brings a visual and spiritual shock to the audience.

If you are a fan of Marvel Comics film series, or are interested in fantasy adventure movies, Thor 2: Dark World is definitely worth watching. Whether it is the stimulation of action scenes or the interaction between characters, it will bring you an unforgettable viewing experience.

Premier League: Manchester United’s 1-0 winning streak! Casemiro scored 1 point in the last 2 rounds and entered the Champions League.

At 22 o’clock on the evening of May 20, Beijing time, in the 37th round of the Premier League in 2022-23, Manchester United beat Bournemouth 1-0 away and won two consecutive victories. In the last two rounds, they scored 1 point and entered the Champions League. Casemiro barbed the door and scored the only goal in the game.

1. Manchester United scored 69 points in 36 rounds, leading Liverpool, the fifth place, by 3 points in the case of one game less, and the latter only had the last round, so as long as Manchester United scored 1 point in the last two rounds, it would be able to lock in the top four and qualify for the Champions League next season.

2. casemiro’s wonderful barb goal, scoring for Manchester United in the last two times, both against Bournemouth.

Wonderful review

In the 5th minute, B scored a goal, and casemiro missed with his right foot from outside the penalty area.

In the 9th minute, Eriksson picked a pass, Senesi made a mistake, and casemiro scored a goal with his right foot barb, 1-0! Manchester United took the lead.

In the 21st minute, Anthony made a cross and Eriksson volleyed his left foot wide.

In the 27th minute, after Solanke got rid of the restricted area continuously, he shot with his right foot and was saved by Degea.

In the 37th minute, Sancho made an inverted triangle return from the left side of the penalty area, and Marchal missed the arc ball with his right foot.

In the 40th minute, Sancho’s pass was blocked, and casemiro’s long-range shot with his right foot was too positive.

In the 47th minute, Christie volleyed his left foot in the restricted area and was saved by Degea.

In the 63rd minute, B scored a goal, and Anthony’s left foot shot in the restricted area was blocked. Then Wehorst’s right foot volley in the middle road was saved.

In the 65th minute, Wanbisaka returned to the right side of the restricted area in an inverted triangle, and B fee kept up with his right foot volley and was blocked from the bottom line.

In the 76th minute, Eriksson’s left corner kick was cleared, and B Fei Ying volleyed the ball with his right foot and was saved by Neto.

In the 83rd minute, Moore pushed with his right foot in the restricted area and was saved by Degea.

In the 93rd minute, Senesi arched his left foot, volley, and hit it a little higher.

Player rating


Appearance lineup

Manchester United (4231): 1-Degea; 29- Wanpica, 19- Vallanet, 2- Lindelov, 23- Lukshaw; 18- casemiro, 14- Eriksson (86’39- McTominay); 21- Anthony (86’17- Fred), 8-B fee, 25- Sancho (72’49- Garnacho); 9- Marchal (57’27- Wehorst)

Bournemouth (4231): 13-Neto; 15- Smith (66’18- Vigna), 27- Zabal, 25- Senesi, 5- Kelly; 4- Cook, 8- Lerma; 7- Brooks (56’21- mol), 10- Christie (66’11- Ouattara), 32- Jayton; 9- Solanke

Romano: Szoboszlai will cancel the contract for 70 million euros and may leave the team this summer.

Live on May 21st, Romano reported that the price of the termination clause of Red Bull midfielder Szoboszlai in Leipzig was 70 million euros.

Early this morning, Leipzig beat Bayern Munich 3-1. After the game, when asked about his potential transfer in the summer by German Sky Sports, Szoboszlai avoided answering. He directly said, "The next question …"

Romano said that Szoboszlai’s termination clause cost 70 million euros, and it is believed that the Hungarian international will leave the team this summer.

Szoboszlai, 22, made 44 appearances for Leipzig this season, contributing 9 goals and 13 assists.

(goblin killer)

ENI live broadcast room: three steps to build a smart factory in process industry

How many stages are there in the construction of smart factory in process industry?

How to make the overall framework of IT planning when the growth enterprises are intellectualized?

Why do enterprises need process management, when do they do it, where do they start and how do they do it?

On March 8, 2023, in the CIO live broadcast room of "Planning Elements and Paths of Digital Intelligence Construction of Process Manufacturing" jointly sponsored by ENI Economic and Information Network and Dell Technology Group, Wang Yimin, head of information technology in China District of Singapore Golden Eagle Group, shared the stage, construction value and path of intelligent factory construction in process industry; Qiu Feng, an intelligent manufacturing expert of China Printing Machine Industry Association and an instructor of Beiyin Graduate School, shared enterprise process management in detail through five W1s. Wu Tianyao, a senior industry consultant of the Empowerment Center of the Infrastructure Division in Greater China of Dell Technology Group, demonstrated the value of innovative technology in the digital transformation of enterprises based on the solutions of Dell Technology Group and the sharing of cases.

"CPS is the essence of intelligent manufacturing". In the keynote speech of "Planning of Smart Factory in Process Industry", Wang Yimin, head of information technology in China District of Singapore Golden Eagle Group, introduced the key points of building smart factory in process industry from the aspects of real-time transparency of production process, standardized management of operation and traceability of the whole process.

The construction of intelligent factory is divided into three stages: digitalization and automatic control, networking and intelligence. Wang Yimin introduced that the digitization and automatic control stage is mainly to digitize scenes, environments, equipment, objects, processes and processes. At this stage, the key work of enterprises focuses on industrial sensor installation, industrial process data collection and industrial real-time data collection; When the enterprise enters the networking stage, it will be transformed into the construction of collection and transmission network, the integration of production software and hardware, the collaborative construction of bottom automation, the construction of internal and external high-speed data networking, and the construction of industrial internet and cloud; At the intelligent stage, the key points of enterprise’s smart factory construction will be reflected in digital twin technology construction, cloud computing big data construction, data visualization and artificial intelligence application, intelligent operation inside and outside the factory and product life cycle.

90% of manufacturing enterprises in China are small and medium-sized enterprises. In the keynote speech "The Path and Application Scenarios of Digital Intelligence for Growth Enterprises", Wu Tianyao, a senior industry consultant of Empowerment Center of Infrastructure Division in Greater China of Dell Science and Technology Group, introduced the overall framework of IT planning for digital intelligence for growth enterprises, and shared the Top Design Report, Architecture Design Report and Project Planning Report with guiding value.

As the world’s leading provider of consulting services and IT products, Dell Technology Group can help enterprises to establish a digital factory integrating R&D, procurement, manufacturing, storage and transportation, sales and service, and realize vertical integration of the factory and horizontal integration of the enterprise value chain. Through intelligent IT technology+intelligent IT service, and adopting unique methodology, the supply chain collaboration mode is designed to create a comprehensive digital factory transformation scheme.

In addition, Wu Tianyao also introduced Dell Streaming Data Platform–SDP, edge computing platform, and Dell technology AI-ready solutions. For growing enterprises, Dell Technology provides subscription-based IT consumption model APEX FOD, which enables enterprises to have better cash flow and face market competition more flexibly. Through the sharing of scene-based applications, Wu Tianyao introduced the best practice delivery of the underlying infrastructure (computing power, storage) of Dell Technology Group and the landing delivery of edge AI.

Excellent methods are not inherited, responsibilities and rights are unclear, there are standards, and there is no solidification.

Why should an enterprise carry out process management, when, where to start and how to do it. In the next speech, Qiu Feng, an intelligent manufacturing expert of China Printing Machine Industry Association and an instructor of North India Graduate School, introduced why enterprises should do process management from three aspects: employees, enterprises and customers. At the same time, according to the characteristics of the development of enterprise growth life cycle, it was pointed out that it was not necessary to do process management at the stage of enterprise’s pioneering stage, but when the enterprise further developed and its scale gradually expanded into the development stage, it needed standardized operation. After entering the mature stage, the response of enterprise management is slow, and this stage needs to be optimized and rebuilt.

When talking about how to carry out process management, Qiu Feng shared it with the ring structure of planning, design, execution and optimization. He mentioned that when planning, enterprises need to investigate and analyze the pain points, identify the process list and priority, and formulate the process combing plan and project mechanism according to the actual situation of enterprises. In the implementation stage, it is necessary to publicize the process and coach employees to implement it, analyze the timeliness of process nodes, and collect the problems of process audit and operation.

After decades of development, the process industry, which is mainly composed of chemical industry, foundry, cement and biopharmaceuticals, has achieved great improvement in production technology, equipment and production process automation, but its overall development is still relatively extensive. How to solve the current challenges through reasonable digital intelligence planning and practice, and what new opportunities and scenarios will be provided by new digital technologies such as industrial internet, IoT and AI for digital intelligence in the industry are also the current concerns of enterprises.

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